Source code for TransportMaps.Maps.Functionals.IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctionalBase

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
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import numpy as np

import SpectralToolbox.Spectral1D as S1D

from ...Misc import \
    cached, counted, get_sub_cache,\
from .ParametricFunctionalBase import ParametricFunctionApproximation
from .ParametricMonotoneFunctionalBase import ParametricMonotoneFunctional
from .LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctionalBase import LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional

__all__ = [
    # Deprecated

nax = np.newaxis

[docs]class IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional(ParametricMonotoneFunctional): r""" Integrated Exponential approximation. For :math:`{\bf x} \in \mathbb{R}^d` The approximation takes the form: .. math:: :label: integ-exp f_{\bf a}({\bf x}) = c({\bf x};{\bf a}^c) + \int_0^{{\bf x}_d} \exp\left( h({\bf x}_{1:d-1},t;{\bf a}^e) \right) dt where .. math:: c({\bf x};{\bf a}^c) = \Phi({\bf x}) {\bf a}^c = \sum_{{\bf i}\in \mathcal{I}_c} \Phi_{\bf i}({\bf x}) {\bf a}^c_{\bf i} \qquad \text{and} \qquad h({\bf x}_{1:d-1},t;{\bf a}^e) = \Psi({\bf x}_{1:d-1},t) {\bf a}^e = \sum_{{\bf i}\in \mathcal{I}_e} \Psi_{\bf i}({\bf x}_{1:d-1},t) {\bf a}^e_{\bf i} for the set of basis :math:`\Phi` and :math:`\Psi` with cardinality :math:`\sharp \mathcal{I}_c = N_c` and :math:`\sharp \mathcal{I}_e = N_e`. In the following :math:`N=N_c+N_e`. Args: c (:class:`LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional`): :math:`d-1` dimensional approximation of :math:`c({\bf x}_{1:d-1};{\bf a}^c)`. h (:class:`LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional`): :math:`d` dimensional approximation of :math:`h({\bf x}_{1:d-1},t;{\bf a}^e)`. integ_ord_mult (int): multiplier for the number of Gauss points to be used in the approximation of :math:`\int_0^{{\bf x}_d}`. The resulting number of points is given by the product of the order in the :math:`d` direction and ``integ_ord_mult``. """ def __init__(self, c, h, integ_ord_mult=6): if c.dim_in != h.dim_in: raise ValueError("The dimension of the constant part and the " + "exponential part of the approximation must be " + "the same.") if c.directional_orders[-1] != 0: raise ValueError("The order along the last direction of the constant " + "part of the approximation must be zero") self.c = c self.h = h super(IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional, self).__init__(h.dim_in) self.P_JAC = S1D.JacobiPolynomial(0.,0.) self.integ_ord_mult = integ_ord_mult
[docs] def init_coeffs(self): r""" Initialize the coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` """ self.c.init_coeffs() self.h.init_coeffs()
[docs] def get_ncalls_tree(self, indent=""): out = super(IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional, self).get_ncalls_tree(indent) out += self.c.get_ncalls_tree(indent + " c - ") out += self.h.get_ncalls_tree(indent + " h - ") return out
[docs] def get_nevals_tree(self, indent=""): out = super(IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional, self).get_nevals_tree(indent) out += self.c.get_nevals_tree(indent + " c - ") out += self.h.get_nevals_tree(indent + " h - ") return out
[docs] def get_teval_tree(self, indent=""): out = super(IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional, self).get_teval_tree(indent) out += self.c.get_teval_tree(indent + " c - ") out += self.h.get_teval_tree(indent + " h - ") return out
[docs] def update_ncalls_tree(self, obj): super(IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional, self).update_ncalls_tree(obj) self.c.update_ncalls_tree( obj.c ) self.h.update_ncalls_tree( obj.h )
[docs] def update_nevals_tree(self, obj): super(IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional, self).update_nevals_tree(obj) self.c.update_nevals_tree( obj.c ) self.h.update_nevals_tree( obj.h )
[docs] def update_teval_tree(self, obj): super(IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional, self).update_teval_tree(obj) self.c.update_teval_tree( obj.c ) self.h.update_teval_tree( obj.h )
[docs] def reset_counters(self): super(IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional, self).reset_counters() self.c.reset_counters() self.h.reset_counters()
[docs] def n_coeffs(self): r""" Get the number :math:`N` of coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` Returns: (:class:`int<int>`) -- number of coefficients """ return self.c.n_coeffs + self.h.n_coeffs
[docs] def coeffs(self): r""" Get the coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]) -- coefficients """ return np.hstack( (self.c.coeffs, self.h.coeffs) )
@coeffs.setter def coeffs(self, coeffs): r""" Set the coefficients :math:`{\bf a}`. Args: coeffs (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): coefficients """ if len(coeffs) != self.n_coeffs: raise ValueError("Wrong number of coefficients provided.") nc = self.c.n_coeffs self.c.coeffs = coeffs[:nc] self.h.coeffs = coeffs[nc:]
[docs] def precomp_evaluate(self, x, precomp=None, precomp_type='uni'): r""" Precompute necessary uni/multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values precomp_type (str): whether to precompute uni-variate Vandermonde matrices (``uni``) or to precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices (``multi``) Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary containing the necessary structures """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} # Constant part try: precomp_const = precomp['const'] except KeyError as e: precomp['const'] = {} if precomp_type == 'uni': self.c.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp['const']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.c.precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(x, precomp['const']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # Integrated exponential part try: precomp_intexp = precomp['intexp'] except KeyError as e: precomp['intexp'] = {} try: xjsc_list = precomp['intexp']['xjsc_list'] wjsc_list = precomp['intexp']['wjsc_list'] except KeyError as e: precomp['intexp']['xjsc_list'] = [] precomp['intexp']['wjsc_list'] = [] xd_order = (self.h.directional_orders)[-1] (xj,wj) = self.P_JAC.Quadrature( self.integ_ord_mult * xd_order, norm=True ) xj = xj / 2. + 0.5 # Mapped to [0,1] for idx in range(x.shape[0]): wjsc = wj * x[idx,-1] xjsc = xj * x[idx,-1] xother = np.tile( x[idx,:-1], (len(xjsc), 1) ) xeval = np.hstack( (xother, xjsc[:,nax]) ) # Append values precomp['intexp']['xjsc_list'].append( xeval ) precomp['intexp']['wjsc_list'].append( wjsc ) try: precomp_intexp_list = precomp['intexp']['prec_list'] except KeyError as e: precomp['intexp']['prec_list'] = [{} for i in range(x.shape[0])] for idx, (xeval, p) in enumerate(zip(precomp['intexp']['xjsc_list'], precomp['intexp']['prec_list'])): if precomp_type == 'uni': self.h.precomp_evaluate(xeval, p) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.h.precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(xeval, p) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") return precomp
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute necessary multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary containing the necessary structures """ return self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp, precomp_type='multi')
@cached([('c',None)]) @counted
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1`]) -- function evaluations """ try: prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] # Retrieve sub-cache c_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('c',None)) try: h_cache_list = cache['h_cache_list'] except TypeError: h_cache_list = [None]*len(prec_intexp_xjsc_list) except KeyError: h_cache_list = [{'tot_size': xx.shape[0]} for xx in prec_intexp_xjsc_list] cache['h_cache_list'] = h_cache_list # Convert slice to range if idxs_slice.start is None: start = 0 else: start = idxs_slice.start if idxs_slice.stop is None: stop = x.shape[0] else: stop = idxs_slice.stop idxs_list = range(start, stop) # Evaluate out = self.c.evaluate(x, prec_const, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=c_cache) for i, idx in enumerate(idxs_list):# other_idxs: h_eval = self.h.evaluate(prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx], cache=h_cache_list[idx])[:,0] exp = np.exp( h_eval ) out[i,0] += exp, prec_intexp_wjsc_list[idx] ) return out
[docs] def precomp_grad_x(self, x, precomp=None, precomp_type='uni'): r""" Precompute necessary uni/multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x`` Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values precomp_type (str): whether to precompute uni-variate Vandermonde matrices (``uni``) or to precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices (``multi``) Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary containing the necessary structures """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} # precomp_evaluate part self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp, precomp_type) # Constant part if precomp_type == 'uni': self.c.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp['const']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.c.precomp_Vandermonde_grad_x(x, precomp['const']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # Integrated exponential part for xeval, p in zip(precomp['intexp']['xjsc_list'], precomp['intexp']['prec_list']): if precomp_type == 'uni': self.h.precomp_grad_x(xeval, p) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.h.precomp_Vandermonde_grad_x(xeval, p) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # precomp_partial_xd part self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp, precomp_type) return precomp
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_grad_x(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute necessary multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x`` Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary containing the necessary structures """ return self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp, precomp_type='multi')
[docs] def grad_x(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_evaluate structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] try: # precomp_grad_x structures if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'partial_x_V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except KeyError as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) # Evaluation out = self.c.grad_x(x, prec_const) for idx in range(x.shape[0]): exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] ) ) grad_x_exp = self.h.grad_x( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] ) \ * exp[:,:,nax] out[idx,0,:] += prec_intexp_wjsc_list[idx], grad_x_exp[:,0,:] ) out[:,:,-1] = self.partial_xd(x, precomp) return out
[docs] def grad_a_grad_x(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_evaluate structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] try: # precomp_grad_x structures if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'partial_x_V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except KeyError as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) # Evaluation out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs, x.shape[1])) N_cc = self.c.n_coeffs out[:,:N_cc,:] = self.c.grad_a_grad_x(x, prec_const)[:,0,:,:] for idx in range(x.shape[0]): exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] )[:,0] ) grad_x_h = self.h.grad_x( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] )[:,0,:] grad_a_h = self.h.grad_a( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] )[:,0,:] grad_a_grad_x_h = self.h.grad_a_grad_x( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] )[:,0,:,:] grad_a_grad_x_exp = grad_a_grad_x_h * exp[:,nax,nax] + grad_x_h[:,nax,:] * grad_a_h[:,:,nax] * exp[:,nax,nax] out[idx,N_cc:,:] += np.einsum('i,ijk->jk', prec_intexp_wjsc_list[idx], grad_a_grad_x_exp ) out[:,:,-1] = self.grad_a_partial_xd(x, precomp)[:,0,:] return out[:,nax,:,:]
[docs] def precomp_hess_x(self, x, precomp=None, precomp_type='uni'): r""" Precompute necessary uni/multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x`` Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values precomp_type (str): whether to precompute uni-variate Vandermonde matrices (``uni``) or to precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices (``multi``) Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary containing the necessary structures """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} # precomp_grad_x part (and precomp_evaluate) self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp, precomp_type) # Constant part if precomp_type == 'uni': self.c.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp['const']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.c.precomp_Vandermonde_hess_x(x, precomp['const']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # Exponential part for xeval, p in zip(precomp['intexp']['xjsc_list'], precomp['intexp']['prec_list']): if precomp_type == 'uni': self.h.precomp_hess_x(xeval, p) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.h.precomp_Vandermonde_hess_x(xeval, p) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # precomp_grad_x_partial_xd part self.precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp, precomp_type) return precomp
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_hess_x(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute necessary multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x`` Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary containing the necessary structures """ return self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp, precomp_type='multi')
[docs] def hess_x(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,d,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_evaluate structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] try: # precomp_grad_x structures if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'partial_x_V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except KeyError as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) try: # precomp_hess_x structures if 'partial2_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'partial2_x_V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except KeyError as e: precomp = self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp) # Evaluation out = self.c.hess_x(x, prec_const)[:,0,:,:] for idx in range(x.shape[0]): exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] ) )[:,0] hess_x_h = self.h.hess_x(prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx])[:,0,:,:] grad_x_h = self.h.grad_x(prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx])[:,0,:] integrand = (hess_x_h + grad_x_h[:,:,nax] * grad_x_h[:,nax,:]) * exp[:,nax,nax] out[idx,:,:] += np.einsum( 'i,ijk->jk', prec_intexp_wjsc_list[idx], integrand ) out[:,-1,:] = self.grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp)[:,0,:] out[:,:,-1] = out[:,-1,:] return out[:,nax,:,:]
[docs] def grad_a_hess_x(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,d,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_evaluate structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] try: # precomp_grad_x structures if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'partial_x_V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except KeyError as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) try: # precomp_hess_x structures if 'partial2_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'partial2_x_V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except KeyError as e: precomp = self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp) # Evaluation out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs, x.shape[1], x.shape[1])) N_cc = self.c.n_coeffs out[:,:N_cc,:,:] = self.c.grad_a_hess_x(x, prec_const)[:,0,:,:,:] for idx in range(x.shape[0]): exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] )[:,0] ) hess_x_h = self.h.hess_x( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx])[:,0,:,:] grad_x_h = self.h.grad_x( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx])[:,0,:] grad_a_hess_x_h = self.h.grad_a_hess_x( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx])[:,0,:,:,:] grad_a_h = self.h.grad_a( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx])[:,0,:] grad_a_grad_x_h = self.h.grad_a_grad_x( prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx], precomp=prec_intexp_prec_list[idx])[:,0,:,:] integrand = (grad_a_hess_x_h + hess_x_h[:,nax,:,:] * grad_a_h[:,:,nax,nax] + grad_a_grad_x_h[:,:,:,nax] * grad_x_h[:,nax,nax,:] + grad_x_h[:,nax,:,nax] * grad_a_grad_x_h[:,:,nax,:] + grad_x_h[:,nax,:,nax] * grad_x_h[:,nax,nax,:] * grad_a_h[:,:,nax,nax]) * exp[:,nax,nax,nax] out[idx,N_cc:,:,:] += np.einsum( 'i,ijkl->jkl', prec_intexp_wjsc_list[idx], integrand ) out[:,:,-1,:] = self.grad_a_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp) [:,0,:,:] out[:,:,:,-1] = out[:,:,-1,:] return out[:,nax,:,:,:]
@cached([('c',None)]) @counted
[docs] def grad_a(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] # Retrieve sub-cache c_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('c',None)) try: h_cache_list = cache['h_cache_list'] except TypeError: h_cache_list = [None]*len(prec_intexp_xjsc_list) except KeyError: h_cache_list = [{'tot_size': xx.shape[0]} for xx in prec_intexp_xjsc_list] cache['h_cache_list'] = h_cache_list ncc = self.c.n_coeffs out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs)) # Convert slice to range if idxs_slice.start is None: start = 0 else: start = idxs_slice.start if idxs_slice.stop is None: stop = x.shape[0] else: stop = idxs_slice.stop idxs_list = range(start, stop) # Evaluate # Constant part out[:,:ncc] = self.c.grad_a(x, prec_const, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=c_cache)[:,0,:] # Integrated exponential part for i, idx in enumerate(idxs_list): xjsc = prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx] wjsc = prec_intexp_wjsc_list[idx] precomp_exp = prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate(xjsc, precomp_exp, cache=h_cache_list[idx])[:,0] ) VIexp = self.h.grad_a(xjsc, precomp_exp, cache=h_cache_list[idx])[:,0,:] * exp[:,nax] out[i,ncc:] = wjsc, VIexp ) return out[:,nax,:]
@cached([('c',None)],False) @counted
[docs] def hess_a(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] for p in prec_intexp_prec_list: if 'V_list' not in p: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_intexp = precomp['intexp'] prec_intexp_xjsc_list = prec_intexp['xjsc_list'] prec_intexp_wjsc_list = prec_intexp['wjsc_list'] prec_intexp_prec_list = prec_intexp['prec_list'] # Retrieve sub-cache c_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('c',None)) try: h_cache_list = cache['h_cache_list'] except TypeError: h_cache_list = [None]*len(prec_intexp_xjsc_list) except KeyError: h_cache_list = [{'tot_size': xx.shape[0]} for xx in prec_intexp_xjsc_list] cache['h_cache_list'] = h_cache_list nc = self.n_coeffs ncc = self.c.n_coeffs nce = nc - ncc out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],nc,nc)) # Convert slice to range if idxs_slice.start is None: start = 0 else: start = idxs_slice.start if idxs_slice.stop is None: stop = x.shape[0] else: stop = idxs_slice.stop idxs_list = range(start, stop) # Evaluate # Constant part if not isinstance(self.c, LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional): out[:,:ncc,:ncc] = self.c.hess_a( x, prec_const, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=c_cache)[:,0,:,:] # Integrated exponential part for i, idx in enumerate(idxs_list): xjsc = prec_intexp_xjsc_list[idx] wjsc = prec_intexp_wjsc_list[idx] precomp_exp = prec_intexp_prec_list[idx] exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate( xjsc, precomp_exp, cache=h_cache_list[idx] )[:,0] ) if isinstance(self.h, LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional): grad_a_h_t = self.h.grad_a( xjsc, precomp_exp, cache=h_cache_list[idx] )[:,0,:].T exp *= wjsc sqrt_exp_abs = np.sqrt(np.abs(exp)) exp_sign = np.sign(exp) grad_a_h_t_1 = grad_a_h_t * sqrt_exp_abs[nax,:] grad_a_h_t_2 = grad_a_h_t * (exp_sign*sqrt_exp_abs)[nax,:] np.einsum('ik,jk->ij', grad_a_h_t_1, grad_a_h_t_2, out=out[i,ncc:,ncc:], casting='unsafe') else: hess_a_h = self.h.hess_a( xjsc, precomp_exp, cache=h_cache_list[idx] )[:,0,:,:] # Always zero if h LinSpanApprox grad_a_h = self.h.grad_a( xjsc, precomp_exp, cache=h_cache_list[idx] )[:,0,:] hess_exp = (hess_a_h + grad_a_h[:,:,nax] * grad_a_h[:,nax,:]) * exp[:,nax,nax] np.einsum('i...,i', hess_exp, wjsc, out=out[i,ncc:,ncc:]) return out[:,nax,:,:]
[docs] def precomp_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, precomp_type='uni'): r""" Precompute necessary uni/multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values precomp_type (str): whether to precompute uni-variate Vandermonde matrices (``uni``) or to precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices (``multi``) Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary with necessary structures """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} # Constant part try: precomp_const = precomp['const'] except KeyError as e: precomp['const'] = {} if precomp_type == 'uni': self.c.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp['const']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.c.precomp_Vandermonde_partial_xd(x, precomp['const']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # Integrated exponential part try: precomp_exp = precomp['exp'] except KeyError as e: precomp['exp'] = {} if precomp_type == 'uni': self.h.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp['exp']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.h.precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(x, precomp['exp']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") return precomp
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute necessary multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary with necessary structures """ return self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp, precomp_type='multi')
@cached([('c',None),('h',None)]) @counted
[docs] def partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1`]) -- :math:`\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_partial_xd structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_exp = precomp['exp'] if 'V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_exp = precomp['exp'] # Retrieve sub-cache c_cache, h_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('c',None), ('h',None)) if idxs_slice is None: idxs_slice = range(x.shape[0]) # Evaluation out = self.c.partial_xd(x, prec_const, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=c_cache) + \ np.exp( self.h.evaluate(x, prec_exp, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=h_cache) ) return out
[docs] def precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, precomp_type='uni'): r""" Precompute necessary uni/multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values precomp_type (str): whether to precompute uni-variate Vandermonde matrices (``uni``) or to precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices (``multi``) Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary with the necessary structures """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} # precomp_partial_xd self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp, precomp_type) # Constant part if precomp_type == 'uni': self.c.precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp['const']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.c.precomp_Vandermonde_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp['const']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # Exponential part if precomp_type == 'uni': self.h.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp['exp']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.h.precomp_Vandermonde_grad_x(x, precomp['exp']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") return precomp
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_grad_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute necessary multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary with the necessary structures """ return self.precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp, precomp_type='multi')
[docs] def grad_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_partial_xd structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_exp = precomp['exp'] if 'V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_exp = precomp['exp'] try: # precomp_grad_x_partial_xd structures if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial2_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp) # Evaluation exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate(x, precomp=prec_exp) ) out = self.c.grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp=prec_const) + \ self.h.grad_x(x, precomp=prec_exp) * exp[:,nax] return out
[docs] def grad_a_grad_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_partial_xd structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_exp = precomp['exp'] if 'V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_exp = precomp['exp'] try: # precomp_grad_x_partial_xd structures if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial2_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp) # Evaluation nc = self.n_coeffs ncc = self.c.n_coeffs out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],1,nc,x.shape[1])) exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate(x, precomp=prec_exp) ) grad_x = self.h.grad_x(x, precomp=prec_exp) grad_a = self.h.grad_a(x, precomp=prec_exp) out[:,:,:ncc,:] = self.c.grad_a_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp=prec_const) out[:,:,ncc:,:] = self.h.grad_a_grad_x(x, precomp=prec_exp) * exp[:,:,nax,nax] + \ grad_x[:,:,nax,:] * grad_a[:,:,:,nax] * exp[:,:,nax,nax] return out
[docs] def precomp_hess_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, precomp_type='uni'): r""" Precompute necessary uni/multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values precomp_type (str): whether to precompute uni-variate Vandermonde matrices (``uni``) or to precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices (``multi``) Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary with the necessary structures """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} # precomp_grad_x_partial_xd (and precomp_partial_xd) self.precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp, precomp_type) # Constant part if precomp_type == 'uni': self.c.precomp_hess_x_partial_xd(x, precomp['const']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.c.precomp_Vandermonde_hess_x_partial_xd(x, precomp['const']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # Exponential part if precomp_type == 'uni': self.h.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp['exp']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.h.precomp_Vandermonde_hess_x(x, precomp['exp']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") return precomp
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_hess_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute necessary multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary with the necessary structures """ return self.precomp_hess_x_partial_xd(x, precomp, precomp_type='multi')
[docs] def hess_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,d,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_partial_xd structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_exp = precomp['exp'] if 'V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_exp = precomp['exp'] try: # precomp_grad_x_partial_xd structures if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial2_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp) try: # precomp_hess_x_partial_xd structures if 'partial2_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial3_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial2_x_V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_hess_x_partial_xd(x, precomp) # Evaluation exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate(x, prec_exp) ) hx = self.h.hess_x(x, prec_exp) gx = self.h.grad_x(x, prec_exp) out = self.c.hess_x_partial_xd(x, prec_const) + \ (hx + gx[:,:,:,nax] * gx[:,:,nax,:]) * exp[:,:,nax,nax] return out
[docs] def grad_a_hess_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,d,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_partial_xd structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_exp = precomp['exp'] if 'V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_exp = precomp['exp'] try: # precomp_grad_x_partial_xd structures if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial2_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_x_V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x_partial_xd(x, precomp) try: # precomp_hess_x_partial_xd structures if 'partial2_x_V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial3_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial2_x_V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_hess_x_partial_xd(x, precomp) # Evaluation nc = self.n_coeffs ncc = self.c.n_coeffs out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],1,nc,x.shape[1],x.shape[1])) exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate(x, prec_exp) ) hx = self.h.grad_x(x, prec_exp) hxx = self.h.hess_x(x, prec_exp) ha = self.h.grad_a(x, prec_exp) haxx = self.h.grad_a_hess_x(x, prec_exp) hax = self.h.grad_a_grad_x(x, prec_exp) out[:,:,:ncc,:,:] = self.c.grad_a_hess_x_partial_xd(x, precomp=prec_const) out[:,:,ncc:,:,:] = ha[:,:,:,nax,nax] * hxx[:,:,nax,:,:] * exp[:,:,nax,nax,nax] + \ haxx * exp[:,:,nax,nax,nax] + \ ha[:,:,:,nax,nax] * hx[:,:,nax,:,nax] * hx[:,:,nax,nax,:] *exp[:,:,nax,nax,nax] + \ hax[:,:,:,:,nax] * hx[:,:,nax,nax,:] * exp[:,:,nax,nax,nax] + \ hx[:,:,nax,:,nax] * hax[:,:,:,nax,:] * exp[:,:,nax,nax,nax] return out
[docs] def precomp_partial2_xd(self, x, precomp=None, precomp_type='uni'): r""" Precompute necessary uni/multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\partial^2_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values precomp_type (str): whether to precompute uni-variate Vandermonde matrices (``uni``) or to precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices (``multi``) Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary with necessary structures """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} # Constant part try: precomp_const = precomp['const'] except KeyError as e: precomp['const'] = {} if precomp_type == 'uni': self.c.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp['const']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.c.precomp_Vandermonde_partial2_xd(x, precomp['const']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") # Exponential part try: exp = precomp['exp'] except KeyError as e: precomp['exp'] = {} if precomp_type == 'uni': self.h.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp['exp']) elif precomp_type == 'multi': self.h.precomp_Vandermonde_partial_xd(x, precomp['exp']) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precomp_type") return precomp
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_partial2_xd(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute necessary multi-variate structures for the evaluation of :math:`\partial^2_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary with necessary structures """ return self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp, precomp_type='multi')
[docs] def partial2_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\partial^2_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1`]) -- :math:`\partial^2_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_partial2_xd structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial2_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_exp = precomp['exp'] if 'V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() if 'partial_xd_V_last' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_exp = precomp['exp'] # Evaluation exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate(x, prec_exp) ) out = self.c.partial2_xd(x, prec_const) + \ self.h.partial_xd(x, prec_exp) * exp return out
@cached([('c',None),('h',None)]) @counted
[docs] def grad_a_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_partial_xd structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_exp = precomp['exp'] if 'V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_exp = precomp['exp'] # Retrieve sub-cache c_cache, h_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('c',None), ('h',None)) # Evaluation if idxs_slice is None: idxs_slice = range(x.shape[0]) ncc = self.c.n_coeffs out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1, self.n_coeffs)) out[:,:,:ncc] = self.c.grad_a_partial_xd( x, prec_const, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=c_cache) exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate( x, prec_exp, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=h_cache) ) out[:,:,ncc:] = self.h.grad_a( x, prec_exp, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=h_cache) * exp[:,nax] return out
@cached([('c',None),('h',None)], False) @counted
[docs] def hess_a_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: # precomp_partial_xd structures prec_const = precomp['const'] if 'V_list' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() if 'partial_xd_V_last' not in prec_const: raise KeyError() prec_exp = precomp['exp'] if 'V_list' not in prec_exp: raise KeyError() except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) prec_const = precomp['const'] prec_exp = precomp['exp'] # Retrieve sub-cache c_cache, h_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('c',None), ('h',None)) # Evaluation if idxs_slice is None: idxs_slice = range(x.shape[0]) ncc = self.c.n_coeffs nc = self.n_coeffs out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], nc, nc)) if not isinstance(self.c, LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional): out[:,:ncc,:ncc] = self.c.hess_a_partial_xd( x, prec_const, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=c_cache)[:,0,:,:] exp = np.exp( self.h.evaluate( x, prec_exp, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=h_cache)[:,0] ) grad_a_h = self.h.grad_a( x, prec_exp, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=h_cache)[:,0,:] if isinstance(self.h, LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional): sqrt_exp = np.sqrt(exp) grad_a_h_sq_exp = grad_a_h * sqrt_exp[:,nax] np.einsum('ki,kj->kij', grad_a_h_sq_exp, grad_a_h_sq_exp, out=out[:,ncc:,ncc:], casting='unsafe') else: hess_a_h = self.h.hess_a(x, prec_exp, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=h_cache)[:,0,:,:] out[:,ncc:,ncc:] = (hess_a_h + grad_a_h[:,:,nax] * grad_a_h[:,nax,:]) * \ exp[:,nax,nax] return out[:,nax,:,:]
[docs] def get_identity_coeffs(self): return np.zeros(self.n_coeffs)
[docs] def precomp_regression(self, x, precomp=None, *args, **kwargs): r""" Precompute necessary structures for the speed up of :func:`regression` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary to be updated Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary of necessary strucutres """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} precomp.update( self.precomp_evaluate(x) ) return precomp
############## # DEPRECATED # ##############
[docs]class MonotonicIntegratedExponentialApproximation( IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional ): @deprecate( 'MonotonicIntegratedExponentialApproximation', '3.0', 'Use Functionals.IntegratedExponentialParametricMonotoneFunctional instead' ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MonotonicIntegratedExponentialApproximation, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs )