Source code for TransportMaps.Algorithms.SparsityIdentification.SparsityIdentificationNonGaussian

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
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import numpy as np
import itertools

from ...Distributions import \
    StandardNormalDistribution, \
    PullBackParametricTransportMapDistribution, \
from .GeneralizedPrecision import gen_precision, var_omega
from .RegularizedMap import regularized_map

__all__ = ['SING']

# inputs: data (n x d), polynomial order, node ordering method, tolerance delta
# output: sparse edge set
[docs]def SING(data, p_order, ordering, delta, REG=None): r""" Identify a sparse edge set of the undirected graph corresponding to the data. Args: data: data :math:`{\bf x}_i, i = 1,\dots,n`, p_order (int): polynomial order of the transport map representation, ordering: scheme used to reorder the variables, delta (float): tolerance :math:`\delta` REG (dict): regularization dictionary with keys 'type' and 'reweight' Returns: the generalized precision :math:`\Omega` """ # Print inputs to user print("Problem inputs:\n\n dimension = ",data.shape[1], "\n number of samples = ",data.shape[0], "\n polynomial order = ",p_order, "\n ordering type = ", ordering.__class__, "\n delta = ",delta,"\n") # Initial setup # data is (n x d) dim = data.shape[1] n_samps = data.shape[0] nax = np.newaxis pi = {} # Target density is standard normal eta = StandardNormalDistribution(dim) # Quadrature type and params # 0: Monte Carlo quadrature with n point qtype = 0 qparams = n_samps # Gradient information # 0: derivative free # 1: gradient information # 2: Hessian information ders = 2 # Tolerance in optimization tol = 1e-5 # Log stores information from optimization log = [ ] # All variables are active variables to begin active_vars=None # Set initial sparsity level sparsity = [0] sparsityIncreasing = True # Number of active variables n_active_vars = [(np.power(dim,2) + dim)/2] # Create list to store permutations perm_list = [] # Create total_perm vector total_perm = np.arange(dim) # create counter for iterations counter = 0 while sparsityIncreasing: # Define base_density from samples pi = DistributionFromSamples(data) # Build the transport map (isotropic for each entry) # tm_approx = Default_IsotropicIntegratedSquaredTriangularTransportMap( # dim, p_order, active_vars=active_vars) # # Construct density T_\sharp \pi # tm_density = PushForwardTransportMapDistribution(tm_approx, pi) # # SOLVE # tm_density.minimize_kl_divergence(eta, qtype=qtype, # qparams=qparams, # regularization=REG, # tol=tol, ders=ders) tm_approx = regularized_map(eta, pi, data, qtype, qparams, dim, p_order, active_vars, tol, ders, REG) pb_density = PullBackParametricTransportMapDistribution(tm_approx, eta) # Compute generalized precision omegaHat = gen_precision(pb_density, data) # Compute variance of generalized precision gp_var = var_omega(pb_density, data) # Compute tolerance (matrix) tau = delta * np.sqrt(gp_var) # set tolerance as square root of variance # Save diagonal elements omegaHat_diagonal = np.copy(np.diag(omegaHat)) # Threshold omegaHat omegaHat[np.abs(omegaHat) < tau] = 0 # Put diagonal elements back in omegaHat[np.diag_indices_from(omegaHat)] = omegaHat_diagonal # Reorder variables and data perm1 = ordering.perm(omegaHat) # Apply to omegaHat omegaHat_temp = omegaHat[:,perm1][perm1,:] # Check if ordering would flip if applied again (problem for reverse Cholesky) perm2 = ordering.perm(omegaHat_temp) if (perm2 == perm1).all(): #if (perm2 == perm1): perm_vect = np.arange(dim) # set to identity permutation else: perm_vect = perm1 # Apply to omegaHat omegaHat = omegaHat[:,perm_vect][perm_vect,:] # Apply re-ordering to data data = data[:, perm_vect] # Add permutation to perm_list perm_list.append(perm_vect) # Convolve permutation with total_perm total_perm = total_perm[perm_vect] inverse_perm = [0] * dim for i, p in enumerate(total_perm): inverse_perm[p] = i # Extract lower triangular matrix omegaHatLower = np.tril(omegaHat) # Count edges edge_count = np.count_nonzero(omegaHatLower) - dim # Variable elimination moving from highest node (dim-1) to node 2 (at most) for i in range(dim-1,1,-1): non_zero_ind = np.where(omegaHatLower[i,:i] != 0)[0] if len(non_zero_ind) > 1: co_parents = list(itertools.combinations(non_zero_ind,2)) for j in range(len(co_parents)): row_index = max(co_parents[j]) col_index = min(co_parents[j]) omegaHatLower[row_index, col_index] = 1.0 # Find list of active_vars active_vars = [] for i in range(dim): actives = np.where(omegaHatLower[i,:] != 0) active_list = list(set(actives[0]) | set([i])) active_list.sort(key=int) active_vars.append(active_list) # Find n_active_vars n_active_vars.append(np.sum([len(x) for x in active_vars])) # Find current sparsity level sparsity.append(n_active_vars[0] - n_active_vars[-1]) # Set sparsityIncreasing if sparsity[-1] <= sparsity[-2]: sparsityIncreasing = False # Print statement for SING counter = counter + 1 print('\nSING Iteration: ', counter) print('Active variables: ', active_vars, '\n Note variables may be permuted.') print('Number of edges: ', edge_count,' out of ',**2 - dim)/2),' possible') # Recovered omega (same variable order as input ordering) rec_omega = omegaHat[:,inverse_perm][inverse_perm,:] print('\nSING has terminated.') print('Total permutation used: ',total_perm) graph = np.zeros((dim,dim)) graph[np.nonzero(rec_omega)] = 1 print('Recovered graph: \n', graph) return rec_omega