
Module Contents




Define the summation of the chunks operation.


Define the summation of the chunks operation over list of tuples.


Define the reduce tensordot operation carried out through the mpi_map function


Define the expectation operation carried out through the mpi_map function


Define the expectation of the absolute value: \(\mathbb{E}[\vert {\bf X} \vert]\)


Define the expectation operation applied on a tuple



Get a pool of n processors

mpi_eval(f[, scatter_tuple, bcast_tuple, ...])

Interface for the parallel evaluation of a generic function on points x

mpi_map(f[, scatter_tuple, bcast_tuple, ...])

Interface for the parallel evaluation of a generic function on points x

mpi_map_alloc_dmem(f[, scatter_tuple, bcast_tuple, ...])

Interface for the parallel evaluation of a generic function on points x


mpi_bcast_dmem([mpi_pool, reserved])

List of keyworded arguments to be allocated in the distributed memory.


List of keyworded arguments to be scattered in the distributed memory.

distributed_sampling(d, qtype, qparams[, mpi_pool])


Get a pool of n processors


(mpi_map.MPI_Pool) – pool of processors

Usage example:

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
from TransportMaps import get_mpi_pool, mpi_map

class Operator(object):
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a
    def sum(self, x, n=1):
        out = x
        for i in range(n):
            out += self.a
        return out

op = Operator(2.)
x = npr.randn(100,5)
n = 2

pool = get_mpi_pool()
    xsum = mpi_map("sum", op, x, (n,), mpi_pool=pool)
class TransportMaps.MPI.MPIPoolContext(nprocs)[source]

Bases: object

__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)[source]
TransportMaps.MPI.mpi_eval(f, scatter_tuple=None, bcast_tuple=None, dmem_key_in_list=None, dmem_arg_in_list=None, dmem_val_in_list=None, dmem_key_out_list=None, obj=None, reduce_obj=None, reduce_tuple=None, import_set=None, mpi_pool=None, splitted=False, concatenate=True)[source]

Interface for the parallel evaluation of a generic function on points x

  • f (object or str) – function or string identifying the function in object obj

  • scatter_tuple (tuple) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be scattered to the processes.

  • bcast_tuple (tuple) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be broadcasted to the processes.

  • dmem_key_in_list (list) – list of string containing the keys to be fetched (or created with default None if missing) from the distributed memory and provided as input to f.

  • dmem_val_in_list (list) – list of objects corresponding to the keys defined in dmem_key_in_list, used in case we are not executing in parallel

  • dmem_key_out_list (list) – list of keys to be assigned to the outputs beside the first one

  • obj (object) – object where the function f_name is defined

  • reduce_obj (object) – object ReduceObject defining the reduce method to be applied (if any)

  • reduce_tuple (object) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be scattered to the processes to be used by reduce_obj

  • import_set (set) – list of couples (module_name,as_field) to be imported as import module_name as as_field

  • mpi_pool (mpi_map.MPI_Pool) – pool of processors

  • splitted (bool) – whether the scattering input is already splitted or not

  • concatenate (bool) – whether to concatenate the output (the output of f must be a numpy.ndarray object

TransportMaps.MPI.mpi_map(f, scatter_tuple=None, bcast_tuple=None, dmem_key_in_list=None, dmem_arg_in_list=None, dmem_val_in_list=None, obj=None, obj_val=None, reduce_obj=None, reduce_tuple=None, mpi_pool=None, splitted=False, concatenate=True)[source]

Interface for the parallel evaluation of a generic function on points x

  • f (object or str) – function or string identifying the function in object obj

  • scatter_tuple (tuple) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be scattered to the processes.

  • bcast_tuple (tuple) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be broadcasted to the processes.

  • dmem_key_in_list (list) – list of string containing the keys to be fetched (or created with default None if missing) from the distributed memory and provided as input to f.

  • dmem_val_in_list (list) – list of objects corresponding to the keys defined in dmem_key_in_list, used in case we are not executing in parallel

  • obj (object or str) – object where the function f_name is defined

  • obj_val (object) – object to be used in case not executing in parallel and obj is a string

  • reduce_obj (object) – object ReduceObject defining the reduce method to be applied (if any)

  • reduce_tuple (object) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be scattered to the processes to be used by reduce_obj

  • mpi_pool (mpi_map.MPI_Pool) – pool of processors

  • splitted (bool) – whether the scattering input is already splitted or not

  • concatenate (bool) – whether to concatenate the output (the output of f must be a numpy.ndarray object

TransportMaps.MPI.mpi_map_alloc_dmem(f, scatter_tuple=None, bcast_tuple=None, dmem_key_in_list=None, dmem_arg_in_list=None, dmem_val_in_list=None, dmem_key_out_list=None, obj=None, obj_val=None, reduce_obj=None, reduce_tuple=None, mpi_pool=None, splitted=False, concatenate=True)[source]

Interface for the parallel evaluation of a generic function on points x

  • f (object or str) – function or string identifying the function in object obj

  • scatter_tuple (tuple) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be scattered to the processes.

  • bcast_tuple (tuple) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be broadcasted to the processes.

  • dmem_key_in_list (list) – list of string containing the keys to be fetched (or created with default None if missing) from the distributed memory and provided as input to f.

  • dmem_val_in_list (list) – list of objects corresponding to the keys defined in dmem_key_in_list, used in case we are not executing in parallel

  • dmem_key_out_list (list) – list of keys to be assigned to the outputs beside the first one

  • obj (object) – object where the function f_name is defined

  • obj_val (object) – object to be used in case not executing in parallel and obj is a string

  • reduce_obj (object) – object ReduceObject defining the reduce method to be applied (if any)

  • reduce_tuple (object) – tuple containing 2 lists of [keys] and [arguments] which will be scattered to the processes to be used by reduce_obj

  • mpi_pool (mpi_map.MPI_Pool) – pool of processors

  • splitted (bool) – whether the scattering input is already splitted or not

  • concatenate (bool) – whether to concatenate the output (the output of f must be a numpy.ndarray object

TransportMaps.MPI.mpi_alloc_dmem(mpi_pool=None, **kwargs)[source]
TransportMaps.MPI.mpi_bcast_dmem(mpi_pool=None, reserved=False, **kwargs)[source]

List of keyworded arguments to be allocated in the distributed memory.

This executes only if an mpi_pool is provided.

  • mpi_pool (mpi_map.MPI_Pool) – pool of processors

  • reserved (bool) – whether the kwargs dictionary can contain the reserved key obj

TransportMaps.MPI.mpi_scatter_dmem(mpi_pool=None, **kwargs)[source]

List of keyworded arguments to be scattered in the distributed memory.

This executes only if an mpi_pool is provided.


mpi_pool (mpi_map.MPI_Pool) – pool of processors

class TransportMaps.MPI.SumChunkReduce(axis=None)[source]

Bases: object

Define the summation of the chunks operation.

The chunks resulting from the output of the MPI evaluation are summed along their axis.


axis (tuple [2]) – tuple containing list of axes to be used in the sum operation

inner_reduce(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
outer_reduce(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class TransportMaps.MPI.TupleSumChunkReduce(axis=None)[source]

Bases: SumChunkReduce

Define the summation of the chunks operation over list of tuples.

The chunks resulting from the output of the MPI evaluation are summed along their axis.


axis (tuple [2]) – tuple containing list of axes to be used in the sum operation

outer_reduce(x, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class TransportMaps.MPI.TensorDotReduce(axis)[source]

Bases: object

Define the reduce tensordot operation carried out through the mpi_map function


axis (tuple [2]) – tuple containing list of axes to be used in the tensordot operation

inner_reduce(x, w)[source]
outer_reduce(x, w)[source]
class TransportMaps.MPI.ExpectationReduce[source]

Bases: TensorDotReduce

Define the expectation operation carried out through the mpi_map function

class TransportMaps.MPI.AbsExpectationReduce[source]

Bases: ExpectationReduce

Define the expectation of the absolute value: \(\mathbb{E}[\vert {\bf X} \vert]\)

inner_reduce(x, w)[source]
class TransportMaps.MPI.TupleExpectationReduce[source]

Bases: ExpectationReduce

Define the expectation operation applied on a tuple

If we are given a tuple \((x_1,x_2)\), the inner reduce returns \((\langle x_1,w\rangle , \langle x_2, w\rangle)\).

Given a list of tuples \(\{(x_i,y_i\}_{i=0}^n\), the outer reduce gives \((\sum x_i, \sum y_i)\).

inner_reduce(x, w)[source]
outer_reduce(x, w)[source]
TransportMaps.MPI.distributed_sampling(d, qtype, qparams, mpi_pool=None)[source]