Source code for TransportMaps.Distributions.Examples.BurgersPDE.BurgersProblems

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Author: Transport Map Team
# Website:
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import numpy as np

from ....Misc import required_kwargs
from ....External import DOLFIN_SUPPORT
from .... import DOLFIN as TMDOL

    import dolfin as dol
    import dolfin_adjoint as doladj
    if dol.__version__ == '2017.2.0':
        import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
        from petsc4py import PETSc

__all__ = [
    # Solvers
    # Problems


[docs]class BurgersSolver(TMDOL.Solver): r""" Defines the solver for the Burger's problem with respect to prescribed initial and boundary conditions and viscosity It discretizes the time dependent problem using the backward Euler method. .. math:: \begin{cases} \partial_t u({\bf x},t) = \nabla \cdot (\mu \nabla u({\bf x},t)) - u({\bf x},t) \sum_{i=1}^d \partial_{x_i}u({\bf x},t) & {\bf x} \in \Omega \\ u({\bf x},0) = u_0({\bf x}) & t = 0\\ u({\bf x},t) = g({\bf x}) & {\bf x} \in \partial\Omega \end{cases} """ @required_kwargs('VEFS', 'dt', 'nsteps', 'bcs')
[docs] def set_up(self, **kwargs): r""" Kwargs: VEFS (:class:`FunctionSpace<dolfin.FunctionSpace>`): function space where the problem is defined on dt (float): time step bcs (list): list of boundary conditions nsteps (int): number of integration steps """ self.dt = kwargs.pop('dt') self.nsteps = kwargs.pop('nsteps') self.bcs = kwargs.pop('bcs') super(BurgersSolver, self).set_up(**kwargs)
[docs] def solve(self, nu, u0): r""" Args: nu (float): viscosity u0 (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): initial conditions Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`) -- solution :math:`u({\bf x}, T)` """ nu = dol.Constant(nu) u0 = self.dof_to_fun(u0) # Test function v = dol.TestFunction(self.VEFS) # Function u_next = dol.Function(self.VEFS) u = dol.Function(self.VEFS) # Define variational problem k = dol.Constant(self.dt) F = (u_next - u) / k * v * dol.dx + \ * dol.grad(u_next), dol.grad(v)) * dol.dx + \ u_next * u_next.dx(0) * v * dol.dx # Time stepping u.assign(u0) for i in range(self.nsteps): dol.solve(F==0, u_next, self.bcs) u.assign(u_next) return np.array( u.vector()[:] )
[docs]class AdjointFinalL2MismatchBurgersSolver(BurgersSolver): r""" Defines the adjoint for the Burger's problem with respect to initial conditions and viscosity It discretizes the time dependent problem using the backward Euler method. .. math:: \begin{cases} \partial_t u({\bf x},t) = \nabla \cdot (\mu \nabla u({\bf x},t)) - u({\bf x},t) \sum_{i=1}^d \partial_{x_i}u({\bf x},t) & {\bf x} \in \Omega \\ u({\bf x},0) = u_0({\bf x}) & t = 0\\ u({\bf x},t) = g({\bf x}) & {\bf x} \in \partial\Omega \end{cases} and compute the functional :math:`J(u) = \int (u(T) - u_d)^2 dx`, along with the gradients :math:`\partial_{u_0} J` and :math:`\partial_\nu J`. """
[docs] def set_up(self, ud=None, **kwargs): r""" If the optional keyword arguments are provided, then builds the reduced functional to the be used in function evaluations. To do so, an forward solve must be run, so that doflin_adjoint can gather all the list of operations. Optional Kwargs: ud (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): data forthe final tie :math:`u_d` """ super(AdjointFinalL2MismatchBurgersSolver, self).set_up(**kwargs) self.ud = ud
[docs] def ud(self): return self._ud
@ud.setter def ud(self, ud): self._ud = ud if self.ud is not None: self._set_up_reduced_functional() elif hasattr(self, 'Jhat'): delattr(self, 'Jhat')
[docs] def new_function(self): r""" Overrides the function generator to created :class:`dolfin_adjoint.Function` instead of ordinary :class:`dolfin.Function`. """ return doladj.Function(self.VEFS)
[docs] def __getstate__(self): r""" Avoids storing the :class:`dolfin_adjoint.ReducedFunctional` ``Jhat`` """ state = super(AdjointFinalL2MismatchBurgersSolver, self).__getstate__() state['ud'] = self.ud return state
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): r""" Reloads the :class:`dolfin_adjoint.ReducedFunctional` ``Jhat`` """ super(AdjointFinalL2MismatchBurgersSolver, self).__setstate__(state) self.ud = state['ud']
[docs] def _set_up_reduced_functional(self): ud = self.dof_to_fun( self.ud ) # Warm up run u0 = ud nu = doladj.Constant(1.) # Test function v = dol.TestFunction(self.VEFS) # Function u_next = doladj.Function(self.VEFS) u = doladj.Function(self.VEFS) # Define variational problem k = doladj.Constant(self.dt) F = (u_next - u) / k * v * dol.dx + \ nu * dol.inner(dol.grad(u_next), dol.grad(v)) * dol.dx + \ u_next * u_next.dx(0) * v * dol.dx # Time stepping u.assign(u0) control_u = doladj.Control(u) for i in range(self.nsteps): doladj.solve(F==0, u_next, self.bcs) u.assign(u_next) # Assemble functional J = doladj.assemble(dol.inner(u-ud,u-ud) * dol.dx) # Create the reduced functional self.Jhat = doladj.ReducedFunctional(J, [doladj.Control(nu), control_u])
[docs] def evaluate(self, nu, u0): r""" Args: nu (float): viscosity :math:`\nu` u0 (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): initial conditions :math:`u_0` Returns (float): :math:`J` """ nu = doladj.Constant(nu) u0 = self.dof_to_fun(u0) return self.Jhat([nu, u0])
[docs] def grad_x(self, nu, u0): r""" Args: nu (float): viscosity :math:`\nu` u0 (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): initial conditions :math:`u_0` Returns: (:class:`tuple`) -- :math:`( \partial_{u_0} J, \partial_{\nu} J )` .. note:: since the adjoint is used, the forward model evaluation must also be called. Therefore this function behaves exactly as :fun:`tuple_grad_x`, but returns only the gradient. """ J, dJdnu, dJdu = self.tuple_grad_x(nu, u0) return dJdnu, dJdu
[docs] def tuple_grad_x(self, nu, u0): r""" Args: nu (float): viscosity :math:`\nu` u0 (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): initial conditions :math:`u_0` Returns: (:class:`tuple`) -- :math:`( J, \partial_{\nu} J, \partial_{u_0} J )` """ nu = doladj.Constant(nu) u0 = self.dof_to_fun(u0) J = self.Jhat([nu, u0]) dJdnu, dJdu = self.Jhat.derivative() return J, dJdnu.values()[0], np.array( dJdu.vector()[:] )
##################### # Specific problems # #####################
[docs]class FinalL2MismatchBurgersProblem(AdjointFinalL2MismatchBurgersSolver):
[docs] _init_args = [ # Problem definition parameters 'T', 'xl', 'xr', 'ul', 'ur', # Discretization parameters 'nels', 'order', 'nsteps' ]
@required_kwargs(*_init_args) def __init__(self, **kwargs): r""" Kwargs: T (float): final time xl (float): left end of domain xr (float): right end of domain ul (float): left Dirichlet condition ur (float): right Dirichlet condition nels (int): number of discretization elements order (int): order of the finite elements nsteps (int): number of time steps """ vars(self).update(kwargs) super(FinalL2MismatchBurgersProblem, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def __getstate__(self): state = super(FinalL2MismatchBurgersProblem, self).__getstate__() state.update( (arg, getattr(self, arg)) for arg in FinalL2MismatchBurgersProblem._init_args ) return state
[docs] def set_up(self): # Set up mesh and function space self.mesh = dol.IntervalMesh(self.scomm, self.nels, self.xl, self.xr) self.VE = dol.FiniteElement("Lagrange", dol.interval, self.order) VEFS = dol.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.VE) self.coord = VEFS.tabulate_dof_coordinates().flatten() self.ndofs = self.coord.shape[0] # Set up boundary conditions bcs = [ doladj.DirichletBC( VEFS, doladj.Constant(self.ul), lambda x: x[0] < self.xl + 10 * dol.DOLFIN_EPS), doladj.DirichletBC( VEFS, doladj.Constant(self.ur), lambda x: x[0] > self.xr - 10 * dol.DOLFIN_EPS), ] # Set up time discretization dt = self.T / self.nsteps super(FinalL2MismatchBurgersProblem, self).set_up( VEFS=VEFS, dt=dt, nsteps=self.nsteps, bcs=bcs )