Source code for TransportMaps.LaplaceApproximationRoutines

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
# Website:
# Support:
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npla
import scipy.optimize as sciopt

from .Misc import logger
from .DerivativesChecks import fd
from .Distributions.FrozenDistributions import \
    StandardNormalDistribution, NormalDistribution
from .Distributions.Deprecated import GaussianDistribution
from .Distributions.Inference.InferenceBase import \
from .Likelihoods.LikelihoodBase import \
    AdditiveLogLikelihood, IndependentLogLikelihood
from .RandomizedLinearAlgebra.RandomizedLinearAlgebra import \
    randomized_direct_eig, randomized_direct_svd

__all__ = [

nax = np.newaxis

def is_normal(pi):
    return issubclass(type(pi.prior), NormalDistribution) or \
        issubclass(type(pi.prior), GaussianDistribution) or \
        issubclass(type(pi.prior), StandardNormalDistribution)

[docs]def laplace_approximation( pi, params: Union[dict, None] = None, x0=None, tol=1e-5, ders=2, fungrad=False, hessact=False, hess_approx='low-rank', hess_fd_eps=1e-6, low_rank_rnd_eps=1e-5, low_rank_rnd_ovsamp=10, low_rank_rnd_pow_n=0 ): r""" Compute the Laplace approximation of the distribution :math:`\pi`. Args: pi (Distribution): distribution :math:`\pi` params (dict): parameters for distribution :math:`\pi` tol (float): tolerance to be used to solve the maximization problem. ders (int): order of derivatives available for the solution of the optimization problem. 0 -> derivative free, 1 -> gradient, 2 -> hessian. fungrad (bool): whether the distribution :math:`\pi` provide the method :func:`Distribution.tuple_grad_x_log_pdf` computing the evaluation and the gradient in one step. This is used only for ``ders>=1``. hessact (bool): whether the distribution :math:`\pi` provides the method :func:`Distribution.action_hess_x_log_pdf` computing the action of the Hessian on a vector. This is used only for ``ders==2`` hess_approx (str): whether to compute a finite difference Hessian ``fd``, or a low-rank approximation of it ``low-rank``. This is used only if ``ders==1``. hess_fd_eps (float): tolerance for finite difference Hessian low_rank_rnd_eps (float): tolerance to be used in the pursue of a randomized low-rank approximation of the prior preconditioned Hessian of the log-likelihood low_rank_rnd_pow_n (int): number of power iterations to be used in the pursue of a randomized low-rank approximation of the prior preconditioned Hessian of the log-likelihood low_rank_rnd_ovsamp (int): oversampling to be used in the pursue of a randomized low-rank approximation of the prior preconditioned Hessian of the log-likelihood Returns: (:class:`NormalDistribution`) -- Laplace approximation """ # Minimize :math:`-\log \pi` if params is None: params = {} params['nobj'] = 0 params['gx_nobj'] = 0 params['hx_nobj'] = 0 def objective(x, params, cache=None): reset_cache(cache) params['nobj'] += 1 out = - pi.log_pdf(x[nax,:], cache=cache)[0]"Lap. Obj. Eval. %d - f val. = %.10e" % (params['nobj'], out)) return out def dx_objective(x, params, cache=None): params['gx_nobj'] += 1 out = - pi.grad_x_log_pdf(x[nax,:], cache=cache)[0,:] "Lap. Grad. Obj. Eval. %d " % params['nobj'] + \ "- ||grad f|| = %.10e" % npla.norm(out)) return out def tuple_dx_objective(x, params, cache=None): reset_cache(cache) params['nobj'] += 1 params['gx_nobj'] += 1 ev, gx = pi.tuple_grad_x_log_pdf(x[nax,:], cache=cache) ev = -ev[0] gx = -gx[0,:]"Lap. Obj. Eval. %d - f val. = %.10e" % (params['nobj'], ev)) "Lap. Grad. Obj. Eval. %d " % params['nobj'] + \ "- ||grad f|| = %.10e" % npla.norm(gx)) return ev, gx def dx2_objective(x, params, cache=None): params['hx_nobj'] += 1 out = - pi.hess_x_log_pdf(x[nax,:], cache=cache)[0,:,:] "Lap. Hess. Obj. Eval. %d " % params['hx_nobj']) return out def action_dx2_objective(x, dx, params, cache=None): params['hx_nobj'] += 1 out = - pi.action_hess_x_log_pdf(x[nax,:], dx[nax,:], cache=cache)[0,:] "Lap. Action Hess. Obj. Eval. %d " % params['hx_nobj']) return out def reset_cache(cache): if cache is not None: tot_size = cache['tot_size'] cache.clear() cache['tot_size'] = tot_size if x0 is None: if issubclass(type(pi), BayesPosteriorDistribution): try: x0 = pi.prior.rvs(1).flatten() except NotImplementedError: logger.warning( "laplace_approximation(): " + \ "Sampling from the prior is not implemented. " + \ "Initial conditions set to zero.") x0 = np.zeros(pi.dim) else: x0 = np.zeros(pi.dim) # Random or zero starting point? Or input argument? options = {'maxiter': 10000, 'disp': False} cache = {'tot_size': 1} args = (params, cache) if ders >= 1: if fungrad: fun = tuple_dx_objective jac = True else: fun = objective jac = dx_objective if ders == 0: res = sciopt.minimize( objective, args=args, x0=x0, method='BFGS', tol=tol, options=options) elif ders == 1: res = sciopt.minimize( fun, args=args, x0=x0, jac=jac, method='BFGS', tol=tol, options=options) elif ders == 2: if hessact: res = sciopt.minimize( fun, args=args, x0=x0, jac=jac, hessp=action_dx2_objective, method='newton-cg', tol=tol, options=options) else: res = sciopt.minimize( fun, args=args, x0=x0, jac=jac, hess=dx2_objective, method='newton-cg', tol=tol, options=options) else: raise ValueError("ders parameter not valid. Chose between 0,1,2.") # Log if res['success']:"Optimization terminated successfully") else:"Optimization failed.")"Message: %s" % res['message'])" Function value: %6f" % res['fun']) if ders >= 1: " Jacobian: " + \ "2-norm: %e " % npla.norm(res['jac'], 2) + \ "inf-norm: %e" % npla.norm(res['jac'], np.inf) )" Number of iterations: %6d" % res['nit'])" N. function evaluations: %6d" % res['nfev']) if ders >= 1:" N. Jacobian evaluations: %6d" % res['njev']) if ders >= 2:" N. Hessian evaluations: %6d" % res['nhev']) # Set MAP point x_map = res['x'] # Compute the Hessian at the maximizer if ders > 0: if ders == 2: if not hessact: hess_map = - pi.hess_x_log_pdf( x_map[nax,:] )[0,:,:] d_laplace = NormalDistribution(x_map, precision=hess_map) elif issubclass(type(pi), BayesPosteriorDistribution) and is_normal(pi):"Building low-rank approximation of the Hessian " + \ "from action of the Hessian") # Low-rank Hessian from action of Hessian sqrt = bayes_low_rank_sqrt_approximation_hessact( x_map[nax,:], pi, low_rank_rnd_eps, low_rank_rnd_ovsamp, power_n=low_rank_rnd_pow_n) d_laplace = NormalDistribution(x_map, square_root_covariance=sqrt) elif ders==1 and hess_approx == 'low-rank' and \ issubclass(type(pi), BayesPosteriorDistribution) and is_normal(pi) and \ ( ( issubclass(type(pi.logL), AdditiveLogLikelihood) and is_normal(pi) ) or \ ( issubclass(type(pi.logL), IndependentLogLikelihood) and \ all( ( issubclass(type(ll), AdditiveLogLikelihood) and is_normal(pi) ) for \ ll in pi.logL.factors ) ) ):"Building low-rank approximation of the Hessian from gradients") # Construct low-rank approximation sqrt = bayes_low_rank_sqrt_approximation_outer_grad( x_map[nax,:], pi, low_rank_rnd_eps, low_rank_rnd_ovsamp, power_n=low_rank_rnd_pow_n) d_laplace = NormalDistribution(x_map, square_root_covariance=sqrt) else: # Finite difference"Building finite difference approximation of the Hessian") hess_map = - fd(pi.grad_x_log_pdf, x_map[nax,:], hess_fd_eps)[0,:,:] d_laplace = NormalDistribution(x_map, precision=hess_map) else: raise NotImplementedError("The finite difference Hessian is not implemented " + \ "for ders==0.") return d_laplace
def bayes_low_rank_sqrt_approximation_outer_grad(x, pi, eps, r, power_n): def action(dx, gx_ll_list, factors, prior, dim, dim_obs): Y = np.zeros((dim, dx.shape[1])) start = 0 for gx_ll, (ll, xidxs) in zip(gx_ll_list, factors): stop = start + ll.y.shape[0] # Compute (\Gamma_{obs}^{-1/2} dx) for the current factor G = ll.pi.solve_square_root_covariance_transposed(dx[start:stop,:]) # Compute ((\nabla_x G(x))^T \Gamma_{obs}^{-1/2} dx) for the current factors Y[xidxs,:] += np.einsum( 'ij,i...->j...', gx_ll, G ) # Y[xidxs,:] += np.einsum( # '...ij,i...->j...', # ll.T.grad_x(np.tile(x,(dx.shape[1],1))), G ) start = stop # Compute (\Gamma_pr^{\top/2}(\nabla_x G(x))^\top \Gamma_{obs}^{-\top/2} dx)) Y = return Y def action_transpose(dx, gx_ll_list, factors, prior, dim, dim_obs): # Compute (\Gamma_pr^{1/2} dx) P = Y = np.zeros((dim_obs, dx.shape[1])) start = 0 for gx_ll, (ll, xidxs) in zip(gx_ll_list, factors): stop = start + ll.y.shape[0] # Compute ((\nabla_x G(x)) \Gamma_pr^{1/2} dx) GP = np.einsum( 'ij,j...->i...', gx_ll, P) # GP = np.einsum( # '...ij,j...->i...', # ll.T.grad_x(np.tile(x,(dx.shape[1],1))), P) # Compute (\Gamma_{obs}^{-1/2} (\nabla_x G(x)) \Gamma_pr^{1/2} dx) Y[start:stop,:] = ll.pi.solve_square_root_covariance(GP) start = stop return Y if issubclass(type(pi.logL), AdditiveLogLikelihood): factors = [(pi.logL, list(range(pi.logL.dim_in)))] else: factors = pi.logL.factors dim_obs = sum( [ ll.y.shape[0] for ll,_ in factors ] ) dim = pi.logL.dim_in gx_ll_list = [] # Precompute all the gradients of the log-likelihoods at x for ll, xidxs in factors: gx_ll_list.append( ll.T.grad_x(x[:,xidxs])[0,:,:] ) kwargs = {'gx_ll_list': gx_ll_list, 'factors': factors, 'prior': pi.prior, \ 'dim': dim, 'dim_obs': dim_obs} K, S, Vt = randomized_direct_svd( action, action_transpose, dim_obs, dim, eps, r, power_n=power_n, kwargs=kwargs) D = S**2 sqrt = * (1/np.sqrt(1+D) - 1)[np.newaxis,:], K.T) + \ np.eye(pi.prior.dim) sqrt = sqrt ) return sqrt def bayes_low_rank_sqrt_approximation_hessact(x, pi, eps, r, power_n): def action(dx, x, logL, prior): Y = Y = - logL.action_hess_x(np.tile(x,(dx.shape[1],1)), Y.T)[:,0,:].T Y = return Y kwargs = {'x': x, 'logL': pi.logL, 'prior': pi.prior} D, K = randomized_direct_eig( action, pi.dim, eps, r, power_n=power_n, kwargs=kwargs) sqrt = * (1/np.sqrt(1+D) - 1)[np.newaxis,:], K.T) + \ np.eye(pi.prior.dim) sqrt = sqrt ) return sqrt # K =, K) # Gpos = pi.prior.sigma - * (D/(1+D))[np.newaxis,:], K.T) # return npla.cholesky(Gpos)
[docs]def laplace_approximation_withBounds(pi, params=None, tol=1e-5, ders=2, disp=True, bounds = None): r""" Compute the Laplace approximation of the distribution :math:`\pi`. Args: pi (Distribution): distribution :math:`\pi` params (dict): parameters for distribution :math:`\pi` tol (float): tolerance to be used to solve the maximization problem. ders (int): order of derivatives available for the solution of the optimization problem. 0 -> derivative free, 1 -> gradient, 2 -> hessian. disp (bool): whether to display output from optimizer. Returns: (:class:`NormalDistribution`) -- Laplace approximation """ nax = np.newaxis # Minimize :math:`-\log \pi` def objective(x, params): return - pi.log_pdf(x[nax,:], params)[0] def dx_objective(x, params): return - pi.grad_x_log_pdf(x[nax,:], params)[0,:] def dx2_objective(x, params): return - pi.hess_x_log_pdf(x[nax,:], params)[0,:,:] x0 = np.zeros(pi.dim) # Random or zero starting point? Or input argument? options = {'maxiter': 10000, 'disp': disp} if ders == 0: res = sciopt.minimize(objective, args=params, x0=x0, method='L-BFGS-B', tol=tol, options=options, bounds = bounds) elif ders == 1: res = sciopt.minimize(objective, args=params, x0=x0, jac=dx_objective, method='L-BFGS-B', tol=tol, options=options, bounds = bounds) elif ders == 2: res = sciopt.minimize(objective, args=params, x0=x0, jac=dx_objective, hess=dx2_objective, method='TNC', tol=tol, options=options, bounds = bounds) else: raise ValueError("ders parameter not valid. Chose between 0,1,2.") x_map = res['x'] # Compute the Hessian at the maximizer hess_map = - pi.hess_x_log_pdf( x_map[nax,:] )[0,:,:] # Define the Gaussian distribution/Laplace approximation d_laplace = NormalDistribution(x_map, precision=hess_map) return d_laplace