Source code for TransportMaps.Distributions.ParametricDistributionBase

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
# Website:
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from TransportMaps.Misc import deprecate, counted
from .DistributionBase import *

__all__ = [

[docs]class ParametricDistribution(Distribution): r""" Parametric distribution :math:`\pi_{\bf a}`. """ @property
[docs] def coeffs(self): r""" [Abstract] Get the coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` of the distribution Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]) -- coefficients Raises: NotImplementedError: the method needs to be defined in the sub-classes """ raise NotImplementedError("The method is not implemented for this distribution")
@deprecate("ParametricDistribution.get_coeffs()", "1.0b3", "Use property ParametricDistribution.coeffs instead")
[docs] def get_coeffs(self): return self.coeffs
@coeffs.setter def coeffs(self, coeffs): r""" [Abstract] Set the coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` of the distribution Args: a (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]) -- coefficients Raises: NotImplementedError: the method needs to be defined in the sub-classes """ raise NotImplementedError("The method is not implemented for this distribution")
[docs] def _set_coeffs(self, coeffs): self.coeffs = coeffs
@deprecate("ParametricDistribution.set_coeffs(value)", "1.0b3", "Use setter ParametricDistribution.coeffs = value instead")
[docs] def set_coeffs(self, coeffs): self.coeffs = coeffs
[docs] def n_coeffs(self): r""" [Abstract] Get the number :math:`N` of coefficients Returns: (int) -- number of coefficients. Raises: NotImplementedError: the method needs to be defined in the sub-classes """ raise NotImplementedError("The method is not implemented for this distribution")
@deprecate("ParametricDistribution.get_n_coeffs()", "1.0b3", "Use property ParametricDistribution.n_coeffs instead")
[docs] def get_n_coeffs(self): return self.n_coeffs
[docs] def grad_a_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" [Abstract] Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \log \pi({\bf x})` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points params (dict): parameters idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \log \pi({\bf x})` Raises: NotImplementedError: the method needs to be defined in the sub-classes """ raise NotImplementedError("The method is not implemented for this distribution")
[docs] def tuple_grad_a_log_pdf(self, x, params=None, idxs_slice=slice(None,None,None), cache=None): r""" [Abstract] Evaluate :math:`\left(\log \pi({\bf x}), \nabla_{\bf a} \log \pi({\bf x})\right)` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points params (dict): parameters idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`tuple`) -- :math:`\left(\log \pi({\bf x}), \nabla_{\bf a} \log \pi({\bf x})\right)` Raises: NotImplementedError: the method needs to be defined in the sub-classes """ return (self.log_pdf(x, params, idxs_slice, cache=cache), self.grad_a_log_pdf(x, params, idxs_slice, cache=cache))
[docs] def hess_a_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" [Abstract] Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} \log \pi({\bf x})` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points params (dict): parameters idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} \log \pi({\bf x})` Raises: NotImplementedError: the method needs to be defined in the sub-classes """ raise NotImplementedError("The method is not implemented for this distribution")
[docs] def action_hess_a_log_pdf(self, x, da, *args, **kwargs): r""" [Abstract] Evaluate :math:`\langle \nabla^2_{\bf a} \log \pi({\bf x}), \delta{\bf a}\rangle` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points da (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): direction on which to evaluate the Hessian params (dict): parameters idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} \log \pi({\bf x})` Raises: NotImplementedError: the method needs to be defined in the sub-classes """ raise NotImplementedError("The method is not implemented for this distribution")