Source code for TransportMaps.Distributions.Examples.PoissonProblem.PoissonDistributions

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Author: Transport Map Team
# Website:
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import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

from .... import Maps
from ....External import DOLFIN_SUPPORT
from .... import Distributions as DIST
from ....Distributions import Inference as DISTINF
from .... import Likelihoods as LKL
from ....Misc import counted, cached, get_sub_cache

    import dolfin as dol
    # import dolfin_adjoint as doladj
    if dol.__version__ == '2017.2.0':
        import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
        from petsc4py import PETSc

__all__ = [

nax = np.newaxis

[docs]class Covariance(object):
[docs] def __call__(self, coord): dists = squareform( pdist(coord) ) return self._evaluate( dists )
[docs] def _evaluate(self, dists): raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclasses")
[docs]class OrnsteinUhlenbeckCovariance(Covariance): def __init__(self, var, l): self.var = var self.l = l
[docs] def _evaluate(self, dists): return self.var * np.exp( - dists / self.l )
[docs]class SquaredExponentialCovariance(Covariance): def __init__(self, var, l): self.var = var self.l = l
[docs] def _evaluate(self, dists): d0 = np.isclose(dists, 0.) dn0 = np.logical_not(d0) d0 = np.where(d0) dn0 = np.where(dn0) out = np.zeros(dists.shape) out[d0] = self.var + 1e-13 out[dn0] = self.var * np.exp( - dists[dn0]**2 / self.l**2 / 2 ) return out
[docs]class IdentityCovariance(Covariance): def __init__(self, var): self.var = var
[docs] def _evaluate(self, dists): return self.var * np.eye( len(dists) )
[docs]class GaussianFieldPoissonDistribution(DISTINF.BayesPosteriorDistribution): r""" Posterior distribution of the conductivity field of a Poisson problem. The system is observed through the operator :math:`\mathcal{O}[{\bf c}]` defined by .. math:: \mathcal{O}[{\bf c}](u) = \int u({\bf x}) \frac{1}{2\pi\sigma_y^2} \exp\left(-\frac{\Vert{\bf x} - {\bf c}\Vert^2}{2\sigma_y^2} \right) d{\bf x} \;, where :math:`u` is the solution associated to an underlying field :math:`\kappa`. Given the sensor locations :math:`\{{\bf c}_i\}_{i=1}^s`, the Bayesian problem is defined as follows: .. math:: {\bf y}_i = \mathcal{O}[{\bf c}_i](u) + \varepsilon \;, \qquad \varepsilon \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, \mathcal{C}_y({\bf x},{\bf x}^\prime)) \\ \kappa({\bf x}) \sim \log\mathcal{GP}(\mu_\kappa({\bf x}), \mathcal{C}_\kappa({\bf x},{\bf x}^\prime)) Args: solver (PoissonSolver): Poisson solver for a particular problem setting sens_pos_list (:class:`list` of :class:`tuple`): list of sensor locations sens_geo_std (float): observation kernel width :math:`\sigma_y` real_observations (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): observations :math:`\{{\bf y}_i\}_{i=1}^s` field_vals (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): generating field (default is ``None``, generating a synthetic field) prior_mean_field_vals (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): values :math:`\mu_\kappa({\bf x})` (default is ``None``, which corresponds to :math:`\mu_\kappa({\bf x})=0`) prior_cov (Covariance): covariance function :math:`\mathcal{C}_\kappa({\bf x},{\bf x}^\prime)` lkl_cov (Covariance): covariance function :math:`\mathcal{C}_y({\bf x},{\bf x}^\prime)` """ def __init__( self, # Physics solver, # Sensors definition sens_pos_list, sens_geo_std, # Prior settings prior_mean_field_vals=None, prior_cov=OrnsteinUhlenbeckCovariance(1.,1.), # Likelihood settings lkl_cov=IdentityCovariance(1.), # Generating field field_vals=None, # Observations real_observations=None): if not DOLFIN_SUPPORT: raise ImportError("Please install FENICS (dolfin) in order to use this class") self.solver = solver self.sens_pos_list = sens_pos_list self.sens_geo_std = sens_geo_std self.prior_mean_field_vals = prior_mean_field_vals self.prior_cov = prior_cov self.lkl_cov = lkl_cov self.field_vals = field_vals self.real_observations = real_observations # List of attributes to be excluded in get/set params self.exclude_state_param_list = set() # Build the field to data maps self.field_to_data_map = GaussianFieldPoissonFieldToDataMap( solver=self.solver, sens_pos_list=self.sens_pos_list, sens_geo_std=self.sens_geo_std ) # Build prior (log-GP) if self.prior_mean_field_vals is not None: mean = self.prior_mean_field_vals else: mean = np.zeros(self.solver.ndofs) cov = self.prior_cov( self.solver.coord ) prior = DIST.PushForwardTransportMapDistribution( Maps.FrozenExponentialDiagonalTransportMap(self.solver.ndofs), DIST.NormalDistribution(mean, cov) ) # Build the slowness field if no-observation was provided if self.real_observations is None: if self.field_vals is None: self.field_vals = prior.rvs(1)[0,:] self.set_true_field() # Generate the observations if self.real_observations is None: y = self.field_to_data_map(self.field_vals[np.newaxis,:])[0,:] else: y = self.real_observations # Generate likelihoods cov = self.lkl_cov( self.sens_pos_list ) pi_noise = DIST.NormalDistribution( np.zeros(len(self.sens_pos_list)), cov) if self.real_observations is None: # If observations are synthetic, corrupt them with noise y += pi_noise.rvs(1)[0,:] # Build likelihood lkl = LKL.AdditiveLogLikelihood(y, pi_noise, self.field_to_data_map) # Call super to assemble posterior distribution super(GaussianFieldPoissonDistribution, self).__init__(lkl, prior)
[docs] def __getstate__(self): out = {} for key, val in vars(self).items(): if key not in self.exclude_state_param_list: out[key] = val return out
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): vars(self).update(state) self.solver.set_up() if self.real_observations is None: self.set_true_field()
[docs] def set_true_field(self): self.true_field = self.solver.dof_to_fun( self.field_vals) self.exclude_state_param_list.add( 'true_field' )
class GaussianFieldPoissonFieldToDataMap(Maps.Map): r""" Defines the observation mapping :math:`\kappa \mapsto \mathcal{O}[{\bf c}](u)` between the underlyling field and the sensors' obervations. Args: solver (PoissonSolver): Poisson solver for a particular problem setting sens_pos_list (:class:`list` of :class:`tuple`): list of sensor locations sens_geo_std (float): observation kernel width :math:`\sigma_y` """ def __init__(self, solver, sens_pos_list, sens_geo_std): if not DOLFIN_SUPPORT: raise ImportError("Please install FENICS (dolfin) in order to use this class") self.solver = solver self.sens_pos_list = sens_pos_list self.sens_geo_std = sens_geo_std # List of exluded parameters self.exclude_state_param_list = set() # Set up experiment self.set_up() # Init super super(GaussianFieldPoissonFieldToDataMap, self).__init__( dim_in=self.solver.ndofs, dim_out=len(self.sens_pos_list)) def __getstate__(self): out = {} for key, val in vars(self).items(): if key not in self.exclude_state_param_list: out[key] = val return out def __setstate__(self, state): vars(self).update(state) self.solver.set_up() self.set_up() def set_up(self): nrm_list = [] one = dol.project(dol.Constant(1.), self.solver.VEFS) for c0, c1 in self.sens_pos_list: expr = dol.Expression( 'exp(-.5 * (pow(c0 - x[0],2) + pow(c1 - x[1],2)) / pow(std,2))', std=self.sens_geo_std, c0=c0, c1=c1, element=self.solver.VE) nrm_list.append( dol.assemble(expr * one * dol.dx) ) self.sensors_list = [ dol.Expression( '1./nrm * exp(-.5 * (pow(c0 - x[0],2) + pow(c1 - x[1],2)) / pow(std,2))', std=self.sens_geo_std, c0=c0, c1=c1, nrm=nrm, element=self.solver.VE) for (c0, c1), nrm in zip(self.sens_pos_list, nrm_list) ] self.exclude_state_param_list |= set(['sensors_list']) @cached([('solve', None)]) @counted def evaluate(self, x, *args, **kwargs): # rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() # print("rank %d: evaluate" % rank) x = np.asarray(x, order='C') m = x.shape[0] fx = np.zeros((m,self.dim_out)) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: sol_cache = get_sub_cache( kwargs['cache'], ('solve', None) ) sol_from_cache = 'solve_list' in sol_cache if not sol_from_cache: sol_cache['solve_list'] = [] sol_cache = sol_cache['solve_list'] for i in range(m): kappa = self.solver.dof_to_fun(x[i,:]) # Solve # print("rank %d: solving" % rank) if 'cache' in kwargs and \ kwargs['cache'] is not None and \ sol_from_cache: u = self.solver.dof_to_fun(sol_cache[i]) else: u = self.solver.solve(kappa) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: sol_cache.append( u.vector().get_local() ) for j, sensor in enumerate(self.sensors_list): fx[i,j] = dol.assemble(sensor * u * dol.dx) return fx @cached([('solve',None),('adjoints',None)]) @counted def grad_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): x = np.asarray(x, order='C') m = x.shape[0] fx = np.zeros((m,self.dim_out)) gfx = np.zeros((m,self.dim_out,self.dim_in)) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: sol_cache, adj_cache = get_sub_cache( kwargs['cache'], ('solve', None), ('adjoints',None) ) sol_from_cache = 'solve_list' in sol_cache if not sol_from_cache: sol_cache['solve_list'] = [] sol_cache = sol_cache['solve_list'] adj_from_cache = 'adjoints_list' in adj_cache if not adj_from_cache: adj_cache['adjoints_list'] = [[] for i in range(m)] adj_cache = adj_cache['adjoints_list'] for i in range(m): kappa = self.solver.dof_to_fun(x[i,:]) # Solve if 'cache' in kwargs and \ kwargs['cache'] is not None and \ sol_from_cache: u = self.solver.dof_to_fun(sol_cache[i]) else: u = self.solver.solve(kappa) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: sol_cache.append( u.vector().get_local() ) v = dol.TestFunction(self.solver.VEFS) for j, sensor in enumerate(self.sensors_list): # Gradient if 'cache' in kwargs and \ kwargs['cache'] is not None and \ adj_from_cache: adj = self.solver.dof_to_fun(adj_cache[i][j]) else: adj = self.solver.solve_adjoint(sensor, kappa) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: adj_cache[i].append( adj.vector().get_local() ) grd = - dol.inner(dol.grad(adj), dol.grad(u)) gfx[i,j,:] = dol.assemble( grd * v * dol.dx ) return gfx @cached(caching=False) @counted def action_hess_x(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs): x = np.asarray(x, order='C') dx = np.asarray(dx, order='C') m = x.shape[0] ahx = np.zeros((m,self.dim_out,self.dim_in)) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: sol_cache, adj_cache = get_sub_cache( kwargs['cache'], ('solve', None), ('adjoints',None) ) sol_cache = sol_cache['solve_list'] adj_cache = adj_cache['adjoints_list'] for i in range(m): kappa_fun = self.solver.dof_to_fun(x[i,:]) dx_fun = self.solver.dof_to_fun(dx[i,:]) # Solve if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: u = self.solver.dof_to_fun(sol_cache[i]) else: u = self.solver.solve(kappa_fun) v = dol.TestFunction(self.solver.VEFS) for j, sensor in enumerate(self.sensors_list): if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: adj = self.solver.dof_to_fun(adj_cache[i][j]) else: adj = self.solver.solve_adjoint(sensor, kappa_fun) A1Mu = self.solver.solve_action_hess_adjoint( dx_fun, u, kappa_fun) A1Madj = self.solver.solve_action_hess_adjoint( dx_fun, adj, kappa_fun) ahess = dol.inner( dol.grad(adj), dol.grad(A1Mu) ) + \ dol.inner( dol.grad(A1Madj), dol.grad(u) ) ahx[i,j,:] = dol.assemble( ahess * v * dol.dx ) return ahx
[docs]class GaussianFieldIndependentLikelihoodPoissonDistribution(DISTINF.BayesPosteriorDistribution): r""" Posterior distribution of the conductivity field of a Poisson problem. The system is observed through the operator :math:`\mathcal{O}[{\bf c}]` defined by .. math:: \mathcal{O}[{\bf c}](u) = \int u({\bf x}) \frac{1}{2\pi\sigma_y^2} \exp\left(-\frac{\Vert{\bf x} - {\bf c}\Vert^2}{2\sigma_y^2} \right) d{\bf x} \;, where :math:`u` is the solution associated to an underlying field :math:`\kappa`. Given the sensor locations :math:`\{{\bf c}_i\}_{i=1}^s`, the Bayesian problem is defined as follows: .. math:: {\bf y}_i = \mathcal{O}[{\bf c}_i](u) + \varepsilon \;, \qquad \varepsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 {\bf I}) \\ \kappa({\bf x}) \sim \log\mathcal{GP}(\mu_\kappa({\bf x}), \mathcal{C}_\kappa({\bf x},{\bf x}^\prime)) Args: solver (PoissonSolver): Poisson solver for a particular problem setting sens_pos_list (:class:`list` of :class:`tuple`): list of sensor locations sens_geo_std (float): observation kernel width :math:`\sigma_y` real_observations (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): observations :math:`\{{\bf y}_i\}_{i=1}^s` field_vals (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): generating field (default is ``None``, generating a synthetic field) prior_mean_field_vals (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): values :math:`\mu_\kappa({\bf x})` (default is ``None``, which corresponds to :math:`\mu_\kappa({\bf x})=0`) prior_cov (Covariance): covariance function :math:`\mathcal{C}_\kappa({\bf x},{\bf x}^\prime)` lkl_std (floag): standard deviation :math:`\sigma` """ def __init__( self, # Physics solver, # Sensors definition sens_pos_list, sens_geo_std, # Prior settings prior_mean_field_vals=None, prior_cov=OrnsteinUhlenbeckCovariance(1.,1.), # Likelihood settings lkl_std=1., # Generating field field_vals=None, # Observations real_observations=None): if not DOLFIN_SUPPORT: raise ImportError("Please install FENICS (dolfin) in order to use this class") self.solver = solver self.sens_pos_list = sens_pos_list self.sens_geo_std = sens_geo_std self.prior_mean_field_vals = prior_mean_field_vals self.prior_cov = prior_cov self.lkl_std = lkl_std self.field_vals = field_vals self.real_observations = real_observations # List of attributes to be excluded in get/set params self.exclude_state_param_list = set() # Build the field to data maps self.field_to_data_map = GaussianFieldPoissonFieldToDataMap( solver=self.solver, sens_pos_list=self.sens_pos_list, sens_geo_std=self.sens_geo_std ) # Build prior (log-GP) if self.prior_mean_field_vals is not None: mean = self.prior_mean_field_vals else: mean = np.zeros(self.solver.ndofs) cov = self.prior_cov( self.solver.coord ) prior = DIST.PushForwardTransportMapDistribution( Maps.FrozenExponentialDiagonalTransportMap(self.solver.ndofs), DIST.NormalDistribution(mean, cov) ) # Build the slowness field if no-observation was provided if self.real_observations is None: if self.field_vals is None: self.field_vals = prior.rvs(1)[0,:] self.set_true_field() # Generate the observations if self.real_observations is None: y = self.field_to_data_map(self.field_vals[np.newaxis,:])[0,:] y += self.lkl_std * npr.randn(len(self.sens_pos_list)) else: y = self.real_observations # Build likelihood lkl = DiagonalLogLikelihoodPoisson( solver = self.solver, lkl_std = self.lkl_std, sens_pos_list = self.sens_pos_list, sens_geo_std = self.sens_geo_std, data = y, field_to_data_map = self.field_to_data_map ) # Call super to assemble posterior distribution super(GaussianFieldIndependentLikelihoodPoissonDistribution, self).__init__(lkl, prior)
[docs] def __getstate__(self): out = {} for key, val in vars(self).items(): if key not in self.exclude_state_param_list: out[key] = val return out
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): vars(self).update(state) self.solver.set_up() if self.real_observations is None: self.set_true_field()
[docs] def set_true_field(self): self.true_field = self.solver.dof_to_fun( self.field_vals) self.exclude_state_param_list.add( 'true_field' )
class DiagonalLogLikelihoodPoisson( LKL.AdditiveLogLikelihood ): r""" Given the ``solver`` :math:`\kappa \mapsto u[\kappa]({\bf x})` satisfying the Poisson differential equation, and given the data ``y`` collected at the ``sens_pos_list``, assemble the log-likelihood functional .. math:: J[\kappa] = \frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \sum_{i=1}^n \left( y_i - \langle u[\kappa],\varphi_i \rangle \right)^2 where :math:`\varphi_i` is the observation operator at sensor :math:`i`. """ def __init__( self, solver, lkl_std, sens_pos_list, sens_geo_std, data, field_to_data_map ): self.solver = solver self.lkl_std = lkl_std self.sens_pos_list = sens_pos_list self.sens_geo_std = sens_geo_std # Facilitate compositions while allowing to have the filed_to_data_map pi_noise = DIST.NormalDistribution( np.zeros(len(data)), lkl_std**2 * np.eye(len(data)) ) super(DiagonalLogLikelihoodPoisson, self).__init__( data, pi_noise, field_to_data_map) self.composite_map = Maps.ListCompositeMap(map_list=[self]) self.set_up() def __getstate__(self): d = super(DiagonalLogLikelihoodPoisson, self).__getstate__() del d['sensors_list'] del d['assembled_sensors_list'] return d def __setstate__(self, state): vars(self).update(state) self.solver.set_up() self.set_up() @property def dim_in(self): if hasattr(self,'composite_map'): return self.composite_map.dim_in else: return super(DiagonalLogLikelihoodPoisson, self).dim_in @dim_in.setter def dim_in(self, dim_in): if hasattr(self,'composite_map'): if self.composite_map.dim_in != dim_in: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch between dimensions") else: super(DiagonalLogLikelihoodPoisson, self).dim_in = dim_in def compose(self, mp): if hasattr(self,'composite_map'): self.composite_map.append( mp ) else: self.composite_map = Maps.ListCompositeMap(map_list=[self, mp]) if isinstance(self.T, Maps.ListCompositeMap): self.T.append( mp ) else: self.T = Maps.ListCompositeMap(map_list=[self.T, mp]) def set_up(self): nrm_list = [] one = dol.project(dol.Constant(1.), self.solver.VEFS) for c0, c1 in self.sens_pos_list: expr = dol.Expression( 'exp(-.5 * (pow(c0 - x[0],2) + pow(c1 - x[1],2)) / pow(std,2))', std=self.sens_geo_std, c0=c0, c1=c1, element=self.solver.VE) nrm_list.append( dol.assemble(expr * one * dol.dx) ) self.sensors_list = [ dol.Expression( '1./nrm * exp(-.5 * (pow(c0 - x[0],2) + pow(c1 - x[1],2)) / pow(std,2))', std=self.sens_geo_std, c0=c0, c1=c1, nrm=nrm, element=self.solver.VE) for (c0, c1), nrm in zip(self.sens_pos_list, nrm_list) ] v = dol.TestFunction(self.solver.VEFS) self.assembled_sensors_list = [ dol.assemble( sensor * v * dol.dx ) for sensor in self.sensors_list ] @counted def evaluate(self, x, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, 'composite_map'): # Backward compatibility return self._evaluate(x, *args, **kwargs) if getattr(self, 'composite_evaluate_flag', False): # If the composition has been rolled out already del self.composite_evaluate_flag return self._evaluate(x, *args, **kwargs) else: self.composite_evaluate_flag = True return self.composite_map.evaluate(x, *args, **kwargs) @cached([('solve', None)]) @counted def _evaluate(self, x, *args, **kwargs): x = np.asarray(x, order='C') m = x.shape[0] ll = np.zeros(m) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: sol_cache = get_sub_cache( kwargs['cache'], ('solve', None) ) sol_from_cache = 'solve_list' in sol_cache if not sol_from_cache: sol_cache['solve_list'] = [] sol_cache['mismatch_list'] = [] solve_list = sol_cache['solve_list'] mismatch_list = sol_cache['mismatch_list'] for i in range(m): kappa = self.solver.dof_to_fun(x[i,:]) # Solve if 'cache' in kwargs and \ kwargs['cache'] is not None and \ sol_from_cache: mismatch = mismatch_list[i] else: u = self.solver.solve(kappa) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: solve_list.append( u.vector().get_local() ) # Compute mismatch mismatch = np.zeros(len(self.sensors_list)) for j, sensor in enumerate(self.sensors_list): mismatch[j] = dol.assemble(sensor * u * dol.dx) - self.y[j] if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: mismatch_list.append( mismatch ) # Compute log-likelihood for j, sensor in enumerate(self.sensors_list): ll[i] -= mismatch[j]**2 ll[i] /= 2 * self.lkl_std**2 return ll[:,nax] @counted def tuple_grad_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, 'composite_map'): # Backward compatibility return self._tuple_grad_x(x, *args, **kwargs) if getattr(self, 'composite_tuple_grad_x_flag', False): # If the composition has been rolled out already del self.composite_tuple_grad_x_flag return self._tuple_grad_x(x, *args, **kwargs) else: self.composite_tuple_grad_x_flag = True return self.composite_map.tuple_grad_x(x, *args, **kwargs) def _tuple_grad_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): x = np.asarray(x, order='C') m = x.shape[0] ll = np.zeros(m) gxll = np.zeros(x.shape) v = dol.TestFunction(self.solver.VEFS) for i in range(m): kappa = self.solver.dof_to_fun(x[i,:]) # Solve u = self.solver.solve(kappa) # Compute log-likelihood mismatch = np.zeros(len(self.sensors_list)) # for j, sensor in enumerate(self.projected_sensors_list): for j, sensor in enumerate(self.sensors_list): mismatch[j] = dol.assemble(sensor * u * dol.dx) - self.y[j] ll[i] -= mismatch[j]**2 ll[i] /= 2 * self.lkl_std**2 # Use adjoint to compute gradient # Put together the assembled right hand side rhs = sum( mm * ss for mm, ss in zip(mismatch, self.assembled_sensors_list) ) rhs /= - self.lkl_std**2 # Solve adjoint adj = self.solver.solve_adjoint(rhs, kappa) grd = - dol.inner(dol.grad(adj), dol.grad(u)) gxll[i,:] = dol.assemble( grd * v * dol.dx ) return ll[:,nax], gxll[:,nax,:] @counted def grad_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, 'composite_map'): # Backward compatibility return self._grad_x(x, *args, **kwargs) if getattr(self, 'composite_grad_x_flag', False): # If the composition has been rolled out already del self.composite_grad_x_flag return self._grad_x(x, *args, **kwargs) else: self.composite_grad_x_flag = True return self.composite_map.grad_x(x, *args, **kwargs) @cached([('solve', None)]) @counted def _grad_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): x = np.asarray(x, order='C') m = x.shape[0] gxll = np.zeros(x.shape) v = dol.TestFunction(self.solver.VEFS) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: sol_cache = get_sub_cache( kwargs['cache'], ('solve', None) ) sol_from_cache = 'solve_list' in sol_cache if not sol_from_cache: sol_cache['solve_list'] = [] sol_cache['mismatch_list'] = [] solve_list = sol_cache['solve_list'] mismatch_list = sol_cache['mismatch_list'] for i in range(m): kappa = self.solver.dof_to_fun(x[i,:]) # Solve if 'cache' in kwargs and \ kwargs['cache'] is not None and \ sol_from_cache: u = self.solver.dof_to_fun(solve_list[i]) mismatch = mismatch_list[i] else: u = self.solver.solve(kappa) if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: solve_list.append( u.vector().get_local() ) # Compute mismatch mismatch = np.zeros(len(self.sensors_list)) for j, sensor in enumerate(self.sensors_list): mismatch[j] = dol.assemble(sensor * u * dol.dx) - self.y[j] if 'cache' in kwargs and kwargs['cache'] is not None: mismatch_list.append( mismatch ) # Use adjoint to compute gradient # Put together the assembled right hand side rhs = sum( mm * ss for mm, ss in zip(mismatch, self.assembled_sensors_list) ) rhs /= - self.lkl_std**2 # Solve adjoint adj = self.solver.solve_adjoint(rhs, kappa) grd = - dol.inner(dol.grad(adj), dol.grad(u)) gxll[i,:] = dol.assemble( grd * v * dol.dx ) return gxll[:,nax,:]