Source code for TransportMaps.Maps.Functionals.LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctionalBase

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
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import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as sciopt
import itertools

from sortedcontainers import SortedSet

import semilattices as SL

from ...Misc import generate_total_order_midxs, \
    cached, counted, deprecate
from ...MPI import mpi_map, mpi_alloc_dmem
from .TensorizedParametricFunctionalBase import TensorizedParametricFunctional

__all__ = [
    # Deprecated

nax = np.newaxis

[docs]class LinearSpanSemilattice(SL.DecreasingCoordinateSemilattice): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['VertexConstructor'] = kwargs.get('VertexConstructor', LinearSpanVertex) if not issubclass(kwargs['VertexConstructor'], LinearSpanVertex): raise AttributeError( "The vertex constructor must be a subclass of LinearSpanVertex") super(LinearSpanSemilattice, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs ) self._active_set = SortedSet()
[docs] def _new_vertex_sans_check(self, **kwargs): v = super()._new_vertex_sans_check(**kwargs) self.set_active( v ) return v
[docs] def _getstate_inner(self, dd): super()._getstate_inner(dd) dd['active_set'] = [ v.position for v in self._active_set ] return dd
[docs] def _setstate_inner(self, dd, tmp_vertices): super()._setstate_inner(dd, tmp_vertices) self._active_set = SortedSet( [ tmp_vertices[idx] for idx in dd['active_set'] ] )
[docs] def dof(self): return self._active_set
[docs] def coeffs(self): coeffs = np.empty( self.n_coeffs ) for i, v in enumerate(self.dof): coeffs[i] = v.coeff return coeffs
@coeffs.setter def coeffs(self, coeffs): i = 0 for v in self.dof: v.coeff = coeffs[i] i += 1 @property
[docs] def n_coeffs(self): return len(self.dof)
[docs] def multi_idxs(self): midxs = [] for v in self.dof: midxs.append( tuple( v.coordinates[i] for i in range(self.dims) ) ) return midxs
[docs] def set_active(self, v): self._active_set.add( v )
[docs] def set_inactive(self, v): self._active_set.discard( v )
[docs] def is_active(self, v): return v in self._active_set
[docs]class LinearSpanVertex(SL.SparseCoordinateVertex): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._coeff = 0. self._data = {}
[docs] def __getstate__(self): dd = super().__getstate__() dd['coeff'] = self._coeff dd['data'] = self._data return dd
[docs] def __setstate__(self, dd): super().__setstate__(dd) self._coeff = dd['coeff'] self._data = dd['data']
[docs] def data(self): return self._data
[docs] def coeff(self): return self._coeff
@coeff.setter def coeff(self, c): self._coeff = c
[docs]class LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional(TensorizedParametricFunctional): r""" Parametric function :math:`f_{\bf a} = \sum_{{\bf i} \in \mathcal{I}} {\bf a}_{\bf i} \Phi_{\bf i}` The set of multi-indices :math:`\mathcal{I}` is generated using the module :mod:`semilattices`. Given a dimension :math:`d`, a ``norm`` :math:`q`, an order :math:`p\geq 0` and weights :math:`\{w_i \geq 1\}_{i=1}^d`, .. math:: \mathcal{I} := \left\{ {\bf i} \middle\vert \left\Vert{\bf i}\right\Vert_{\ell^p_W} = \left( \sum_{j=1}^d w_j \left\vert {\bf i}_j \right\vert^p \right)^{1/p} <= q \right\} For example, :math:`p=1` and :math:`w_i=1` for all :math:`i` results in isotropic total order sets (``spantype==total`` in version ``<3.0``). For :math:`p=\inf` and :math:`w_i=1` for all :math:`i` one gets isotropic full order sets (``spantype==full`` in version ``<3.0``). Args: basis_list (list): list of :math:`d` :class:`OrthogonalBasis<SpectralToolbox.OrthogonalBasis>` q (float): norm of the :math:`\ell^p` spherical sector enclosing all multi-indices. p (float): the order :math:`p` of the :math:`\ell^p` norm. w (:class:`semilattices.SpaceWeightDict`): Weightings for the :math:`\ell^p` norm. Each dictionary key corresponds to a dimension :math:`i` and each corresponding value is the weight :math:`w_i`. Weights must be ``>1``. Missing values are considered ``1``. SemilatticeConstructor (:class:`class`): constructor for the semilattice. It must be a sub-class of :class:`LinearSpanSemilattice`. extra_label_keys (iterable of strings): extra labels to be used to sort vertices in the semilattice. extra_data_keys (iterable of strings): extra keys referring to data contained in each vertex of the semilattice semilattice (:class:`semilattice<semilattices.semilattice>`): user provided semilattice to be used for handling of the degrees of freedom. spantype (str): Span type. 'total' total order, 'full' full order, 'midx' multi-indeces specified. Deprecated since version ``3.0``. order_list (:class:`list<list>` of :class:`int<int>`): list of orders :math:`\{N_i\}_{i=0}^d`. Deprecated since version ``3.0``. multi_idxs (list): list of tuples containing the active multi-indices full_basis_list (list): full list of :class:`Basis<SpectralToolbox.Basis>`. ``basis_list`` is a subset of ``full_basis_list``. This may be used to automatically increase the input dimension of the approximation. """ def __init__(self, basis_list, # Parameters for the creation of the decreasing semilattice q=None, p=1., # Norm power (total order) w=None, # weights (isotropic) SemilatticeConstructor=LinearSpanSemilattice, # Parameter for user provided semilattice (should match len(basis_list)) semilattice=None, # Deprecated arguments since v3.0 spantype=None, order_list=None, multi_idxs=None, # Optional argument full_basis_list=None): if spantype == 'midx' and multi_idxs is not None: self.logger.warning( "Initialization using parameter spantype==midx is deprecated since v3.0." + \ "Use parameters q, p and w relating to the semilattices module instead." ) self.multi_idxs = multi_idxs self.max_order_list = list( np.max(np.asarray(self.multi_idxs), axis=0) ) else: # Initialize using semilattices if sum( p is not None for p in [q, semilattice, spantype] ) != 1: raise AttributeError( "semilattice, spantype and q are mutually exclusive." ) if semilattice is not None: if not issubclass(type(semilattice), LinearSpanSemilattice): raise TypeError( "The provided semilattice must be an instance of a " + \ "sub-class of LinearSpanSemilattice." ) if semilattice.dims != len(basis_list): raise AttributeError( "The provided semilattice has a dimension that is " + \ "inconsistent with the number of basis provided: " + \ "semilattice.dims=%d, " % semilattice.dims + \ "len(basis_list)=%d" % len(basis_list) ) self._semilattice = semilattice else: if spantype in ['total','full'] and order_list is not None: q = max(order_list) p = 1. if spantype == 'total' else float('inf') w = SL.SpaceWeightDict() if q > 0: for d, o in enumerate(order_list): if o != q: w[d] = q / o if o > 0 else sys.float_info.max self._semilattice = SL.create_lp_semilattice( dims=len(basis_list), norm=q, p=p, weights=w, SemilatticeConstructor=SemilatticeConstructor, ) super(LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional,self).__init__(basis_list, full_basis_list) @deprecate("LinearSpanApproximation.generate_multi_idxs()", "3.0", "Multi indices are managed through the semilattice.")
[docs] def generate_multi_idxs(self, spantype): r""" Generate the list of multi-indices """ if spantype == 'full': return list(itertools.product(*[range(o+1) for o in self.max_order_list])) elif spantype == 'total': midxs = generate_total_order_midxs(self.max_order_list) return midxs raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for the selected spantype (%s)" % spantype)
[docs] def init_coeffs(self): r""" Initialize the coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` """ if hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): self.coeffs = np.zeros(self.n_coeffs) else: # version <3.0 self._coeffs = np.zeros(self.n_coeffs)
[docs] def get_default_init_values_regression(self): return np.zeros(self.n_coeffs)
[docs] def semilattice(self): r""" The semilattice representing the degrees of freedom of the parametrization. """ return self._semilattice
@semilattice.setter def semilattice(self, semilattice): r""" Sets the semilattice representing the degrees of freedom of the parametrization """ if not issubclass(type(semilattice), LinearSpanSemilattice): raise TypeError( "The provided semilattice must be an instance of a " + \ "sub-class of LinearSpanSemilattice." ) if semilattice.dims != self.dim_in: raise AttributeError( "The provided semilattice has a dimension that is " + \ "inconsistent with the dimension of the parametrization: " + \ "semilattice.dims=%d, " % semilattice.dims + \ "self.dim=%d" % self.dim_in ) self._semilattice = semilattice @property
[docs] def n_coeffs(self): r""" Get the number :math:`N` of coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` Returns: (:class:`int<int>`) -- number of coefficients """ if hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): return self.semilattice.n_coeffs else: # version <3.0 return len(self.multi_idxs)
[docs] def coeffs(self): r""" Get the coefficients :math:`{\bf a}` Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]) -- coefficients """ if hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): return self.semilattice.coeffs else: return self._coeffs
@coeffs.setter def coeffs(self, coeffs): r""" Set the coefficients :math:`{\bf a}`. Args: coeffs (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): coefficients """ if len(coeffs) != self.n_coeffs: raise ValueError("The number of input coefficients does not agree " + "with the number of expected coefficients.") if hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): self.semilattice.coeffs = coeffs else: # version <3.0 self._coeffs = coeffs @deprecate("LinearSpanApproximation.get_multi_idxs()", "2.0", "Use property LinearSpanApproximation.multi_idxs")
[docs] def get_multi_idxs(self): r""" Get the list of multi indices Return: (:class:`list` of :class:`tuple`) -- multi indices """ return self.multi_idxs
@deprecate("LinearSpanApproximation.set_multi_idxs()", "2.0", "Use property LinearSpanApproximation.multi_idxs")
[docs] def set_multi_idxs(self, multi_idxs): r""" Set the list of multi indices Args: multi_idxs (:class:`list` of :class:`tuple`): multi indices """ if hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): raise Exception( "Multi indices cannot be set using this method since v3.0." + \ "Modify the underlying semilattice instead." ) self.multi_idxs = multi_idxs
[docs] def multi_idxs(self): if hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): return self.semilattice.multi_idxs else: # version <3.0 return self._multi_idxs[:]
@multi_idxs.setter def multi_idxs(self, midxs): if hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): raise Exception( "Multi indices cannot be set using this method since v3.0." + \ "Modify the underlying semilattice instead." ) self._multi_idxs = midxs self.max_order_list = list( np.max(np.asarray(midxs), axis=0) ) @deprecate("LinearSpanApproximation.get_directional_orders()", "2.0", "Use property LinearSpanApproximation.directional_orders")
[docs] def get_directional_orders(self): r""" Get the maximum orders of the univariate part of the representation. Returns: (:class:`list<list>` [d] :class:`int<int>`) -- orders .. deprecated:: use property :func:`directional_orders` """ return self.directional_orders
[docs] def directional_orders(self): r""" Get the maximum orders of the univariate part of the representation. Returns: (:class:`list<list>` [d] :class:`int<int>`) -- orders """ if hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): return self._semilattice.max_coordinates else: # version <3.0 if not hasattr(self, "max_order_list"): # Backcompatibility self.max_order_list = list( np.max(np.asarray(self.multi_idxs), axis=0) ) return self.max_order_list[:]
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): r""" Defined to preserve compatibility with stored files where multi_idx is an attribute and not a property. """ if not hasattr(self, '_semilattice'): # version <3.0 try: self.multi_idxs = state.pop('multi_idxs') except KeyError: pass super(LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional, self).__setstate__(state)
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices for the evaluation of :math:`f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>` with :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- dictionary containing the Vandermonde matrix """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} try: V = precomp['V'] except KeyError as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] precomp['V'] = np.ones((V_list[0].shape[0], self.n_coeffs)) for i,midx in enumerate(self.multi_idxs): for idx, V1d in zip(midx, V_list): precomp['V'][:,i] *= V1d[:,idx] return precomp
@cached() @counted
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1`]) -- function evaluations """ try: V = precomp['V'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) idxs_slice = slice(None) V_list = precomp['V_list'] tot_size = V_list[0].shape[0] out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],1)) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate this loop? for c, midx in zip(self.coeffs, self.multi_idxs): tmp[:] = 1. for idx,V in zip(midx,V_list): tmp *= V[idxs_slice,idx] out[:,0] += c * tmp else: tot_size = V.shape[0] out =[idxs_slice,:], self.coeffs) out = out.reshape((out.shape[0],1)) return out
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_grad_x(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x`` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points Return: (:class:`dict<dict>` with :class:`list<list>` [:math:`d`] of :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- dictionary containing the list of multi-variate Vandermonde matrices. """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} try: grad_x_V_list = precomp['grad_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] grad_x_V_list = [] # TODO: Accelerate this loops? for d in range(self.dim_in): grad_x_V = np.ones((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs)) for i,midx in enumerate(self.multi_idxs): for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list)): if j != d: grad_x_V[:,i] *= V1d[:,idx] else: grad_x_V[:,i] *= pxV1d[:,idx] grad_x_V_list.append( grad_x_V ) precomp['grad_x_V_list'] = grad_x_V_list return precomp
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_x(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: grad_x_V_list = precomp['grad_x_V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] except (TypeError,KeyError) as e: # Clean pre-existing precomp.pop('V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial_x_V_list', None) # Ignoring slice idxs_slice = slice(None) # Compute precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],1,x.shape[1])) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate this loops? for d in range(self.dim_in): for c, midx in zip(self.coeffs, self.multi_idxs): tmp[:] = 1. for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list)): if j != d: tmp *= V1d[idxs_slice,idx] else: tmp *= pxV1d[idxs_slice,idx] out[:,0,d] += c * tmp else: out = np.zeros( x.shape ) for i, grad_x_V in enumerate(grad_x_V_list): out[idxs_slice,i] = grad_x_V[idxs_slice,:], self.coeffs ) out = np.reshape(out, (out.shape[0],1,out.shape[1])) return out
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_a_grad_x(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: grad_x_V_list = precomp['grad_x_V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except KeyError as e: precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x) except TypeError as e: x = x[idxs_slice,:] precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x) idxs_slice = slice(None) finally: V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] out = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], 1, self.n_coeffs, x.shape[1]) ) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate this loops? for d in range(self.dim_in): cidx = 0 for c, midx in zip(self.coeffs, self.multi_idxs): tmp[:] = 1. for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list)): if j != d: tmp *= V1d[idxs_slice,idx] else: tmp *= pxV1d[idxs_slice,idx] out[:,0,cidx,d] += tmp#*(c != 0) cidx = cidx + 1 else: out = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs, x.shape[1]) ) # coeff_ind = indicator function applied to coefficients in map component #coeff_ind = [int(x != 0) for x in self.coeffs] for i, grad_x_V in enumerate(grad_x_V_list): out[idxs_slice,:,i] = grad_x_V[idxs_slice,:][idxs_slice,:], coeff_ind) out = out[:,nax,:,:] return out
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_hess_x(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x`` Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values Return: (:class:`dict<dict>` with :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`] of :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- dictionary containing the matrix of multi-variate Vandermonde matrices """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} try: hess_x_V_mat = precomp['hess_x_V_mat'] except KeyError as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] try: partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp) partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] hess_x_V_mat = np.empty((self.dim_in,self.dim_in), dtype=object) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d1 in range(self.dim_in): for d2 in range(self.dim_in): hess_x_V = np.ones((x.shape[0],self.n_coeffs)) for i, midx in enumerate(self.multi_idxs): for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d, p2xV1d) in enumerate(zip( midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list, partial2_x_V_list)): if d1 == d2 and j == d1: hess_x_V[:,i] *= p2xV1d[:,idx] elif j == d1 or j == d2: hess_x_V[:,i] *= pxV1d[:,idx] else: hess_x_V[:,i] *= V1d[:,idx] hess_x_V_mat[d1,d2] = hess_x_V precomp['hess_x_V_mat'] = hess_x_V_mat return precomp
@cached() @counted
[docs] def hess_x(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,d,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: hess_x_V_mat = precomp['hess_x_V_mat'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] except (TypeError,KeyError) as e: # Clean pre-existing precomp.pop('V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial_x_V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial2_x_V_list', None) # Ignoring slice idxs_slice = slice(None) # Compute precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],1,self.dim_in,self.dim_in)) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d1 in range(self.dim_in): for d2 in range(self.dim_in): for i, (c, midx) in enumerate(zip(self.coeffs,self.multi_idxs)): tmp[:] = 1. for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d, p2xV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list, partial2_x_V_list)): if d1 == d2 and j == d1: tmp *= p2xV1d[idxs_slice,idx] elif j == d1 or j == d2: tmp *= pxV1d[idxs_slice,idx] else: tmp *= V1d[idxs_slice,idx] out[:,0,d1,d2] += c * tmp else: out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],self.dim_in,self.dim_in)) for i in range(self.dim_in): for j in range(self.dim_in): out[idxs_slice,i,j] = hess_x_V_mat[i,j][idxs_slice,:], self.coeffs ) out = np.reshape(out, (out.shape[0],1,self.dim_in,self.dim_in)) return out
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_a_hess_x(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,d,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla^2_{\bf x} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: hess_x_V_mat = precomp['hess_x_V_mat'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except KeyError as e: precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x) except TypeError as e: x = x[idxs_slice,:] precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x) idxs_slice = slice(None) finally: V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] try: partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp) partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1, self.n_coeffs, self.dim_in,self.dim_in)) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d1 in range(self.dim_in): for d2 in range(self.dim_in): cidx = 0 for i, (c, midx) in enumerate(zip(self.coeffs,self.multi_idxs)): tmp[:] = 1. for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d, p2xV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list, partial2_x_V_list)): if d1 == d2 and j == d1: tmp *= p2xV1d[idxs_slice,idx] elif j == d1 or j == d2: tmp *= pxV1d[idxs_slice,idx] else: tmp *= V1d[idxs_slice,idx] out[:,0,cidx,d1,d2] += tmp#*(c != 0) cidx = cidx + 1 else: out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs, self.dim_in,self.dim_in)) #coeff_ind = [int(x != 0) for x in self.coeffs] for i in range(self.dim_in): for j in range(self.dim_in): out[idxs_slice,:,i,j] = hess_x_V_mat[i,j][idxs_slice,:][i,j][idxs_slice,:], coeff_ind) out = out[:,nax,:,:,:] return out
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_a(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: V = precomp['V'] except KeyError as e: if 'V_list' not in precomp: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(x, precomp) except TypeError as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(x, precomp) finally: V = precomp['V'] return V[idxs_slice,:][:,nax,:]
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_a_t(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\left(\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}\right)^T` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N`]) -- :math:`\left(\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}({\bf x}\right)^T)` """ try: VT = precomp['VT'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V = precomp['V'] except KeyError: if 'V_list' not in precomp: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(x, precomp) except TypeError: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(x, precomp) finally: V = precomp['V'] VT = np.transpose(V).copy() precomp['VT'] = VT return VT[:,idxs_slice][:,nax,:]
[docs] def precomp_VVT_evaluate(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute the product :math:`VV^T` of the multi-variate Vandermonde matrices for the evaluation of :math:`f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>` with :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- dictionary containing the desired product """ try: V = precomp['V'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_Vandermonde_evaluate(x, precomp) V = precomp['V'] precomp['VVT'] = V[:,:,nax] * V[:,nax,:] return precomp
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_a_squared(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\left(\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}\right)\left(\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}\right)^T` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,N`]) -- :math:`\left(\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}\right)\left(\nabla_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}\right)^T` """ try: VVT = precomp['VVT'] except KeyError: if 'V_list' not in precomp: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_VVT_evaluate(x, precomp) except TypeError: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_VVT_evaluate(x, precomp) finally: VVT = precomp['VVT'] return VVT[idxs_slice,:,:][:,nax,:,:]
[docs] def hess_a(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *arg, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ return np.zeros((1,1,self.n_coeffs,self.n_coeffs))
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute multi-variate Vandermonde matrix for the evaluation of :math:`\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>` with :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- dictionary with Vandermonde matrix """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} try: partial_xd_V = precomp['partial_xd_V'] except KeyError as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial_xd_V_last = precomp['partial_xd_V_last'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) partial_xd_V_last = precomp['partial_xd_V_last'] partial_xd_V = np.ones((V_list[0].shape[0], self.n_coeffs)) for i, midx in enumerate(self.multi_idxs): for idx, V1d in zip(midx[:-1], V_list[:-1]): partial_xd_V[:,i] *= V1d[:,idx] partial_xd_V[:,i] *= partial_xd_V_last[:,midx[-1]] precomp['partial_xd_V'] = partial_xd_V return precomp
@cached() @counted
[docs] def partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1`]) -- :math:`\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: partial_xd_V = precomp['partial_xd_V'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_xd_V_last = precomp['partial_xd_V_last'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: # Clean pre-existing precomp.pop('V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial_x_V_last', None) # Ignoring slice idxs_slice = slice(None) # Compute precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_partial_xd(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_xd_V_last = precomp['partial_xd_V_last'] tot_size = V_list[0].shape[0] out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],1)) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for i, (c, midx) in enumerate(zip(self.coeffs,self.multi_idxs)): tmp[:] = 1. for idx, V1d in zip(midx[:-1], V_list[:-1]): tmp *= V1d[idxs_slice,idx] tmp *= partial_xd_V_last[idxs_slice,midx[-1]] out[:,0] += c * tmp else: tot_size = partial_xd_V.shape[0] out =[idxs_slice,:], self.coeffs) out = out[:,nax] return out
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_grad_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute multi-variate Vandermonde matrices for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>` with :class:`list<list>` [d] :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- dictionary containing the list of multi-variate Vandermonde matrices. """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} try: grad_x_partial_xd_V_list = precomp['grad_x_partial_xd_V_list'] except KeyError as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] try: partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp) partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] grad_x_partial_xd_V_list = [] # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d in range(self.dim_in): grad_x_partial_xd_V = np.ones((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs)) for i, midx in enumerate(self.multi_idxs): for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list)): if j == d and d == (self.dim_in-1): grad_x_partial_xd_V[:,i] *= partial2_xd_V_last[:,idx] elif j == d or j == (self.dim_in-1): grad_x_partial_xd_V[:,i] *= pxV1d[:,idx] else: grad_x_partial_xd_V[:,i] *= V1d[:,idx] grad_x_partial_xd_V_list.append( grad_x_partial_xd_V ) precomp['grad_x_partial_xd_V_list'] = grad_x_partial_xd_V_list return precomp
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: grad_x_partial_xd_V_list = precomp['grad_x_partial_xd_V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: # Clean pre-existing precomp.pop('V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial_x_V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial2_xd_V_last', None) # Ignoring slice idxs_slice = slice(None) # Compute precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1, self.dim_in)) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d in range(self.dim_in): for i, (c, midx) in enumerate(zip(self.coeffs,self.multi_idxs)): tmp[:] = 1. for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list)): if j == d and d == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= partial2_xd_V_last[:,idx] elif j == d or j == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= pxV1d[:,idx] else: tmp *= V1d[:,idx] out[:,0,d] += c * tmp else: out = np.zeros( x.shape ) for i in range( self.dim_in ): out[:,i] = grad_x_partial_xd_V_list[i][idxs_slice,:], self.coeffs ) out = out[:,nax,:] return out
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_a_grad_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\nabla_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: grad_x_partial_xd_V_list = precomp['grad_x_partial_xd_V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] try: partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: precomp = self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp) partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1, self.n_coeffs, self.dim_in)) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d in range(self.dim_in): cidx = 0 for i, (c, midx) in enumerate(zip(self.coeffs,self.multi_idxs)): tmp[:] = 1. for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list)): if j == d and d == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= partial2_xd_V_last[:,idx] elif j == d or j == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= pxV1d[:,idx] else: tmp *= V1d[:,idx] out[:,0,cidx,d] += tmp#*(c != 0) cidx = cidx + 1 else: out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1, self.n_coeffs, self.dim_in)) #coeff_ind = [int(x != 0) for x in self.coeffs] for i in range( self.dim_in ): out[:,0,:,i] = grad_x_partial_xd_V_list[i][i], coeff_ind) return out
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_hess_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute Vandermonde matrices for the evaluation of :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>` with :class:`ndarray<ndarray>` [d,d] :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- dictionary with list of Vandermonde matrices for the computation of the gradient. """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} try: hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat = precomp['hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat'] except KeyError as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] try: partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp) partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] try: partial3_xd_V_last = precomp['partial3_xd_V_last'] except KeyError as e: self.precomp_partial3_xd(x, precomp) partial3_xd_V_last = precomp['partial3_xd_V_last'] hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat = np.empty((self.dim_in,self.dim_in),dtype=object) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d1 in range(self.dim_in): for d2 in range(self.dim_in): hess_x_partial_xd_V = np.ones((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs)) for i, midx in enumerate(self.multi_idxs): for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d, p2xV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list, partial2_x_V_list)): if j == d1 == d2 == (self.dim_in-1): hess_x_partial_xd_V[:,i] *= partial3_xd_V_last[:,idx] elif j == d1 == d2 or j == d1 == (self.dim_in-1) \ or j == d2 == (self.dim_in-1): hess_x_partial_xd_V[:,i] *= p2xV1d[:,idx] elif j == d1 or j == d2 or j == (self.dim_in-1): hess_x_partial_xd_V[:,i] *= pxV1d[:,idx] else: hess_x_partial_xd_V[:,i] *= V1d[:,idx] hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat[d1,d2] = hess_x_partial_xd_V precomp['hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat'] = hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat return precomp
[docs] def hess_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,d,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat = precomp['hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] partial3_xd_V_last = precomp['partial3_xd_V_last'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: # Clean pre-existing precomp.pop('V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial_x_V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial2_x_V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial3_xd_V_last', None) # Ignoring slice idxs_slice = slice(None) # Compute precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_partial3_xd(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] partial3_xd_V_last = precomp['partial3_xd_V_last'] out = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], 1, self.dim_in, self.dim_in) ) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d1 in range(self.dim_in): for d2 in range(self.dim_in): for i, (c, midx) in enumerate(zip(self.coeffs,self.multi_idxs)): tmp[:] = 1. for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d, p2xV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list, partial2_x_V_list)): if j == d1 == d2 == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= partial3_xd_V_last[:,idx] elif j == d1 == d2 or j == d1 == (self.dim_in-1) \ or j == d2 == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= p2xV1d[:,idx] elif j == d1 or j == d2 or j == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= pxV1d[:,idx] else: tmp *= V1d[:,idx] out[:,0,d1,d2] += c * tmp else: out = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], 1, self.dim_in, self.dim_in) ) for i in range( self.dim_in ): for j in range(self.dim_in): out[:,0,i,j] = hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat[i,j], self.coeffs ) return out
[docs] def grad_a_hess_x_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwars): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,d,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\nabla^2_{\bf x}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat = precomp['hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] partial3_xd_V_last = precomp['partial3_xd_V_last'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: # Clean pre-existing precomp.pop('V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial_x_V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial2_x_V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial3_xd_V_last', None) # Ignoring slice idxs_slice = slice(None) # Compute precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_grad_x(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_hess_x(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_partial3_xd(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial_x_V_list = precomp['partial_x_V_list'] partial2_x_V_list = precomp['partial2_x_V_list'] partial3_xd_V_last = precomp['partial3_xd_V_last'] out = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], 1, self.n_coeffs, self.dim_in, self.dim_in) ) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for d1 in range(self.dim_in): for d2 in range(self.dim_in): for i, (c, midx) in enumerate(zip(self.coeffs,self.multi_idxs)): tmp[:] = 1. for j, (idx, V1d, pxV1d, p2xV1d) in enumerate(zip(midx, V_list, partial_x_V_list, partial2_x_V_list)): if j == d1 == d2 == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= partial3_xd_V_last[:,idx] elif j == d1 == d2 or j == d1 == (self.dim_in-1) \ or j == d2 == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= p2xV1d[:,idx] elif j == d1 or j == d2 or j == (self.dim_in-1): tmp *= pxV1d[:,idx] else: tmp *= V1d[:,idx] out[:,0,i,d1,d2] = tmp else: out = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], 1, self.n_coeffs, self.dim_in, self.dim_in) ) for i in range( self.dim_in ): for j in range(self.dim_in): out[:,0,:,i,j] = hess_x_partial_xd_V_mat[i,j] return out
[docs] def precomp_Vandermonde_partial2_xd(self, x, precomp=None): r""" Precompute multi-variate Vandermonde matrix for the evaluation of :math:`\partial^2_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Enriches the ``precomp`` dictionary if necessary. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>` with :class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,N`]) -- dictionary with Vandermonde matrix """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} try: partial2_xd_V = precomp['partial2_xd_V'] except KeyError as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] try: partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp) partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] partial2_xd_V = np.ones((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs)) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for i, midx in enumerate(self.multi_idxs): for idx, V1d in zip(midx[:-1], V_list[:-1]): partial2_xd_V[:,i] *= V1d[:,idx] partial2_xd_V[:,i] *= partial2_xd_V_last[:,midx[-1]] precomp['partial2_xd_V'] = partial2_xd_V return precomp
[docs] def partial2_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None)): r""" Evaluate :math:`\partial^2_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1`]) -- :math:`\partial^2_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: partial2_xd_V = precomp['partial2_xd_V'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: try: V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: # Clean pre-existing precomp.pop('V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial2_xd_V_last', None) # Ignoring slice idxs_slice = slice(None) # Compute precomp = self.precomp_evaluate(x, precomp) precomp = self.precomp_partial2_xd(x, precomp) V_list = precomp['V_list'] partial2_xd_V_last = precomp['partial2_xd_V_last'] out = np.zeros((x.shape[0],1)) tmp = np.ones(x.shape[0]) # TODO: Accelerate these loops? for i, (c, midx) in enumerate(zip(self.coeffs,self.multi_idxs)): tmp[:] = 1. for idx, V1d in zip(midx[:-1], V_list[:-1]): tmp *= V1d[:,idx] tmp *= partial2_xd_V_last[:,midx[-1]] out[:,0] += c * tmp else: out =, self.coeffs) out = out[:,nax] return out
@cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_a_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (:class:`dict`): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf a}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ try: partial_xd_V = precomp['partial_xd_V'] except KeyError as e: if 'V_list' not in precomp or 'partial_xd_V_last' not in precomp: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp.pop('V_list', None) precomp.pop('partial_xd_V_last', None) precomp = self.precomp_Vandermonde_partial_xd(x, precomp) except TypeError as e: idxs_slice = slice(None) precomp = self.precomp_Vandermonde_partial_xd(x, precomp) finally: partial_xd_V = precomp['partial_xd_V'] return partial_xd_V[idxs_slice,:][:,nax,:]
[docs] def hess_a_partial_xd(self, x, precomp=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), *args, **kwargs): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}` at ``x``. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict`): dictionary of precomputed values idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,1,N,N`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a}\partial_{x_d} f_{\bf a}({\bf x})` """ nc = self.n_coeffs return np.zeros( (x.shape[0], 1, nc, nc) )
[docs] def precomp_regression(self, x, precomp=None, *args, **kwargs): r""" Precompute necessary structures for the speed up of :func:`regression` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (dict): dictionary to be updated Returns: (:class:`dict<dict>`) -- dictionary of necessary strucutres """ if precomp is None: precomp = {} precomp.update( self.precomp_evaluate(x) ) return precomp
############## # DEPRECATED # ##############
[docs]class LinearSpanApproximation(LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional): @deprecate( 'LinearSpanApproximation', '3.0', 'Use Functionals.LinearSpanTensorizedParametricFunctional instead' ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LinearSpanApproximation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)