Source code for TransportMaps.tests.test_scripts

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Author: Transport Map Team
# Website:
# Support:

import unittest

    import mpi_map
[docs] MPI_SUPPORT = True
except: MPI_SUPPORT = False
[docs]class Scripts_unittest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): import pickle import numpy as np import numpy.random as npr import TransportMaps.Distributions as DIST # Parameters self.dim = 5 self.dist_fname = 'Distribution.pkl' self.fname_list = [self.dist_fname, self.dist_fname + '.lock'] # Build and store target distribution tar_mu = npr.randn(self.dim) tar_sig = npr.randn(self.dim**2).reshape((self.dim, self.dim)) tar_sig2 =, tar_sig.T) target = DIST.NormalDistribution(tar_mu, covariance=tar_sig2) with open(self.dist_fname, 'wb') as out_stream: pickle.dump(target, out_stream)
[docs] def tearDown(self): import os for fname in self.fname_list: if os.path.exists(fname): os.remove(fname)
[docs] def postprocess(self): from distutils.spawn import find_executable from subprocess import call # Parameters self.post_fname = 'Postprocess' self.fname_list.append( self.post_fname + '.pkl' ) self.fname_list.append( self.post_fname + '.bak' ) self.fname_list.append( self.post_fname + '.hdf5' ) self.fname_list.append( self.post_fname + '.hdf5.lock' ) # Find path to script (to avoid long paths with sh..) script_path = find_executable("tmap-postprocess") # Run post-process script with different options # Target aligned conditionals outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "aligned-conditionals", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--dist=exact-target", "--no-plotting", "--output-pkl=" + self.post_fname + '.pkl', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse( outsig ) # Random aligned conditionals outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "random-conditionals", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--dist=approx-base", "--no-plotting", "--n-points-x-ax=20", "--n-plots-x-ax=3", "--output-pkl=" + self.post_fname + '.pkl', "--overwrite"]) self.assertFalse( outsig ) # Pullback aligned conditionals outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "aligned-conditionals", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--dist=approx-base", "--no-plotting", "--n-points-x-ax=20", "--output-pkl=" + self.post_fname + '.pkl', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse( outsig ) # Target aligned conditionals outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "aligned-marginals", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--dist=approx-target", "--no-plotting", "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse(outsig) # Variance diagnostic (MC) outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "variance-diagnostic", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--dist=exact-base", "--qtype=0", "--qnum=100", "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse( outsig ) # Variance diagnostic (MC increased) outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "variance-diagnostic", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--dist=exact-base", "--qtype=0", "--qnum=1000", "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse( outsig ) # Variance diagnostic (Quadrature) outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "variance-diagnostic", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--dist=exact-base", "--qtype=3", "--qnum=%s" % ','.join(['3']*self.dim), "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse(outsig)
[docs] def sampling(self): from TransportMaps import PYHMC_SUPPORT from distutils.spawn import find_executable from subprocess import call # Parameters self.post_fname = 'Sampling' self.fname_list.append( self.post_fname + '.hdf5' ) self.fname_list.append( self.post_fname + '.hdf5.lock' ) # Find path to script (to avoid long paths with sh..) script_path = find_executable("tmap-sampling") # Run sampling script with different options # Quadrature outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "quadrature", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--dist=exact-base", "--qtype=0", "--qnum=1000", "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse(outsig) # Importance sampling outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "importance-sampling", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, "--n-samples=1000", "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) # MCMC Metropolis-Hastings outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "mcmc", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, '--method=mh', "--n-samples=100", "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse(outsig) # MCMC Metropolis-Hastings with independent proposal outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "mcmc", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, '--method=mhind', "--n-samples=100", "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse(outsig) if PYHMC_SUPPORT: # Hamiltonian Monte Carlo outsig = call([ "python", script_path, "mcmc", "--input=" + self.tm_fname, '--method=hmc', "--n-samples=100", "--output-h5=" + self.post_fname + '.hdf5', "--overwrite" ]) self.assertFalse(outsig)
[docs] def test_laplace(self): from distutils.spawn import find_executable from subprocess import call # Parameters self.tm_fname = 'Laplace.pkl' self.fname_list.append( self.tm_fname ) # Find path to script (to avoid long paths with sh..) script_path = find_executable("tmap-laplace") # Run laplace script outsig = call(["python", script_path, "--input=" + self.dist_fname, "--output=" + self.tm_fname]) self.assertFalse( outsig ) # Test post-process self.sampling() self.postprocess()
[docs] def test_direct(self): from distutils.spawn import find_executable from subprocess import call # Parameters self.tm_fname = './Direct.pkl' self.fname_list.append( self.tm_fname ) # Find path to script (to avoid long paths with sh..) script_path = find_executable("tmap-tm") # Run direct script outsig = call(["python", script_path, "--input=" + self.dist_fname, "--output=" + self.tm_fname, "--mtype=intexp", "--span=total", "--btype=poly", "--order=1", "--qtype=0", "--qnum=1000", '--maxit=1000', '--ders=2', '--tol=1e-3']) self.assertFalse( outsig ) # Test post-process self.sampling() self.postprocess()
# def test_direct_xml(self): # # from distutils.spawn import find_executable # # import os.path # # from subprocess import call # # # Parameters # # tol = 1e-3 # # ders = 2 # # self.tm_fname = 'Direct.pkl' # # self.fname_list.append( self.tm_fname ) # # # Find path to script (to avoid long paths with sh..) # # script_path = find_executable("tmap-tm") # # # Run direct script # # test_map_xml_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + \ # # '/xml/maps/' # # xml_map_fname = 'TotalOrdIntExpLinearMap_5d.xml' # # outsig = call(["python", script_path, "--input=" + self.dist_fname, # # "--output=" + self.tm_fname, # # "--map-descr=" + test_map_xml_dir + xml_map_fname, # # "--qtype=0", "--qnum=1000"]) # # self.assertFalse( outsig ) # # # Test post-process # # self.postprocess()
[docs]def build_suite(ttype='all'): suites_list = [] if ttype in ['all','serial']: scripts_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase( Scripts_unittest ) suites_list.append( scripts_suite ) all_suites = unittest.TestSuite(suites_list) return all_suites
[docs]def run_tests( ttype='serial', failfast=False ): all_suites = build_suite(ttype) # RUN unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity=2, failfast=failfast ).run(all_suites)
if __name__ == '__main__': run_tests()