Source code for TransportMaps.Distributions.FrozenDistributions

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
# Website:
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import itertools

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npla
import scipy.stats as stats

import SpectralToolbox.Spectral1D as S1D
import SpectralToolbox.SpectralND as SND

from ..Maps import FrozenBananaMap, CompositeTransportMap
from ..External import DARKSPARK_SUPPORT
from ..Misc import \
    counted, cached, deprecate
from ..LinAlg import \
    square_root, inverse_square_root, matrix_inverse, \
    solve_linear_system, solve_square_root_linear_system, log_det
from ..Maps import AffineTransportMap

from .DistributionBase import Distribution
from .ProductDistributionBase import ProductDistribution
from .Deprecated import GaussianDistribution

from .TransportMapDistributions import \

    from DARKSparK.sparseGridProblem import DimAdaptiveSparseGridProblem, \
    from DARKSparK.quadratureRules import GaussHermite
    from DARKSparK.sparseGridRules import SparseGridRule

__all__ = ['FrozenDistribution_1d',
           'LogNormalDistribution', 'LogisticDistribution',
           'GammaDistribution', 'BetaDistribution', 'UniformDistribution',
           'WeibullDistribution', 'CauchyDistribution',
           'GumbelDistribution', 'BananaDistribution',

nax = np.newaxis

[docs]class FrozenDistribution_1d(Distribution): r""" [Abstract] Generic frozen distribution 1d """ def __init__(self): super(FrozenDistribution_1d,self).__init__(1) self.base = StandardNormalDistribution(1) self.scipy_base = stats.norm()
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n).reshape((n,1))
[docs] def quadrature(self, qtype, qparams, mass=1, **kwargs): r""" Generate quadrature points and weights. Types of quadratures: Monte-Carlo (``qtype==0``) ``qparams``: (:class:`int`) -- number of samples Quasi-Monte-Carlo (``qtype==1``) ``qparams``: (:class:`int`) -- number of samples Latin-Hypercube-Sampling (``qtype==2``) ``qparams``: (:class:`int`) -- number of samples Gauss-quadrature (``qtype==3``) ``qparams``: (:class:`list<list>` [:math:`d`]) -- orders for each dimension Sparse Grid Gauss-Hermite quadrature (``qtype==4``) ``qparams``: (:class:`list<list>` [:math:`d`]) -- orders for each dimension .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.quadrature` """ if qtype == 0: # Monte Carlo sampling x = self.rvs(qparams) w = np.ones(qparams)/float(qparams) elif qtype == 1: # Quasi-Monte Carlo sampling raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") elif qtype == 2: # Latin-Hyper cube sampling raise NotImplementedError("Todo") elif qtype == 3: # Gaussian quadrature (x1,w) = self.base.quadrature(3, qparams, mass=mass) x = self.dist.ppf( self.scipy_base.cdf(x1[:,0]) )[:,nax] else: raise ValueError("Quadrature type not recognized") return (x,w)
[docs] def tuple_grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return ( self.log_pdf(x, *args, **kwargs), self.grad_x_log_pdf(x, *args, **kwargs) )
@cached(caching=False) @counted
[docs] def action_hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs): return np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', self.hess_x_log_pdf(x, *args, **kwargs), dx )
################################################ # Definitions of Standard and Normal densities # ################################################
[docs]class StandardNormalDistribution(ProductDistribution): r""" Multivariate Standard Normal distribution :math:`\pi`. Args: d (int): dimension """ def __init__(self, dim): super(StandardNormalDistribution,self).__init__(dim) @property
[docs] def mu(self): return np.zeros(self.dim)
[docs] def sigma(self): return np.eye(self.dim)
[docs] covariance = sigma
[docs] def precision(self): return np.eye(self.dim)
[docs] def square_root(self): return np.eye(self.dim)
[docs] def rvs(self, m, *args, **kwargs): r""" Generate :math:`m` samples from the distribution. Args: m (int): number of samples Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]) -- samples .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.rvs` """ x, w = self.quadrature(0, m, **kwargs) return x
[docs] def quadrature(self, qtype, qparams, mass=1., batch_size=np.inf, **kwargs): r""" Generate quadrature points and weights. Types of quadratures: Monte-Carlo (``qtype==0``) ``qparams``: (:class:`int`) -- number of samples Quasi-Monte-Carlo (``qtype==1``) ``qparams``: (:class:`int`) -- number of samples Latin-Hypercube-Sampling (``qtype==2``) ``qparams``: (:class:`int`) -- number of samples Gauss-quadrature (``qtype==3``) ``qparams``: (:class:`list<list>` [:math:`d`]) -- orders for each dimension Sparse Grid Gauss-Hermite quadrature (``qtype==4``) ``qparams``: (:class:`list<list>` [:math:`d`]) -- orders for each dimension .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.quadrature` """ if qtype == 0: if isinstance(qparams, list): if len(qparams) != 1: raise ValueError('len(qparams) != 1') qparams = qparams[0] # Monte Carlo sampling (may be batched) batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', qparams) x = np.zeros((qparams, self.dim)) niter = qparams // batch_size + (1 if qparams % batch_size > 0 else 0) for it in range(niter): nnew = min(qparams-it*batch_size, batch_size) samp_start = it * batch_size samp_stop = samp_start + nnew # Sample x[samp_start:samp_stop,:] = \ stats.norm().rvs(nnew*self.dim).reshape((nnew, self.dim)) w = np.ones(qparams)/float(qparams) elif qtype == 1: # Quasi-Monte Carlo sampling raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") elif qtype == 2: # Latin-Hyper cube sampling raise NotImplementedError("Todo") elif qtype == 3: # Gaussian quadrature # Generate first a standard normal quadrature # then apply the Cholesky transform P = SND.PolyND( [S1D.HermiteProbabilistsPolynomial()] * self.dim ) (x,w) = P.GaussQuadrature(qparams, norm=True) # For stability sort in ascending order of w srt_idxs = np.argsort(w) w = w[srt_idxs] x = x[srt_idxs,:] elif qtype == 4: if not DARKSPARK_SUPPORT: raise RuntimeError("Sparse Grid is not supported (install DARKSparK).") # Gauss Hermite quadrature #################### # Setting up parameters gaussHermiteSparseGridRule = SparseGridRule( self.dim, GaussHermite(growth_level = qparams.get('growth_level', 1) ), num_levels_precomputed = qparams.get('num_levels_precomputed', 4), max_allowed_level_per_dim = qparams.get('max_allowed_level_per_dim', 15) ) sparse_grid_params = ParametersDimAdaptiveSparseGridProblem() sparse_grid_params.start_num_dims = self.dim sparse_grid_params.num_dims_to_add_each_iter = qparams.get( 'num_dims_to_add_each_iter', 1) #free to choose, probably keep at 1 sparse_grid_params.rel_tol = qparams.get( 'rel_tol', 1e-19) # rel_tol not used for this problem sparse_grid_params.min_allowed_num_grid_pts = qparams.get( 'min_allowed_num_grid_pts', 1) # this is arbitrary sparse_grid_params.min_level_per_dim = qparams.get( 'min_level_per_dim', 1) # this is arbitrary sparse_grid_params.dim_adaptivity_degree = qparams.get( 'dim_adaptivity_degree', 1.0) # this is arbitrary sparse_grid_params.max_allowed_grid_size = qparams.get( 'max_allowed_grid_size', 1e6) # this is arbitrary sparse_grid_params.max_allowed_num_grid_pts = qparams.get( 'max_allowed_num_grid_pts', 10000) # cost maximum?..... qparams['cost_max']? # Finished setting up parameters #################### if 'f' in kwargs: # Dimension Adaptive Gauss Hermite sparse grid based on integrand f sparse_grid_params.abs_tol = qparams['abs_tol'] # Mandatory parameter adapter = DimAdaptiveSparseGridProblem( gaussHermiteSparseGridRule, map=kwargs['f'], parameters=sparse_grid_params) qparams['adapter'] = adapter adapter.integrate() # If doesnt converge within tolerance, # DARKSparK should user with warning, but not provide any error. # If a warning is generated, user should have the option in TM to do something.. x,w = adapter.get_all_unique_sparse_grid_pts_and_weights() if True: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(adapter.max_level_per_dim.keys(), adapter.max_level_per_dim.values()) plt.title("Quadrature levels per dimension") # print("Manually calculated quadrature",['f'](x),w)) # plt.plot(adapter.num_grid_pts_history[len(adapter.num_grid_pts_history)//2:], # [integral[0] # for integral in adapter.vector_valued_integrals][len(adapter.num_grid_pts_history)//2:], # label="SG, by # pts") # plt.title("Sparse Grid Quadrature Error Indicator") # plt.xlabel("# samples") # plt.ylabel("integral") # else: # Use the level 1 isotropic Gauss Hermite quadrature sparse grid instead initial_sparse_grid = DimAdaptiveSparseGridProblem( gaussHermiteSparseGridRule, parameters=sparse_grid_params) x, w = initial_sparse_grid.get_all_unique_sparse_grid_pts_and_weights() #Only perform this check in some debug mode: # xw_concat = np.append(x,w[:,np.newaxis],axis=1) # if (xw_concat.shape[0] - np.unique(xw_concat,axis=1).shape[0] > 0): # ValueError("Non-unique x, w pairs! Check quadrature rule") # For stability sort in ascending order of w srt_idxs = np.argsort([abs(x) for x in w]) w = w[srt_idxs] x = x[srt_idxs,:] else: raise ValueError("Quadrature type not recognized") # Transform mass w *= mass return x, w
[docs] def get_component(self, avars): r""" Return the measure :math:`\nu_{a_1}\times\cdots\times\nu_{a_k} = \mathcal{N}(0,{\bf I}_k)` Args: avars (list): list of coordinates to extract from :math:`\nu` """ return StandardNormalDistribution(len(avars))
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\log\pi({\bf x})` .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.log_pdf` """ return -.5 * npla.norm(x, axis=1)**2 \ - self.dim * .5 * np.log(2.*np.pi)
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf x}\log\pi({\bf x})` .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.grad_x_log_pdf` """ return - x.copy()
[docs] def tuple_grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`(\log\pi({\bf x}), \nabla_{\bf x}\log\pi({\bf x}))` .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.grad_x_log_pdf` """ lpdf = self.log_pdf(x, *args, **kwargs) gxlpdf = self.grad_x_log_pdf(x, *args, **kwargs) return (lpdf, gxlpdf)
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x}\log\pi({\bf x})` .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.hess_x_log_pdf` """ hx = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], self.dim, self.dim) ) dhx = np.einsum('...ii->...i', hx) dhx[:] = -1. return hx
[docs] def action_hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\langle \nabla^2_{\bf x}\log\pi({\bf x}), \delta{\bf x}\rangle` .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.action_hess_x_log_pdf` """ return - dx.copy()
[docs] def solve_square_root(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}{\bf x} = {\bf y}` (:math:`{\bf x}={\bf y}` for Standard Normal). """ return y.copy()
[docs] def solve_square_root_transpose(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{\top}{2}}{\bf x} = {\bf y}` (:math:`{\bf x}={\bf y}` for Standard Normal). """ return y.copy()
[docs] def solve_sigma(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma{\bf x} = {\bf y}` (:math:`{\bf x}={\bf y}` for Standard Normal). """ return y.copy()
[docs] def mean_log_pdf(self): r""" Evaluate :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[\log \pi]`. .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.mean_log_pdf` """ return -.5 * (self.dim * np.log(2*np.pi) + self.dim)
[docs]class NormalDistribution(PushForwardTransportMapDistribution): r""" Multivariate Gaussian distribution :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu,\Sigma)` Args: mu (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d`]): mean vector :math:`\mu` covariance (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]): covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma` precision (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]): precision matrix :math:`\Sigma^{-1}` square_root_covariance (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]): square root :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}` square_root_precision (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]): square root :math:`\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}` square_root_type (str): type of square root to be used in case ``covariance`` or ``precision``were provided. For ``square_root_type=='sym'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}U^T` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='tri'`` or ``square_root_type=='chol'``, :maht:`L=C` where :math:`\Sigma=CC^T` is the Cholesky decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='kl'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma` (this corresponds to the Karuenen-Loeve expansion). The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are ordered with :math:`\lambda_i\geq\lambda_{i+1}`. If the parameter ``square_root`` is provided, then the :py:attr:`square_root_type` attribute will be set ``user``. .. note:: The arguments ``covariance``, ``precision`` and ``square_root`` are mutually exclusive. """ def __init__( self, mu, covariance=None, precision=None, square_root_covariance=None, square_root_precision=None, square_root_type='sym' ): if sum(inp is not None for inp in [covariance, precision, square_root_covariance, square_root_precision]) != 1: raise AttributeError( "The inputs covariance, precision, " + \ "square_root_covariance and square_root_precision " + \ "are mutually exclusive." ) if covariance is not None: if not (mu.shape[0] == covariance.shape[0] == covariance.shape[1]): raise AttributeError("mu and covariance must have consistent dimensions") self._covariance = covariance self._square_root_type = square_root_type self._square_root_covariance = self._square_root_covariance_from_covariance(square_root_type) L = self._square_root_covariance elif precision is not None: if not (mu.shape[0] == precision.shape[0] == precision.shape[1]): raise AttributeError("mu and precision must have consistent dimensions") self._square_root_type = square_root_type self._precision = precision self._square_root_covariance = self._square_root_covariance_from_precision(square_root_type) L = self._square_root_covariance elif square_root_covariance is not None: if not (mu.shape[0] == square_root_covariance.shape[0] == square_root_covariance.shape[1]): raise AttributeError("mu and square_root_covariance must have consistent dimensions") self._square_root_type = 'user' self._square_root_covariance = square_root_covariance L = square_root_covariance elif square_root_precision is not None: if not (mu.shape[0] == square_root_precision.shape[0] == square_root_precision.shape[1]): raise AttributeError("mu and square_root_precision must have consistent dimensions") self.square_root_type = 'user' self.square_root_precision = square_root_precision L = matrix_inverse( square_root_precision ) # Define the push-forward distribution tm = AffineTransportMap(c=mu, L=L) d = StandardNormalDistribution(mu.shape[0]) super(NormalDistribution, self).__init__(tm, d)
[docs] def _square_root_covariance_from_covariance(self, square_root_type='sym'): r""" Factorizes the covariance and returns its square root Kwargs: square_root_type (str): type of square root. For ``square_root_type=='sym'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}U^T` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='tri'`` or ``square_root_type=='chol'``, :maht:`L=C` where :math:`\Sigma=CC^T` is the Cholesky decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='kl'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma` (this corresponds to the Karuenen-Loeve expansion). The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are ordered with :math:`\lambda_i\geq\lambda_{i+1}`. Returns: :math:`L` -- square root of covariance """ try: return square_root(self._covariance) except AttributeError: # Back compatibility v3.0 return square_root(self._sigma)
[docs] def _square_root_precision_from_covariance(self, square_root_type='sym'): r""" Factorizes the covariance and returns the square root of the precision Kwargs: square_root_type (str): type of square root. For ``square_root_type=='sym'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}U^T` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='tri'`` or ``square_root_type=='chol'``, :maht:`L=C` where :math:`\Sigma=CC^T` is the Cholesky decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='kl'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma` (this corresponds to the Karuenen-Loeve expansion). The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are ordered with :math:`\lambda_i\geq\lambda_{i+1}`. Returns: :math:`L^{-1}` -- square root of precision """ try: return inverse_square_root( self._covariance ) except AttributeError: # Back compatibility v3.0 return inverse_square_root( self._sigma )
[docs] def _square_root_precision_from_precision(self, square_root_type='sym'): r""" Factorizes the precision and returns its square root Args: precision (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]): precision matrix :math:`\Sigma^{-1}` Kwargs: square_root_type (str): type of square root. For ``square_root_type=='sym'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}U^T` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='tri'`` or ``square_root_type=='chol'``, :maht:`L=C` where :math:`\Sigma=CC^T` is the Cholesky decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='kl'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma` (this corresponds to the Karuenen-Loeve expansion). The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are ordered with :math:`\lambda_i\geq\lambda_{i+1}`. Returns: :math:`L^{-1}` -- square root of the precision """ return square_root( self._precision )
[docs] def _square_root_covariance_from_precision(self, square_root_type='sym'): r""" Factorizes the precision and returns the square root of the covariance Args: precision (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]): precision matrix :math:`\Sigma^{-1}` Kwargs: square_root_type (str): type of square root. For ``square_root_type=='sym'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}U^T` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='tri'`` or ``square_root_type=='chol'``, :maht:`L=C` where :math:`\Sigma=CC^T` is the Cholesky decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``square_root_type=='kl'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma` (this corresponds to the Karuenen-Loeve expansion). The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are ordered with :math:`\lambda_i\geq\lambda_{i+1}`. Returns: :math:`L` -- square root of the covariance """ return inverse_square_root( self._precision )
[docs] def mu(self): return self.transport_map.c
@mu.setter def mu(self, mu): self.transport_map.c = mu @property
[docs] def covariance(self): try: self._covariance except AttributeError: # Back compatibiliy try: self._covariance = self._sigma except AttributeError: # Use square root of covariance try: self._covariance =, self._square_root_covariance.T) except AttributeError: # Use square root of precision try: self._square_root_covariance = matrix_inverse( self._square_root_precision ) self._covariance =, self._square_root_covariance.T) except AttributeError: # Use precision self._covariance = matrix_inverse(self._precision) return self._covariance
@covariance.setter def covariance(self, cov): if not( self.dim == cov.shape[0] == cov.shape[1] ): raise AttributeError( "The dimensions of covariance must be consistent " + \ "with the dimensions of the distribution") if self._square_root_type == 'user': raise AttributeError( "The square_root_type attribute is set to `user`. Please " + \ "set this attribute to one of the available square root types " + \ "`sym`, `kl`, `tri`.") if hasattr(self, '_precision'): delattr(self, '_precision') if hasattr(self, '_square_root_precision'): delattr(self, '_square_root_precision') self._covariance = cov self._square_root_covariance = self._square_root_covariance_from_covariance(self.square_root_type) self.transport_map.L = self._square_root_covariance @property @deprecate("sigma", "3.0", "Use property covariance instead.")
[docs] def sigma(self): return self.covariance
@sigma.setter @deprecate("sigma", "3.0", "Use setter covariance instead.") def sigma(self, sigma): self.covariance = sigma @property
[docs] def precision(self): try: self._precision except AttributeError: # Use square root of precision try: self._precision =, self._square_root_precision.T) except AttributeError: # Use square root of covariance try: self._square_root_precision = matrix_inverse(self._square_root_covariance) self._precision =, self._square_root_precision.T) except AttributeError: # Use covariance try: self._precision = matrix_inverse(self._covariance) except AttributeError: # Back compatibility v3.0 self._precision = matrix_inverse(self._sigma) return self._precision
@precision.setter def precision(self, precision): if not( self.dim == precision.shape[0] == precision.shape[1] ): raise AttributeError( "The dimensions of precision must be consistent " + \ "with the dimensions of the distribution") if self._square_root_type == 'user': raise AttributeError( "The square_root_type attribute is set to `user`. Please " + \ "set this attribute to one of the available square root types " + \ "`sym`, `kl`, `tri`.") if hasattr(self, '_covariance'): delattr(self, '_covariance') if hasattr(self, '_square_root_precision'): delattr(self, '_square_root_precision') self._precision = precision self._square_root_covariance = self._square_root_covariance_from_precision(self._square_root_type) self.transport_map.L = self._square_root_covariance @property @deprecate("inv_sigma", "3.0", "Use property precision instead.")
[docs] def inv_sigma(self): return self.precision
@inv_sigma.setter @deprecate("inv_sigma", "3.0", "Use setter precision instead.") def inv_sigma(self, inv_sigma): self.precision = inv_sigma @property
[docs] def square_root_covariance(self): try: self._square_root_covariance except AttributeError: # Use square root precision try: self._square_root_covariance = matrix_inverse(self._square_root_precision) except AttributeError: # Factorize covariance try: self._square_root_covariance = self._square_root_covariance_from_covariance(self._square_root_type) except AttributeError: # Factorize precision self._square_root_covariance = self._square_root_covariance_from_precision(self._square_root_type) return self._square_root_covariance
@square_root_covariance.setter def square_root_covariance(self, sqrt): if not( self.dim == sqrt.shape[0] == sqrt.shape[1] ): raise AttributeError( "The dimensions of the square root must be consistent " + \ "with the dimensions of the distribution") if hasattr(self, '_covariance'): delattr(self, '_covariance') if hasattr(self, '_precision'): delattr(self, '_precision') if hasattr(self, '_square_root_precision'): delattr(self, '_square_root_precision') self._square_root_type = 'user' self._square_root_covariance = sqrt self.transport_map.L = self._square_root_covariance @property @deprecate("square_root", "3.0", "Use property square_root_covariance instead.")
[docs] def square_root(self): return self._square_root_covariance
@square_root.setter @deprecate("square_root", "3.0", "Use setter square_root_covariance instead.") def square_root(self, square_root): self.square_root_covariance = square_root @property @deprecate("sampling_mat", '3.0', "Use attribute square_root instead.")
[docs] def sampling_mat(self): return self.square_root
[docs] def square_root_precision(self): try: self._square_root_precision except AttributeError: # Use square root covariance try: self._square_root_precision = matrix_inverse(self._square_root_covariance) except AttributeError: # Factorize precision try: self._square_root_precision = self._square_root_precision_from_precision(self._square_root_type) except AttributeError: # Factorize covariance self._square_root_precision = self._square_root_precision_from_covariance(self._square_root_type) return self._square_root_precision
@square_root_precision.setter def square_root_precision(self, sqrt): if not( self.dim == sqrt.shape[0] == sqrt.shape[1] ): raise AttributeError( "The dimensions of the square root must be consistent " + \ "with the dimensions of the distribution") if hasattr(self, '_covariance'): delattr(self, '_covariance') if hasattr(self, '_precision'): delattr(self, '_precision') self._square_root_type = 'user' self._square_root_precision = sqrt self._square_root_covariance = matrix_inverse(sqrt) self.transport_map.L = self._square_root_covariance @property
[docs] def square_root_type(self): return self._square_root_type
@square_root_type.setter def square_root_type(self, square_root_type): if square_root_type not in ['sym', 'kl', 'tri','chol']: raise ValueError("Square root type not recognized") if square_root_type != self._square_root_type: L = self._square_root_covariance_from_covariance(square_root_type) self.transport_map.L = L self._square_root_type = square_root_type
[docs] def solve_square_root_covariance(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}{\bf x} = {\bf y}`. """ return solve_linear_system(self._square_root_covariance, y)
[docs] def solve_square_root_covariance_transposed(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{\top}{2}}{\bf x} = {\bf y}`. """ return solve_linear_system( self._square_root_covariance, y, transposed=True)
@deprecate("solve_square_root", "3.0", "Use solve_square_root_covariance instead.")
[docs] def solve_square_root(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}{\bf x} = {\bf y}`. """ return self.transport_map.solve_linear(y)
@deprecate("solve_square_root_transpose", "3.0", "Use solve_square_root_covariance_transposed instead.")
[docs] def solve_square_root_transpose(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{\frac{\top}{2}}{\bf x} = {\bf y}`. """ return self.transport_map.solve_linear_transpose(y)
[docs] def solve_covariance(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma{\bf x} = {\bf y}` """ try: x =, y) except AttributeError: x = solve_square_root_linear_system(self.square_root_covariance, y) return x
@deprecate("solve_sigma", "3.0", "Use solve_covariance instead.")
[docs] def solve_sigma(self, y): return self.solve_covariance(y)
[docs] def solve_square_root_precision(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}{\bf x} = {\bf y}`. """ return solve_linear_system(self._square_root_precision, y)
[docs] def solve_square_root_precision_transposed(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{-\frac{\top}{2}}{\bf x} = {\bf y}`. """ return solve_linear_system( self._square_root_precision, y, transposed=True)
[docs] def solve_precision(self, y): r""" Solve :math:`\Sigma^{-1}{\bf x} = {\bf y}` """ try: x =, y) except AttributeError: x = solve_square_root_linear_system(self.square_root_precision, y) return x
[docs] def log_det_covariance(self): return 2 * self.log_det_square_root_covariance
[docs] def log_det_square_root_covariance(self): try: self._log_det_square_root_covariance except AttributeError: self._log_det_square_root_covariance = log_det( self.square_root_covariance ) return self._log_det_square_root_covariance
[docs] def log_det_precision(self): return 2 * self.log_det_square_root_precision()
[docs] def log_det_square_root_precision(self): try: self._log_det_square_root_precision except AttributeError: self._log_det_square_root_precision = log_det( self.square_root_precision ) return self._log_det_square_root_precision
@property @deprecate("log_det_sigma", '3.0', 'Use property log_det_covariance instead.')
[docs] def log_det_sigma(self): return self.log_det_covariance
[docs] def mean_log_pdf(self): r""" Evaluate :math:`\mathbb{E}_{\pi}[\log \pi]`. .. seealso:: :func:`Distribution.mean_log_pdf` """ return self.base_distribution.mean_log_pdf() - \ self.transport_map.log_det_grad_x( np.zeros((1,self.dim)) )[0]
[docs]class ChainGraphGaussianDistribution(GaussianDistribution): def __init__(self, dim, edge_strength=.45): self.dim = dim self.edge_strength = edge_strength mu = np.zeros(dim) precision = super(ChainGraphGaussianDistribution, self).__init__(mu, precision=precision)
[docs] def omega(self): # create tridiagonal matrix omega = np.eye(self.dim) + self.edge_strength*np.eye(self.dim,k=-1) + self.edge_strength*np.eye(self.dim,k=+1) # compute unnormalized sigma (covariance matrix) sigma_temp = np.linalg.inv(omega) # extract standard deviations from sigma_temp std_temp = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(sigma_temp))) # scale omega by std_temp omega =, omega), std_temp) return omega
[docs] def sigma(self): # return inverse of omega sigma = np.linalg.inv( return sigma
[docs] def rvs(self, m): # compute K, where K K^T = sigma K = np.linalg.cholesky(self.sigma) # generate 'base' samples from standard normal x = stats.norm().rvs(m*self.dim).reshape((m,self.dim)) # return m realizations samples =, x.T).T return samples
[docs] def nonzero_idxs(self): # find zero elements in omega to determine active_vars omegaLower = np.tril( active_vars = [] for i in range(self.dim): actives = np.where(omegaLower[i,:] != 0) active_list = list(set(actives[0]) | set([i])) active_list.sort(key=int) active_vars.append(active_list) return active_vars
[docs] def graph(self): graph = np.zeros([self.dim,self.dim]) graph[ != 0] = 1 return graph
[docs] def n_edges(self): return self.dim-1
[docs]class StarGraphGaussianDistribution(GaussianDistribution): def __init__(self, dim, edge_strength=.45): self.dim = dim self.edge_strength = edge_strength mu = np.zeros(dim) precision = super(StarGraphGaussianDistribution, self).__init__(mu, precision=precision)
[docs] def omega(self): # create star matrix omega = np.eye(self.dim) omega[0,0] = self.dim omega[0,1:] = self.edge_strength omega[1:,0] = self.edge_strength # compute unnormalized sigma (covariance matrix) sigma_temp = np.linalg.inv(omega) # extract standard deviations from sigma_temp std_temp = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(sigma_temp))) # scale omega by std_temp omega =, omega), std_temp) return omega
[docs] def sigma(self): # return inverse of omega sigma = np.linalg.inv( return sigma
[docs] def rvs(self, m): # compute K, where K K^T = sigma K = np.linalg.cholesky(self.sigma) # generate 'base' samples from standard normal x = stats.norm().rvs(m*self.dim).reshape((m,self.dim)) # return m realizations samples =, x.T).T return samples
[docs] def nonzero_idxs(self): # find zero elements in omega to determine active_vars omegaLower = np.tril( active_vars = [] for i in range(self.dim): actives = np.where(omegaLower[i,:] != 0) active_list = list(set(actives[0]) | set([i])) active_list.sort(key=int) active_vars.append(active_list) return active_vars
[docs] def graph(self): graph = np.zeros([self.dim,self.dim]) graph[ != 0] = 1 return graph
[docs] def n_edges(self): return self.dim-1
[docs]class GridGraphGaussianDistribution(GaussianDistribution): def __init__(self, dim, edge_strength= 1.0): if (np.sqrt(dim) - int(np.sqrt(dim))) != 0: raise ValueError('Input dimension must be a square number') self.dim = dim self.edge_strength = edge_strength mu = np.zeros(dim) precision = super(GridGraphGaussianDistribution, self).__init__(mu, precision=precision)
[docs] def omega(self): dim_sq_root = int(np.sqrt(self.dim)) # declare grid coordinates coords = self.zigzag(dim_sq_root) n_coords = len(coords) # create zero matrix omega = np.zeros((n_coords, n_coords)) # pull out all coordinates all_coords = list(coords.values()) # add all edges for the grid graph for i in range(n_coords): coord_val = coords[i]; new_coords = [(coord_val[0],coord_val[1]+1), (coord_val[0],coord_val[1]-1), (coord_val[0]+1,coord_val[1]), (coord_val[0]-1,coord_val[1])] for j in range(len(new_coords)): if new_coords[j] in all_coords: coord_idx = all_coords.index(new_coords[j]) omega[i, coord_idx] = self.edge_strength omega[coord_idx, i] = self.edge_strength # set the diagonal appropriately max_val = np.ceil(np.max(np.sum(np.abs(omega), axis = 0))) + 1 omega = omega + max_val*np.eye(n_coords) # compute unnormalized sigma (covariance matrix) sigma_temp = np.linalg.inv(omega) # extract standard deviations from sigma_temp std_temp = np.diag(np.sqrt(np.diag(sigma_temp))) # scale omega by std_temp omega =, omega), std_temp) return omega
[docs] def zigzag(self,n): # zig-zag pattern returns bijection between graph coordinates and ordering indexorder = sorted(((x,y) for x in range(n) for y in range(n)), key = lambda p: (p[0]+p[1], -p[1] if (p[0]+p[1]) % 2 else p[1]) ) return dict((n,index) for n,index in enumerate(indexorder))
[docs] def sigma(self): # return inverse of omega sigma = np.linalg.inv( return sigma
[docs] def rvs(self, m): # compute K, where K K^T = sigma K = np.linalg.cholesky(self.sigma) # generate 'base' samples from standard normal x = stats.norm().rvs(m*self.dim).reshape((m,self.dim)) # return m realizations samples =, x.T).T return samples
[docs] def nonzero_idxs(self): #dim_sq = np.power(self.dim,2) # extract lower triangular matrix omegaLower = np.tril( # add edges by... # variable elimination moving from highest node (dim-1) to node 2 (at most) for i in range(self.dim-1,1,-1): non_zero_ind = np.where(omegaLower[i,:i] != 0)[0] if len(non_zero_ind) > 1: co_parents = list(itertools.combinations(non_zero_ind,2)) for j in range(len(co_parents)): row_index = max(co_parents[j]) col_index = min(co_parents[j]) omegaLower[row_index, col_index] = 1.0 # find zero elements in chordal omega to determine active_vars active_vars = [] for i in range(self.dim): actives = np.where(omegaLower[i,:] != 0) active_list = list(set(actives[0]) | set([i])) active_list.sort(key=int) active_vars.append(active_list) return active_vars
[docs] def graph(self): graph = np.zeros([self.dim,self.dim]) graph[ != 0] = 1 return graph
[docs] def n_edges(self): return 2.*(np.sqrt(self.dim) - 1)**2
############################################################### # Definition of miscellaneous densities (No sampling defined) # ###############################################################
[docs]class LogNormalDistribution(FrozenDistribution_1d): def __init__(self, s, mu, scale): super(LogNormalDistribution,self).__init__() self.s = s = mu self.scale = scale self.dist = stats.lognorm(s=s, loc=mu, scale=scale)
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n).reshape((n,1))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.pdf( x ).flatten()
[docs] def grad_x_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): s = self.s m = d = self.dist return - d.pdf(x) * ( 1./(x-m) + np.log(x-m)/(s**2.*(x-m)) )
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.logpdf( x ).flatten()
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): s = self.s m = sc = self.scale return - 1./(x-m) * (np.log((x-m)/sc)/s**2. + 1)
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): s = self.s m = sc = self.scale return (1./(x-m)**2. * ( (np.log((x-m)/sc) + s**2. - 1.)/s**2. ))[:,:,nax]
[docs]class LogisticDistribution(FrozenDistribution_1d): def __init__(self, mu, s): super(LogisticDistribution,self).__init__() = mu self.s = s self.dist = stats.logistic(loc=mu,scale=s)
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n).reshape((n,1))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.pdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): # Log pdf with modified asymptotic behavior out = np.zeros(x.shape) g20 = (x >= -20) l20 = (x < -20) out[g20] = self.dist.logpdf(x[g20]).flatten() out[l20] = (x[l20].flatten() - return out.flatten()
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): mu = s = self.s out = np.zeros(x.shape) g20 = (x >= -20) l20 = (x < -20) g = np.exp(-(x[g20]-mu)/s) out[g20] = -1./s + 2./s * g/(1+g) out[l20] = 1./s return out
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): mu = s = self.s out = np.zeros(x.shape) g20 = (x >= -20) l20 = (x < -20) g = np.exp(-(x[g20]-mu)/s) out[g20] = (- 2./s**2. * g/(1+g)**2.) out[l20] = 0. return out[:,:,nax]
# def nabla3_x_log_pdf(self, x, params=None): # mu = # s = self.s # g = np.exp(-(x-mu)/s) # return (2./s**3. * g*(1-g)/(1+g)**3.)[:,:,nax,nax]
[docs]class GammaDistribution(FrozenDistribution_1d): def __init__(self, kappa, theta): super(GammaDistribution,self).__init__() self.kappa = kappa self.theta = theta self.dist = stats.gamma(kappa, scale=theta)
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n).reshape((n,1))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.pdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.logpdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): k = self.kappa t = self.theta return (k-1.)/x - 1/t
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): k = self.kappa return ((1.-k)/x**2.)[:,:,nax]
[docs] def nabla3_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): k = self.kappa return (2.*(k-1.)/x**3.)[:,:,nax,nax]
[docs]class BetaDistribution(FrozenDistribution_1d): def __init__(self, alpha, beta): super(BetaDistribution,self).__init__() self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.dist = stats.beta(alpha, beta)
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n).reshape((n,1))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.pdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.logpdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): a = self.alpha b = self.beta return (a-1.)/x + (b-1.)/(x-1.)
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): a = self.alpha b = self.beta out = (1.-a)/x**2. + (1-b)/(x-1.)**2. return out[:,:,nax]
[docs] def nabla3_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): a = self.alpha b = self.beta out = 2.*(a-1.)/x**3. + 2.*(b-1.)/(x-1.)**3. return out[:,:,nax,nax]
[docs]class UniformDistribution(Distribution): def __init__(self, dim=1): super(UniformDistribution, self).__init__(dim) self.dist = stats.uniform()
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n*self.dim).reshape((n,self.dim))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return, axis=1)
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return np.sum(self.dist.logpdf(x), axis=1)
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return np.zeros((x.shape[0],self.dim))
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return np.zeros((x.shape[0],self.dim,self.dim))
[docs]class GumbelDistribution(FrozenDistribution_1d): def __init__(self, mu, beta): super(GumbelDistribution,self).__init__() = mu self.beta = beta self.dist = stats.gumbel_r(loc=mu, scale=beta)
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n).reshape((n,1))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.pdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.logpdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): m = b = self.beta z = (x-m)/b return (np.exp(-z)-1.)/b
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): m = b = self.beta z = (x-m)/b return (- np.exp(-z)/b**2.)[:,:,nax]
[docs] def nabla3_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): m = b = self.beta z = (x-m)/b return (np.exp(-z)/b**3.)[:,:,nax,nax]
[docs]class WeibullDistribution(FrozenDistribution_1d): def __init__(self, c, mu=0., sigma=1.): super(WeibullDistribution,self).__init__() self.c = c = mu self.sigma=sigma self.dist = stats.weibull_min(c=self.c,, scale=self.sigma)
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n).reshape((n,1))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.pdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.logpdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): c = self.c m = s = self.sigma out = (c-1.)/(x-m) - c/s * ((x-m)/s)**(c-1.) return out
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): c = self.c m = s = self.sigma out = - (c-1.)/(x-m)**2. - (c*(c-1.))/s**2. * ((x-m)/s)**(c-2.) return out[:,:,nax]
[docs]class CauchyDistribution(FrozenDistribution_1d): def __init__(self, loc, scale): self.loc = loc self.scale = scale
[docs] def pdf(self,x,params=None): out = stats.cauchy.pdf(x, loc = self.loc, scale = self.scale) return out.flatten()
[docs] def log_pdf(self,x,params=None): out = stats.cauchy.logpdf(x, loc = self.loc, scale = self.scale) return out.flatten()
[docs] def rvs(self,n): out = stats.cauchy.rvs(size=n) return out
[docs] def quadrature(self,qtype,qparams): if qtype == 0: x = qparams l = qparams.shape[0] w = np.ones(l)/l else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") return (x,w)
[docs]class StudentTDistribution(FrozenDistribution_1d): def __init__(self, df, mu=0., sigma=1.): super(StudentTDistribution,self).__init__() if df < 1: raise AttributeError("df must be >= 1") = mu self.sigma = sigma self.df = df self.dist = stats.t(df, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
[docs] def rvs(self, n, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.rvs(n).reshape((n,1))
[docs] def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.pdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return self.dist.logpdf(x).flatten()
[docs] def grad_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): m = s = self.sigma k = self.df return - (k+1)*(x-m)/(k*s**2 + (x-m)**2)
[docs] def hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, *args, **kwargs): m = s = self.sigma k = self.df out = - (k+1)/(k*s**2 + (x-m)**2) + \ 2*(k+1)*(x-m)**2/(k*s**2 + (x-m)**2)**2 return out[:,:,nax]
[docs]class BananaDistribution(PushForwardTransportMapDistribution): def __init__(self, a, b, mu, sigma2): import TransportMaps.Maps as MAPS gauss_map = AffineTransportMap(c=mu, L=npla.cholesky(sigma2)) ban_map = FrozenBananaMap(a, b) tm = CompositeTransportMap(ban_map, gauss_map) base_distribution = StandardNormalDistribution(2) super(BananaDistribution, self).__init__(tm, base_distribution)
class RelaxedRademacherDistribution(Distribution): def __init__(self, dim): if dim%2 != 0: raise ValueError("Input dimension must be an even number") self.dim = dim def rvs(self, m): rvs = np.zeros([m, self.dim]) for i in range(0,self.dim,2): rvs[:,i] = stats.norm.rvs(size=m) unif = 2*stats.uniform.rvs(size=m) - 1 rvs[:,i+1] = rvs[:,i] * unif return rvs @property def graph(self): graph = np.eye(self.dim) for i in range(0,self.dim,2): graph[i,i+1] = 1 graph[i+1,i] = 1 return graph @property def nonzero_idxs(self): # find zero elements in omega to determine active_vars graphLower = np.tril(self.graph()) active_vars = [] for i in range(self.dim): actives = np.where(graphLower[i,:] != 0) active_list = list(set(actives[0]) | set([i])) active_list.sort(key=int) active_vars.append(active_list) return active_vars @property def n_edges(self): return self.dim/2. class ButterflyDistribution(Distribution): def __init__(self, dim): if dim%2 != 0: raise ValueError("Input dimension must be an even number") self.dim = dim def rvs(self, m): rvs = np.zeros([m, self.dim]) for i in range(0,self.dim,2): rvs[:,i] = stats.norm.rvs(size=m) norm = stats.norm.rvs(size=m) rvs[:,i+1] = rvs[:,i] * norm return rvs @property def graph(self): graph = np.eye(self.dim) for i in range(0,self.dim,2): graph[i,i+1] = 1 graph[i+1,i] = 1 return graph @property def nonzero_idxs(self): # find zero elements in omega to determine active_vars graphLower = np.tril(self.graph()) active_vars = [] for i in range(self.dim): actives = np.where(graphLower[i,:] != 0) active_list = list(set(actives[0]) | set([i])) active_list.sort(key=int) active_vars.append(active_list) return active_vars @property def n_edges(self): return self.dim/2.