Source code for TransportMaps.Maps.AffineTransportMapBase

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Author: Transport Map Team
# Website:
# Support:

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npla
import scipy.linalg as scila

from ..Misc import \
    required_kwargs, \
    deprecate, counted, cached, get_sub_cache
from .AffineMapBase import AffineMap
from .ParametricTransportMapBase import ParametricTransportMap

__all__ = [

[docs]class AffineTransportMap(AffineMap, ParametricTransportMap): r""" Linear map :math:`T({\bf x})={\bf c} + {\bf L}{\bf x}` .. note:: This class supports only regular matrices. Ad-hoc implemnetations for sparse matrices should be implemented by the user. """ @required_kwargs('c', 'L') def __init__(self, **kwargs): r"""" Kwargs: c (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d`]): term :math:`{\bf c}` L (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]): term :math:`{\bf L}` Optional Kwargs: Linv (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]): if provided, it contains the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse :math:`{\bf L}^{\dagger}` """ c = kwargs['c'] L = kwargs['L'] Linv = kwargs.get('Linv') if c.shape[0] != L.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimensions of the constant term and the linear term are inconsistent") if L.shape[0] != L.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The linear term must be square") if Linv is not None and L.shape != Linv.shape: raise ValueError("The inerse matrix Linv must have the same shape of L") kwargs['dim'] = c.shape[0] super(AffineTransportMap, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property
[docs] def L(self): return self.linearTerm
@L.setter def L(self, L): self.Linv = None self.linearTerm = L # Check monotoniticy and invertibility, # and construct an appropriate factorization factorization_set = False if np.all( L == np.tril(L) ) or np.all( L == np.triu(L) ): # The linear term is already in a triangular form so does not need to be factorized if np.all( L == np.tril(L) ): ftype = 'l' f = L else: ftype = 'u' f = L not_inv_flag = np.any( np.isclose(np.diag(f), 0., atol=1e-12) ) logdet = np.sum( np.log( np.abs(np.diag(f)) ) ) factorization_set = True if np.all( L == L.T ): # A Cholesky factorization of the linear term can be computed try: ftype = 'chol' f = scila.cholesky(L, lower=True) not_inv_flag = np.any( np.isclose(np.diag(f), 0., atol=1e-12) ) logdet = 2. * np.sum( np.log( np.abs(np.diag(f)) ) ) factorization_set = True except npla.LinAlgError: self.logger.warning( "The symmetric linear term is not positive definite. " + \ "Using LU factorization instead of Cholesky.") if not factorization_set: # Perform an LU factorization ftype = 'lu' f = not_inv_flag = np.any( np.isclose(np.diag(f[2]), 0., atol=1e-12) ) logdet = np.sum( np.log( np.abs(np.diag(f[2])) ) ) if not_inv_flag: raise ValueError("The map might not be strictly monotone and therefore not invertible") self._fact_type = ftype self._fact = f self._logdet = logdet
[docs] def solve_linear(self, y): r""" Solves the linear system :math:`{\bf L}{\bf x} = {\bf y}` """ if self._fact_type == 'l' or self._fact_type == 'u': x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact, y, lower=(self._fact_type=='l')) elif self._fact_type == 'chol': x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact, y, lower=True) x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact, x, lower=True, trans='T') else: x =[0].T, y) x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact[1], x, lower=True) x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact[2], x, lower=False) return x
[docs] def solve_linear_transpose(self, y): r""" Solves the linear system :math:`{\bf L}^{\top}{\bf x} = {\bf y}` """ if self._fact_type == 'l' or self._fact_type == 'u': x = scila.solve_triangular( self._fact, y, lower=(self._fact_type=='l'), trans='T') elif self._fact_type == 'chol': x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact, y, lower=True) x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact, x, lower=True, trans='T') else: x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact[2], y, lower=False, trans='T') x = scila.solve_triangular(self._fact[1], x, lower=True, trans='T') x =[0], x) return x
@staticmethod @deprecate("build_from_Gaussian", '3.0', "Use build_from_Normal instead")
[docs] def build_from_Gaussian(pi, typeMap = 'sym'): return LinearTransportMap.build_from_Normal(pi, typeMap)
[docs] def build_from_Normal(pi , typeMap = "sym"): r""" Build a linear transport map from a standard normal to a Gaussian distribution pi Args: pi (:class:`GaussianDistribution`): constant term of the linear map typeMap (str): the linear term :math:`L` is obtained as the square root of the covarinace :math:`\Sigma` or precision :math:`\Sigma^{-1}` matrix. For ``typeMap=='sym'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}U^T` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``typeMap=='tri'``, :maht:`L=C` where :math:`\Sigma=CC^T` is the Cholesky decomposition of :math:`\Sigma`. For ``typeMap=='kl'``, :math:`L=U\Lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}` where :math:`\Sigma = U\Lambda U^T` is the eigenvalue decomposition of :math:`\Sigma` (this corresponds to the Karuenen-Loeve expansion). The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are ordered with :math:`\lambda_i\geq\lambda_{i+1}`. Raises: ValueError: if the shape of linear and constant term are inconsistent. """ from TransportMaps.Distributions.Deprecated import GaussianDistribution from TransportMaps.Distributions.FrozenDistributions import NormalDistribution if not ( issubclass(type(pi), GaussianDistribution) or \ issubclass(type(pi), NormalDistribution) ): raise ValueError("The input distribution should be a Gaussian") if typeMap == "sym": try: U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(pi.sigma) s_sr = np.sqrt(s) linearTerm_sr = U , np.diag( np.sqrt(s_sr) ) ) linearTerm = linearTerm_sr, linearTerm_sr.transpose() ) except AttributeError: U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(pi.inv_sigma) s_inv_sr = np.sqrt(1./s) linearTerm_sr = U , np.diag( np.sqrt(s_inv_sr) ) ) linearTerm = linearTerm_sr, linearTerm_sr.transpose() ) elif typeMap == "tri": try: linearTerm = np.linalg.cholesky(pi.sigma) except AttributeError: sigma = np.linalg.inv(pi.inv_sigma) linearTerm = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma) elif typeMap == "kl": try: lmb, V = npla.eigh(pi.sigma) linearTerm = V * np.sqrt(lmb)[np.newaxis,:] except AttributeError: lmb, V = npla.eigh(pi.inv_sigma) lmb = 1/lmb linearTerm = V * np.sqrt(lmb)[np.newaxis,:] elif typeMap == "lis": linearTerm = pi.square_root else: raise ValueError("Type of the map not supported yet") constantTerm = return LinearTransportMap(constantTerm, linearTerm)
[docs] def log_det_grad_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Compute: :math:`\log \det \nabla_{\bf x} \hat{T}({\bf x}, {\bf a})`. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points Returns: (:class:`float`) -- :math:`\log \det \nabla_{\bf x} \hat{T}({\bf x}, {\bf a})` (constant at every evaluation point) Raises: ValueError: if :math:`d` does not match the dimension of the transport map. """ if x.shape[1] != self.dim: raise ValueError("dimension mismatch") return self._logdet * np.ones(1)
[docs] def grad_x_log_det_grad_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Compute: :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} \log \det \nabla_{\bf x} T({\bf x}, {\bf a})` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict<dict>`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} \log \det \nabla_{\bf x} T({\bf x}, {\bf a})` at every evaluation point Raises: ValueError: if :math:`d` does not match the dimension of the transport map. .. seealso:: :func:`log_det_grad_x`. """ return np.zeros((1,self.dim))
[docs] def hess_x_log_det_grad_x(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Compute: :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} \log \det \nabla_{\bf x} T({\bf x}, {\bf a})` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict<dict>`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} \log \det \nabla_{\bf x} T({\bf x}, {\bf a})` at every evaluation point Raises: ValueError: if :math:`d` does not match the dimension of the transport map. .. seealso:: :func:`log_det_grad_x`. """ return np.zeros((1, self.dim, self.dim))
[docs] def action_hess_x_log_det_grad_x(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs): r""" Compute: :math:`\langle\nabla^2_{\bf x} \log \det \nabla_{\bf x} T({\bf x}, {\bf a}),\delta{\bf x}\rangle` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points precomp (:class:`dict<dict>`): dictionary of precomputed values Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]) -- :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf x} \log \det \nabla_{\bf x} T({\bf x}, {\bf a})` at every evaluation point Raises: ValueError: if :math:`d` does not match the dimension of the transport map. .. seealso:: :func:`log_det_grad_x`. """ return np.zeros((1, self.dim))
[docs] def inverse(self, y, *args, **kwargs): r""" Compute: :math:`\hat{T}^{-1}({\bf y},{\bf a})` Args: y (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]) -- :math:`\hat{T}^{-1}({\bf y},{\bf a})` for every evaluation point """ if y.shape[1] != self.dim: raise ValueError("dimension mismatch") b = (y - self.c) if not hasattr(self, '_Linv') or self._Linv is None: out = self.solve_linear( b.T ).T else: out =, b.T).T return out
[docs] def grad_x_inverse(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Compute :math:`\nabla_{\bf x} \hat{T}^{-1}({\bf x},{\bf a})`. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`d,d`]) -- gradient matrix (constant at every evaluation point). Raises: ValueError: if :math:`d` does not match the dimension of the transport map. """ if not hasattr(self, '_Linv') or self._Linv is None: self.Linv = self.solve_linear( np.eye(self.dim) ) gxi = self.Linv.copy() return gxi[np.newaxis,:,:]
[docs] def log_det_grad_x_inverse(self, x, *args, **kwargs): r""" Compute: :math:`\log \det \nabla_{\bf x} T^{-1}({\bf x}, {\bf a})`. Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points Returns: (float) -- :math:`\log \det \nabla_{\bf x} T^{-1}({\bf x}, {\bf a})` (constant at every evaluation point) """ return - self._logdet
[docs] def grad_x_log_det_grad_x_inverse(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return np.zeros((1,self.dim))
[docs] def hess_x_log_det_grad_x_inverse(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return np.zeros((1,self.dim,self.dim))
[docs] def action_hess_x_log_det_grad_x_inverse(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs): return np.zeros((1,self.dim))
[docs]class LinearTransportMap(AffineTransportMap): @deprecate( 'LinearTransportMap', '3.0', 'Use Maps.AffineTransportMap instead' ) def __init__(self, c, L, Linv=None): super(LinearTransportMap, self).__init__(c=c, L=L, Linv=Linv)