Source code for TransportMaps.L2.minimize_L2_distance

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
# Website:
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import logging

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npla
import scipy.optimize as sciopt
import scipy.linalg as scila

from ..L2 import L2squared_misfit, grad_a_L2squared_misfit, hess_a_L2squared_misfit, \
    storage_hess_a_L2squared_misfit, action_stored_hess_a_L2squared_misfit
from ..MPI import mpi_map, SumChunkReduce, mpi_map_alloc_dmem, mpi_bcast_dmem
from ..Maps.Functionals import ParametricFunctional
from ..Maps import ParametricComponentwiseMap, AffineTriangularMap

__all__ = [

[docs]def map_regression( tm: ParametricComponentwiseMap, t, tparams=None, d=None, qtype=None, qparams=None, x=None, w=None, x0=None, regularization=None, tol=1e-4, maxit=100, batch_size_list=None, mpi_pool_list=None): r""" Compute :math:`{\bf a}^* = \arg\min_{\bf a} \Vert T - T[{\bf a}] \Vert_{\pi}`. This regression problem can be completely decoupled if the measure is a product measure, obtaining .. math:: a^{(i)*} = \arg\min_{\bf a^{(i)}} \Vert T_i - T_i[{\bf a}^{(i)}] \Vert_{\pi_i} Args: tm (ParametricComponentwiseMap): transport map :math:`T` t (function or :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]): function :math:`t` with signature ``t(x)`` or its functions values tparams (dict): parameters for function :math:`t` d (Distribution): distribution :math:`\pi` qtype (int): quadrature type to be used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` qparams (object): parameters necessary for the construction of the quadrature x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): quadrature points used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` w (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]): quadrature weights used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` x0 (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): coefficients to be used as initial values for the optimization regularization (dict): defines the regularization to be used. If ``None``, no regularization is applied. If key ``type=='L2'`` then applies Tikonhov regularization with coefficient in key ``alpha``. tol (float): tolerance to be used to solve the regression problem. maxit (int): maximum number of iterations batch_size_list (:class:`list<list>` [d] :class:`tuple<tuple>` [3] :class:`int<int>`): Each of the tuples in the list corresponds to each component of the map. The entries of the tuple define whether to evaluate the regression in batches of a certain size or not. A size ``1`` correspond to a completely non-vectorized evaluation. A size ``None`` correspond to a completely vectorized one. (Note: if ``nprocs > 1``, then the batch size defines the size of the batch for each process) mpi_pool_list (:class:`list<list>` [d] :class:`mpi_map.MPI_Pool` or ``None``): pool of processes to be used for function evaluation, gradient evaluation and Hessian evaluation for each component of the approximation. Value ``None`` will use serial evaluation. Returns: (:class:`list<list>` [:math:`d`]) containing log information from the optimizer. .. seealso:: :mod:`MonotonicApproximation` .. note:: the resulting coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` are automatically set at the end of the optimization. Use :func:`get_coeffs` in order to retrieve them. .. note:: The parameters ``(qtype,qparams)`` and ``(x,w)`` are mutually exclusive, but one pair of them is necessary. """ if isinstance(tm, AffineTriangularMap): return affine_triangular_map_regression( tm, t, tparams, d=d, qtype=qtype, qparams=qparams, x=x, w=w, regularization=regularization ) if batch_size_list is None: batch_size_list = [(None, None, None)] * tm.dim_out if len(batch_size_list) != tm.dim_out: raise ValueError("len(batch_size_list) must be equal to tm.dim_out") if mpi_pool_list is None: mpi_pool_list = [None] * tm.dim_out if len(mpi_pool_list) != tm.dim_out: raise ValueError("len(mpi_pool_list) must be equal to tm.dim_out") if (x is None) and (w is None): (x, w) = d.quadrature(qtype, qparams) if isinstance(t, np.ndarray): T = t else: T = t(x) log_entry_list = [] start_x0 = 0 reg = None"Starting decoupled regression of map.") for i, (a, avar, batch_size_tuple, mpi_pool) in enumerate(zip( tm.approx_list, tm.active_vars, batch_size_list, mpi_pool_list)): tm.logger.debug("Regression on component %i" % i + \ " (dim: %d - ncoeffs: %d" % (a.dim_in, a.n_coeffs) + \ " - npoints: %d)" % x.shape[0]) if regularization is not None and regularization['type'] == 'L2': reg = {'type': 'L2', 'alpha': a.n_coeffs * regularization['alpha'] / tm.n_coeffs} x0a = None if x0 is not None: x0a = x0[start_x0:start_x0 + a.n_coeffs] start_x0 += a.n_coeffs (coeffs, log_entry) = functional_regression( a, T[:, i], x=x[:, avar], w=w, x0=x0a, regularization=reg, tol=tol, maxit=maxit, batch_size=batch_size_tuple, mpi_pool=mpi_pool ) log_entry_list.append(log_entry) if not log_entry['success']: tm.logger.warning("Regression on component %i failed." % i)"Finished decoupled regression of map.") return log_entry_list
[docs]def functional_regression( fn: ParametricFunctional, f, fparams=None, d=None, qtype=None, qparams=None, x=None, w=None, x0=None, regularization=None, tol=1e-4, maxit=100, batch_size=(None, None, None), mpi_pool=None, import_set=set() ): r""" Compute :math:`{\bf a}^* = \arg\min_{\bf a} \Vert f - f_{\bf a} \Vert_{\pi}`. Args: fn (ParametricFunctional): the function :math:`f_{\bf a}` f (:class:`Function` or :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]): function :math:`f` or its functions values fparams (dict): parameters for function :math:`f` d (Distribution): distribution :math:`\pi` qtype (int): quadrature type to be used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` qparams (object): parameters necessary for the construction of the quadrature x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): quadrature points used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` w (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]): quadrature weights used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` x0 (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): coefficients to be used as initial values for the optimization regularization (dict): defines the regularization to be used. If ``None``, no regularization is applied. If key ``type=='L2'`` then applies Tikonhov regularization with coefficient in key ``alpha``. tol (float): tolerance to be used to solve the regression problem. maxit (int): maximum number of iterations batch_size (:class:`list<list>` [3] of :class:`int<int>`): the list contains the size of the batch to be used for each iteration. A size ``1`` correspond to a completely non-vectorized evaluation. A size ``None`` correspond to a completely vectorized one. mpi_pool (:class:`mpi_map.MPI_Pool`): pool of processes to be used import_set (set): list of couples ``(module_name,as_field)`` to be imported as ``import module_name as as_field`` (for MPI purposes) Returns: (:class:`tuple<tuple>`(:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`], :class:`list<list>`)) -- containing the :math:`N` coefficients and log information from the optimizer. .. seealso:: :func:`TransportMaps.TriangularTransportMap.regression` .. note:: the resulting coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` are automatically set at the end of the optimization. Use :func:`coeffs` in order to retrieve them. .. note:: The parameters ``(qtype,qparams)`` and ``(x,w)`` are mutually exclusive, but one pair of them is necessary. """ if (x is None) and (w is None): (x, w) = d.quadrature(qtype, qparams) params = {} params['fn'] = fn params['x'] = x params['w'] = w params['regularization'] = regularization params['batch_size'] = batch_size params['nobj'] = 0 params['nda_obj'] = 0 params['nda2_obj'] = 0 params['nda2_obj_dot'] = 0 params['hess_assembled'] = False params['mpi_pool'] = mpi_pool options = {'maxiter': maxit, 'disp': False} if x0 is None: x0 = fn.get_default_init_values_regression() if fn.logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: fn.logger.debug("regression(): Precomputation started") if isinstance(f, np.ndarray): params['fvals'] = f else: scatter_tuple = (['x'], [x]) bcast_tuple = (['precomp'], [fparams]) params['fvals'] = mpi_map("evaluate", scatter_tuple=scatter_tuple, bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, obj=f, mpi_pool=mpi_pool) # Init precomputation memory params['params1'] = {} mpi_bcast_dmem(params1=params['params1'], f1=fn, mpi_pool=mpi_pool) # Precompute scatter_tuple = (['x'], [x]) mpi_map("precomp_regression", scatter_tuple=scatter_tuple, dmem_key_in_list=['params1'], dmem_arg_in_list=['precomp'], dmem_val_in_list=[params['params1']], obj='f1', obj_val=fn, mpi_pool=mpi_pool, concatenate=False) if fn.logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: fn.logger.debug("regression(): Precomputation ended") # Callback variables fn.params_callback = params # Minimize res = sciopt.minimize( functional_regression_objective, args=params, x0=x0, jac=functional_regression_grad_a_objective, # hessp=functional_regression_action_storage_hess_a_objective, # method='Newton-CG', method='BFGS', tol=tol, options=options, callback=fn.regression_callback) if not res['success']: fn.logger.warn("Regression failure: " + res['message']) # Clean up callback stuff del fn.params_callback coeffs = res['x'] fn.coeffs = coeffs return (coeffs, res)
[docs]def functional_regression_objective(a, params): r""" Objective function :math:`\Vert f - f_{\bf a} \Vert^2_{\pi}` Args: a (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): coefficients params (dict): dictionary of parameters """ fn = params['fn'] params['nobj'] += 1 x = params['x'] w = params['w'] fvals = params['fvals'] batch_size = params['batch_size'][0] mpi_pool = params['mpi_pool'] # Update coefficients bcast_tuple = (['coeffs'], [a]) mpi_map("_set_coeffs", bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, obj='f1', obj_val=fn, mpi_pool=mpi_pool, concatenate=False) # Evaluate L2 misfit scatter_tuple = (['x', 'w', 'f2'], [x, w, fvals]) bcast_tuple = (['batch_size'], [batch_size]) dmem_key_in_list = ['f1', 'params1'] dmem_arg_in_list = ['f1', 'params1'] dmem_val_in_list = [fn, params['params1']] reduce_obj = SumChunkReduce(axis=0) out = mpi_map(L2squared_misfit, scatter_tuple=scatter_tuple, bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, dmem_key_in_list=dmem_key_in_list, dmem_arg_in_list=dmem_arg_in_list, dmem_val_in_list=dmem_val_in_list, reduce_obj=reduce_obj, mpi_pool=mpi_pool) if params['regularization'] is None: pass elif params['regularization']['type'] == 'L2': out += params['regularization']['alpha'] * \ npla.norm(a - fn.regression_nominal_coeffs(), 2) ** 2. fn.logger.debug("Regression Obj. Eval. %d - L2-misfit = %.10e" % (params['nobj'], out)) return out
[docs]def functional_regression_grad_a_objective(a, params): r""" Objective function :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \Vert f - f_{\bf a} \Vert^2_{\pi}` Args: a (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): coefficients params (dict): dictionary of parameters """ fn = params['fn'] params['nda_obj'] += 1 x = params['x'] w = params['w'] fvals = params['fvals'] batch_size = params['batch_size'][1] mpi_pool = params['mpi_pool'] # Update coefficients bcast_tuple = (['coeffs'], [a]) mpi_map("_set_coeffs", bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, obj='f1', obj_val=fn, mpi_pool=mpi_pool, concatenate=False) # Evaluate grad_a L2 misfit scatter_tuple = (['x', 'w', 'f2'], [x, w, fvals]) bcast_tuple = (['batch_size'], [batch_size]) dmem_key_in_list = ['f1', 'params1'] dmem_arg_in_list = ['f1', 'params1'] dmem_val_in_list = [fn, params['params1']] reduce_obj = SumChunkReduce(axis=0) out = mpi_map(grad_a_L2squared_misfit, scatter_tuple=scatter_tuple, bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, dmem_key_in_list=dmem_key_in_list, dmem_arg_in_list=dmem_arg_in_list, dmem_val_in_list=dmem_val_in_list, reduce_obj=reduce_obj, mpi_pool=mpi_pool) if params['regularization'] is None: pass elif params['regularization']['type'] == 'L2': out += params['regularization']['alpha'] * \ 2. * (a - fn.regression_nominal_coeffs()) fn.logger.debug("Regression Grad_a Obj. Eval. %d - ||grad_a L2-misfit|| = %.10e" % ( params['nda_obj'], npla.norm(out))) return out
[docs]def functional_regression_hess_a_objective(a, params): r""" Objective function :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}^2 \Vert f - f_{\bf a} \Vert^2_{\pi}` Args: a (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): coefficients params (dict): dictionary of parameters """ fn = params['fn'] params['nda2_obj'] += 1 x = params['x'] w = params['w'] fvals = params['fvals'] batch_size = params['batch_size'][2] mpi_pool = params['mpi_pool'] # Update coefficients bcast_tuple = (['coeffs'], [a]) mpi_map("_set_coeffs", bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, obj='f1', obj_val=fn, mpi_pool=mpi_pool, concatenate=False) # Evaluate hess_a L2 misfit scatter_tuple = (['x', 'w', 'f2'], [x, w, fvals]) bcast_tuple = (['batch_size'], [batch_size]) dmem_key_in_list = ['f1', 'params1'] dmem_arg_in_list = ['f1', 'params1'] dmem_val_in_list = [fn, params['params1']] reduce_obj = SumChunkReduce(axis=0) out = mpi_map(hess_a_L2squared_misfit, scatter_tuple=scatter_tuple, bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, dmem_key_in_list=dmem_key_in_list, dmem_arg_in_list=dmem_arg_in_list, dmem_val_in_list=dmem_val_in_list, reduce_obj=reduce_obj, mpi_pool=mpi_pool) if params['regularization'] is None: pass elif params['regularization']['type'] == 'L2': out += np.diag( np.ones(len(fn.coeffs))*2.*params['regularization']['alpha'] ) fn.logger.debug("Regression Hess_a Obj. Eval. %d " % params['nda2_obj']) return out
[docs]def functional_regression_action_storage_hess_a_objective(a, v, params): r""" Assemble/fetch Hessian :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}^2 \Vert f - f_{\bf a} \Vert^2_{\pi}` and evaluate its action on :math:`v` Args: a (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): coefficients v (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): vector on which to apply the Hessian params (dict): dictionary of parameters """ fn = params['fn'] x = params['x'] w = params['w'] fvals = params['fvals'] batch_size = params['batch_size'][2] mpi_pool = params['mpi_pool'] # Update coefficients bcast_tuple = (['coeffs'], [a]) mpi_map("_set_coeffs", bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, obj='f1', obj_val=fn, mpi_pool=mpi_pool, concatenate=False) # Assemble Hessian if not params['hess_assembled']: params['nda2_obj'] += 1 scatter_tuple = (['x', 'w', 'f2'], [x, w, fvals]) bcast_tuple = (['batch_size'], [batch_size]) dmem_key_in_list = ['f1', 'params1'] dmem_arg_in_list = ['f1', 'params1'] dmem_val_in_list = [fn, params['params1']] dmem_key_out_list = ['hess_a_L2_misfit'] (params['hess_a_L2_misfit'], ) = mpi_map_alloc_dmem( storage_hess_a_L2squared_misfit, scatter_tuple=scatter_tuple, bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, dmem_key_in_list=dmem_key_in_list, dmem_arg_in_list=dmem_arg_in_list, dmem_val_in_list=dmem_val_in_list, dmem_key_out_list=dmem_key_out_list, mpi_pool=mpi_pool, concatenate=False) params['hess_assembled'] = True fn.logger.debug("Regression Storage Hess_a Obj. Eval. %d " % params['nda2_obj']) # Evaluate the action of hess_a L2 misfit params['nda2_obj_dot'] += 1 bcast_tuple = (['v'], [v]) dmem_key_in_list = ['hess_a_L2_misfit'] dmem_arg_in_list = ['H'] dmem_val_in_list = [params['hess_a_L2_misfit']] reduce_obj = SumChunkReduce(axis=0) out = mpi_map(action_stored_hess_a_L2squared_misfit, bcast_tuple=bcast_tuple, dmem_key_in_list=dmem_key_in_list, dmem_arg_in_list=dmem_arg_in_list, dmem_val_in_list=dmem_val_in_list, reduce_obj=reduce_obj, mpi_pool=mpi_pool) if params['regularization'] is None: pass elif params['regularization']['type'] == 'L2': regmat = np.diag( np.ones(len(fn.coeffs))*2.*params['regularization']['alpha'] ) out +=, v) fn.logger.debug("Regression Action Hess_a Obj. Eval. %d " % params['nda2_obj_dot']) return out
[docs]def affine_triangular_map_regression( tm: ParametricComponentwiseMap, t, tparams=None, d=None, qtype=None, qparams=None, x=None, w=None, regularization=None, **kwargs): r""" Compute :math:`{\bf a}^* = \arg\min_{\bf a} \Vert T - T({\bf a}) \Vert_{\pi}`. This regression problem can be completely decoupled if the measure is a product measure, obtaining .. math:: a^{(i)*} = \arg\min_{\bf a^{(i)}} \Vert T_i - T_i({\bf a}^{(i)}) \Vert_{\pi_i} Args: tm (ParametricComponentwiseMap): map :math:`T({\bf a})` t (function or :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]): function :math:`t` with signature ``t(x)`` or its functions values tparams (dict): parameters for function :math:`t` d (Distribution): distribution :math:`\pi` qtype (int): quadrature type to be used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` qparams (object): parameters necessary for the construction of the quadrature x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): quadrature points used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` w (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]): quadrature weights used for the approximation of :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}` regularization (dict): defines the regularization to be used. If ``None``, no regularization is applied. If key ``type=='L2'`` then applies Tikonhov regularization with coefficient in key ``alpha``. Returns: (:class:`tuple<tuple>` (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`], :class:`list<list>`)) -- containing the :math:`N` coefficients and log information. .. note:: the resulting coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` are automatically set at the end of the optimization. Use :func:`get_coeffs` in order to retrieve them. .. note:: The parameters ``(qtype,qparams)`` and ``(x,w)`` are mutually exclusive, but one pair of them is necessary. """ if not isinstance(tm, AffineTriangularMap): raise ValueError('This routine for regression is designed only for AffineTriangularMap') if (x is None) and (w is None): (x,w) = d.quadrature(qtype, qparams) if isinstance(t, np.ndarray): T = t else: T = t(x) # Build weighted invsersion matrix X = np.hstack( (np.ones((x.shape[0],1)), x) ) XW = X * w[:,np.newaxis] P =, X) # Regularization if regularization is not None: if regularization['type'] == 'L2': P += regularization['alpha'] * np.eye(P.shape[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Regularization type %s not implemented." % regularization['type']) # Compute cholesky decomposition of inversion matrix U = scila.cholesky(P) # Iterate over the dimensions and solve for each component # (enforcing lower triangular structure) cnst = np.zeros(tm.dim) lin = np.zeros((tm.dim,tm.dim)) for i in range(tm.dim): XWi = XW[:,:i+2] Ui = U[:i+2,:i+2] Ti = T[:,i] # Compute right hand side rhs =, Ti) # Solve system beta = scila.solve_triangular(Ui, rhs, lower=False, trans='T') beta = scila.solve_triangular(Ui, beta, lower=False) # Write coefficients cnst[i] = beta[0] lin[i,:i+1] = beta[1:] tm.c = cnst tm.L = lin log = {'success': True} return (tm.coeffs, log)