Source code for TransportMaps.Distributions.ParametricTransportMapDistributions

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
# Website:
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import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as scila

from ..Misc import counted, cached, cached_tuple, get_sub_cache
from .ParametricTransportMapDistributionBase import ParametricTransportMapDistribution
from .TransportMapDistributions import \
    PullBackTransportMapDistribution, \
from .ProductDistributionBase import  ProductDistribution

__all__ = [

nax = np.newaxis

[docs]class PushForwardParametricTransportMapDistribution( ParametricTransportMapDistribution, PushForwardTransportMapDistribution ): r""" Class for densities of the transport map type :math:`T_\sharp \pi` Args: transport_map (:class:`TransportMap<TransportMaps.Maps.ParametricTransportMap>`): transport map :math:`T` base_distribution (:class:`Distribution`): distribution :math:`\pi`` .. seealso:: :class:`ParametricTransportMapDistribution` """ @cached() @counted
[docs] def grad_a_log_pdf(self, x, params=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \log T_\sharp \pi({\bf x})` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points params (dict): parameters with keys ``params_pi``, ``params_t`` idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]) -- values of :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \log T_\sharp \pi` at the ``x`` points. """ try: params_pi = params['params_pi'] except (KeyError,TypeError): params_pi = None try: params_t = params['params_t'] except (KeyError,TypeError): # idxs_slice = slice(None) params_t = None # Compute grad_a_log_pushforward xinv = self.transport_map.inverse(x, params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice) gx = self.transport_map.grad_x(xinv) # Lower triangular ga_list = self.transport_map.grad_a(xinv) # List of diagonal blocks out = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.n_coeffs)) # Solve linear system tmp = self.transport_map.grad_x_log_det_grad_x(xinv) tmp -= self.base_distribution.grad_x_log_pdf(xinv) for i in range(x.shape[0]): scila.solve_triangular(gx[i, :, :], tmp[i, :], lower=True, trans='T', overwrite_b=True) # Finish computing first term start = 0 for d, ga in enumerate(ga_list): stop = start + ga.shape[1] out[:, start:stop] = ga * tmp[:, d, nax] start += ga.shape[1] # Add second term out -= self.transport_map.grad_a_log_det_grad_x(xinv) return out
[docs]class PullBackParametricTransportMapDistribution( ParametricTransportMapDistribution, PullBackTransportMapDistribution ): r""" Class for densities of the transport map type :math:`T^\sharp \pi` Args: transport_map (:class:`TransportMap<TransportMaps.Maps.ParametricTransportMap>`): transport map :math:`T` base_distribution (:class:`Distribution`): distribution :math:`\pi`` .. seealso:: :class:`ParametricTransportMapDistribution` """ @cached([('pi',None),('t',None)]) @counted
[docs] def grad_a_log_pdf(self, x, params=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x})` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,n`]): evaluation points params (dict): parameters with keys ``params_pi``, ``params_t`` idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,n`]) -- values of :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \log T^\sharp \pi` at the ``x`` points. """ try: params_pi = params['params_pi'] except (KeyError,TypeError): params_pi = None try: params_t = params['params_t'] except (KeyError,TypeError): # idxs_slice = slice(None) params_t = None # Compute grad_a_log_pullback if x.shape[1] != self.transport_map.dim_in: raise ValueError("dimension mismatch") # Init sub-cache if necessary pi_cache, t_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('pi',None), ('t',None)) ev = self.transport_map.evaluate(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) ga_list = self.transport_map.grad_a(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) gxlpdf = self.base_distribution.grad_x_log_pdf( ev, params=params_pi, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=pi_cache) galdgx = self.transport_map.grad_a_log_det_grad_x( x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) return self._evaluate_grad_a_log_pullback(gxlpdf, ga_list, galdgx)
[docs] def grad_a_hess_x_log_pdf(self, x, params=None, idxs_slice=slice(None)): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla^2_{\bf x} \log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x})` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,n,d,d`]): evaluation points params (dict): parameters with keys ``params_pi``, ``params_t`` idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,n,d,d`]) -- values of :math:`\nabla_{\bf a} \nabla^2_{\bf x} \log T^\sharp \pi` at the ``x`` points. """ try: params_pi = params['params_pi'] except (KeyError,TypeError): params_pi = None try: params_t = params['params_t'] except (KeyError,TypeError): idxs_slice = slice(None) params_t = None # Compute grad_a_hess_x_log_pullback from TransportMaps.Distributions.ProductDistributionBase import ProductDistribution from TransportMaps.Maps.Functionals import ProductDistributionParametricPullbackComponentFunction if issubclass(type(self.base_distribution), ProductDistribution): n = x.shape[0] grad_a_hess_x_sum = np.zeros((n, self.transport_map.n_coeffs, self.transport_map.dim, self.transport_map.dim)) # currently not using parallel implementation (batch_size_list, mpi_pool_list) # currently using params_t and params_pi assuming None start_j = 0 for i, (a, avars) in enumerate(zip(self.transport_map.approx_list, self.transport_map.active_vars)): pi_i = self.base_distribution.get_component([i]) pS_i = ProductDistributionParametricPullbackComponentFunction(a, pi_i) stop_j = start_j + a.n_coeffs grad_a_hess_x_sum[np.ix_(range(n), range(start_j, stop_j), avars, avars)] += pS_i.grad_a_hess_x( x[:, avars])[:, 0, :, :, :] start_j = stop_j return grad_a_hess_x_sum else: raise NotImplementedError('not implemented yet')
@cached_tuple(['log_pullback', 'grad_a_log_pullback'],[('pi',None),('t',None)]) @counted
[docs] def tuple_grad_a_log_pdf(self, x, params=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\left(\log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x}), \nabla_{\bf a} \log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x})\right)` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points params (dict): parameters with keys ``params_pi``, ``params_t`` idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`tuple`) -- :math:`\left(\log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x}), \nabla_{\bf a} \log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x})\right)` """ try: params_pi = params['params_pi'] except (KeyError,TypeError): params_pi = None try: params_t = params['params_t'] except (KeyError,TypeError): # idxs_slice = slice(None) params_t = None # Compute tuple_grad_a_log_pullback if x.shape[1] != self.transport_map.dim_in: raise ValueError("dimension mismatch") # Init sub-cache if necessary pi_cache, t_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('pi',None), ('t',None)) ev = self.transport_map.evaluate(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) ldgx = self.transport_map.log_det_grad_x(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) ga_list = self.transport_map.grad_a(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) galdgx = self.transport_map.grad_a_log_det_grad_x( x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) lpdf, gxlpdf = self.base_distribution.tuple_grad_x_log_pdf( ev, params=params_pi, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=pi_cache) return ( self._evaluate_log_transport(lpdf, ldgx), self._evaluate_grad_a_log_pullback(gxlpdf, ga_list, galdgx) )
@cached([('pi',None),('t',None)], caching=False) @counted
[docs] def hess_a_log_pdf(self, x, params=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} \log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x})` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points params (dict): parameters with keys ``params_pi``, ``params_t`` idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]) -- values of :math:`\nabla^2_{\bf a} \log T^\sharp \pi` at the ``x`` points. """ try: params_pi = params['params_pi'] except (KeyError,TypeError): params_pi = None try: params_t = params['params_t'] except (KeyError,TypeError): # idxs_slice = slice(None) params_t = None # Compute hess_a_log_pullback if x.shape[1] != self.transport_map.dim_in: raise ValueError("dimension mismatch") if issubclass(type(self.base_distribution), ProductDistribution): from TransportMaps.Maps.Functionals import ProductDistributionParametricPullbackComponentFunction n = x.shape[0] hess_a_sum = np.zeros((n, self.transport_map.n_coeffs, self.transport_map.n_coeffs)) # currently not using parallel implementation (batch_size_list, mpi_pool_list) # currently using params_t and params_pi assuming None start_j = 0 for i, (a, avars) in enumerate(zip(self.transport_map.approx_list, self.transport_map.active_vars)): pi_i = self.base_distribution.get_component([i]) pS_i = ProductDistributionParametricPullbackComponentFunction(a, pi_i) stop_j = start_j + a.n_coeffs hess_a_sum[np.ix_(range(n), range(start_j, stop_j), range(start_j, stop_j))] += pS_i.hess_a( x[:, avars])[:, 0, :, :] start_j = stop_j return hess_a_sum else: # Init sub-cache if necessary pi_cache, t_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('pi', None), ('t', None)) xval = self.transport_map.evaluate(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) grad_list = self.transport_map.grad_a(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) # List of d (n x m) arrays hess_list = self.transport_map.hess_a(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) # List of d (n x m x m) arrays dxlogpull = self.base_distribution.grad_x_log_pdf( xval, params=params_pi, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=pi_cache) # (n x d) array dx2logpull = self.base_distribution.hess_x_log_pdf( xval, params=params_pi, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=pi_cache) # (n x d x d) array out = np.empty((x.shape[0], self.transport_map.n_coeffs, self.transport_map.n_coeffs)) # Initialized by first addend # First addend start_j = 0 for j in range(self.transport_map.dim_out): g = grad_list[j] stop_j = start_j + g.shape[1] start_k = 0 for k in range(self.transport_map.dim_out): h = grad_list[k] stop_k = start_k + h.shape[1] tmp = dx2logpull[:, j, k, nax] * g out[:, start_j:stop_j, start_k:stop_k] = tmp[:, :, nax] * h[:, nax, :] start_k = stop_k start_j = stop_j # Second addend start = 0 for k, hess in enumerate(hess_list): stop = start + hess.shape[1] out[:, start:stop, start:stop] += dxlogpull[:, k, nax, nax] * hess start = stop # Add Hessian of the log determinant term out += self.transport_map.hess_a_log_det_grad_x( x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) return out
@cached([('pi',None),('t',None)], caching=False) @counted
[docs] def action_hess_a_log_pdf(self, x, da, params=None, idxs_slice=slice(None), cache=None): r""" Evaluate :math:`\langle\nabla^2_{\bf a} \log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x}), \delta{\bf a}\rangle` Args: x (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m,d`]): evaluation points da (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`N`]): direction on which to evaluate the Hessian params (dict): parameters with keys ``params_pi``, ``params_t`` idxs_slice (slice): if precomputed values are present, this parameter indicates at which of the points to evaluate. The number of indices represented by ``idxs_slice`` must match ``x.shape[0]``. cache (dict): cache Returns: (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>` [:math:`m`]) -- values of :math:`\langle\nabla^2_{\bf a} \log T^\sharp \pi({\bf x}), \delta{\bf a}\rangle` at the ``x`` points. """ try: params_pi = params['params_pi'] except (KeyError,TypeError): params_pi = None try: params_t = params['params_t'] except (KeyError,TypeError): # idxs_slice = slice(None) params_t = None # Compute action_hess_a_log_pullback if x.shape[1] != self.transport_map.dim_in: raise ValueError("dimension mismatch") # Init sub-cache if necessary pi_cache, t_cache = get_sub_cache(cache, ('pi', None), ('t', None)) m = x.shape[0] xval = self.transport_map.evaluate(x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) # First addend grad_list = self.transport_map.grad_a( x, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) # List of d (m x n) arrays dx = np.zeros((m, self.transport_map.dim_out)) start = 0 for j, g in enumerate(grad_list): stop = start + g.shape[1] dx[:, j] =, da[start:stop]) start = stop ahxlpdf = self.base_distribution.action_hess_x_log_pdf( xval, dx, params=params_pi, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=pi_cache) # m x d A = np.zeros((m, self.transport_map.n_coeffs)) # m x N start = 0 for j, g in enumerate(grad_list): stop = start + g.shape[1] A[:, start:stop] = g * ahxlpdf[:, [j]] start = stop # Second addend action_hess_list = self.transport_map.action_hess_a( x, da, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) # list d (m x n) dxlogpull = self.base_distribution.grad_x_log_pdf( xval, params=params_pi, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=pi_cache) # (m x d) array B = np.zeros((m, self.transport_map.n_coeffs)) start = 0 for j, ah in enumerate(action_hess_list): stop = start + ah.shape[1] B[:, start:stop] = dxlogpull[:, [j]] * ah start = stop # Add Hessian of the log determinant term C = self.transport_map.action_hess_a_log_det_grad_x( x, da, precomp=params_t, idxs_slice=idxs_slice, cache=t_cache) return A + B + C