Source code for TransportMaps.Distributions.Examples.Timoshenko.TimoshenkoProblems

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with TransportMaps.  If not, see <>.
# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Author: Transport Map Team
# Website:
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import numpy as np

from ....Misc import required_kwargs
from ....External import DOLFIN_SUPPORT
from .... import DOLFIN as TMDOL

    import dolfin as dol
    import dolfin_adjoint as doladj
    if dol.__version__ == '2017.2.0':
        import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
        from petsc4py import PETSc

__all__ = [
    # Solvers


[docs]class TimoshenkoSolver(TMDOL.Solver): @required_kwargs('VEFS', 'UEFS', 'AUXFS', 'bcs')
[docs] def set_up(self, **kwargs): self.bcs = kwargs.pop('bcs') self.UEFS = kwargs.pop('UEFS') self.AUXFS = kwargs.pop('AUXFS') self.A = self.thickness * self.width self.I = self.width * self.thickness**3. / 12. super(TimoshenkoSolver, self).set_up(**kwargs) # Set up dirac dela self.nrm_dirac = dol.assemble( dol.Expression( "exp(-.5 * pow(x[0]-L,2) / pow(eps,2))", pi=np.pi, eps=1e-4, L=self.length, element=self.VEFS.sub(0).ufl_element() ) * dol.project(dol.Constant(1.), self.UEFS) * dol.dx ) self.dirac = dol.Expression( "1./nrm * exp(-.5 * pow(x[0]-L,2) / pow(eps,2))", nrm=self.nrm_dirac, pi=np.pi, eps=1e-4, L=self.length, element=self.VEFS.sub(0).ufl_element() )
[docs] def new_function(self, FS): return dol.Function(FS)
[docs] def project(self, f, FS): return dol.project(f, FS)
[docs] def dof_to_fun(self, x): ndofs = len(x) # Load dofs into function in auxiliary FS fun = self.new_function(self.AUXFS) if dol.__version__ == '2017.2.0': fun.vector().set_local(x, np.arange(ndofs, dtype=np.intc)) else: fun.vector().set_local(x) fun.vector().apply('insert') return fun
[docs] def solve(self, E): r""" Args: E (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): spatially varying Young's modulus (GPa) """ E = self.dof_to_fun(E) # Other params A = dol.Constant(self.A) I = dol.Constant(self.I) kappa = dol.Constant(self.kappa) r = dol.Constant(2 * (1+self.poisson)) # G = E/(2*(1+nu)) giga = dol.Constant(1e9) # Point load (at the end) q = dol.Constant(self.q) # Test and trial functions u_ = dol.TestFunction(self.VEFS) ub = dol.TrialFunction(self.VEFS) (w_, phi_) = dol.split(u_) (wb, phib) = dol.split(ub) # Define variational problem a = giga*E * I * dol.inner(dol.grad(phi_), dol.grad(phib)) * dol.dx + \ kappa * A * (giga*E / r) *[0]-phi_, dol.grad(wb)[0]-phib) * dol.dx L = q * self.dirac * w_ * dol.dx # Solve u = dol.Function(self.VEFS) dol.solve(a == L, u, self.bcs) w,_ = dol.split(u) return w
[docs]class AdjointTimoshenkoSolver(TimoshenkoSolver): r""" .. math:: J(u) = \sum_{i=1}^{n_\text{obs}} w_i \left( y_i - \int u s_i dx \right)^2 """
[docs] _serializable = [ '_sens_pos_list', '_sens_geo_eps', '_obs_list', '_weights_list', ]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AdjointTimoshenkoSolver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._sens_pos_list = None self._sens_geo_eps = None self._obs_list = None self._weights_list = None self._sensors_list = None
[docs] def set_up(self, **kwargs): super(AdjointTimoshenkoSolver, self).set_up(**kwargs) # Set up diract delta self.dirac = doladj.Expression( "1./nrm * exp(-.5 * pow(x[0]-L,2) / pow(eps,2))", nrm=self.nrm_dirac, pi=np.pi, eps=1e-4, L=self.length, element=self.VEFS.sub(0).ufl_element() )
[docs] def set_sensors_list(self, sens_pos_list, sens_geo_eps): self._sens_pos_list = sens_pos_list self._sens_geo_eps = sens_geo_eps if self._sens_pos_list is not None and self._sens_geo_eps is not None: nrm_list = [ dol.assemble( doladj.Expression( 'exp(-.5 * pow(p-x[0],2) / pow(eps,2))', pi=np.pi, p=p, eps=self._sens_geo_eps, element=self.AUXFS.ufl_element() ) * dol.project(dol.Constant(1.), self.AUXFS) * dol.dx ) for p in self._sens_pos_list ] sens_expr = '1./nrm * exp(-.5 * pow(p-x[0],2) / pow(eps,2))' self._sensors_list = [ doladj.Expression( sens_expr, nrm=nrm, pi=np.pi, p=p, eps=self._sens_geo_eps, element=self.AUXFS.ufl_element() ) for p, nrm in zip(self._sens_pos_list, nrm_list) ] else: self._sensors_list = None
[docs] def set_data(self, obs_list, sens_pos_list, sens_geo_eps, weights_list=None): if weights_list is None and obs_list is not None: weights_list = [1.] * len(obs_list) if obs_list is not None and sens_pos_list is not None and \ not (len(obs_list) == len(sens_pos_list) == len(weights_list)): raise ValueError( "Number of sensors, observations and weights must be the same." ) self.set_sensors_list(sens_pos_list, sens_geo_eps) self._obs_list = obs_list self._weights_list = weights_list if self._sensors_list is not None and self._obs_list is not None: self._set_up_reduced_functional() elif hasattr(self, 'Jhat'): delattr(self, 'Jhat')
[docs] def __getstate__(self): d = super(AdjointTimoshenkoSolver, self).__getstate__() d.update( (arg, getattr(self, arg)) for arg in AdjointTimoshenkoSolver._serializable ) return d
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): super(AdjointTimoshenkoSolver, self).__setstate__(state) self.set_up() self.set_data( self._obs_list, self._sens_pos_list, self._sens_geo_eps, self._weights_list )
[docs] def sensors_list(self): return self._sensors_list
[docs] def obs_list(self): return self._obs_list
[docs] def weights_list(self): return self._weights_list
[docs] def new_function(self, FS): return doladj.Function(FS)
[docs] def project(self, f, FS): return doladj.project(f, FS)
[docs] def _set_up_reduced_functional(self): r""" ``E`` is in GPa """ # Warm up setting E = self.dof_to_fun(200 * np.ones(self.nels+1)) # Set up controls contrE = doladj.Control(E) # Other parameters A = doladj.Constant(self.A) I = doladj.Constant(self.I) kappa = doladj.Constant(self.kappa) r = doladj.Constant(2 * (1+self.poisson)) # G = E/(2*(1+nu)) giga = doladj.Constant(1e9) q = doladj.Constant(self.q) # Test and trial functions u_ = dol.TestFunction(self.VEFS) ub = dol.TrialFunction(self.VEFS) (w_, phi_) = dol.split(u_) (wb, phib) = dol.split(ub) # Define variational problem a = giga*E * I * dol.inner(dol.grad(phi_), dol.grad(phib)) * dol.dx + \ kappa * A * (giga*E / r) *[0]-phi_, dol.grad(wb)[0]-phib) * dol.dx L = q * self.dirac * w_ * dol.dx # Solve u = doladj.Function(self.VEFS) doladj.solve(a == L, u, self.bcs) w,_ = dol.split(u) # Create objective J = doladj.AdjFloat(0.) for obs, sensor, weight in zip( self.obs_list, self.sensors_list, self.weights_list): # Evaluate sensor functional J += doladj.AdjFloat(weight) * ( doladj.AdjFloat(obs) - doladj.assemble(w * sensor * dol.dx) )**2 # Create reduced functional self.Jhat = doladj.ReducedFunctional(J, contrE)
[docs] def observe(self, E): r""" Args: E (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): spatially varying Young's modulus (GPa) Returns: observations though the sensors """ u = self.solve(E) out = np.zeros(len(self.sensors_list)) for i, sensor in enumerate(self.sensors_list): out[i] = dol.assemble(u * sensor * dol.dx) return out
[docs] def evaluate(self, E): r""" Args: E (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): spatially varying Young's modulus (GPa) """ E = self.dof_to_fun(E) return self.Jhat(E)
[docs] def grad_x(self, E): r""" Args: E (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): spatially varying Young's modulus (GPa) """ J, dJdE = self.tuple_grad_x(E) return dJdE
[docs] def tuple_grad_x(self, E): r""" Args: E (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): spatially varying Young's modulus (GPa) """ E = self.dof_to_fun(E) J = self.Jhat(E) dJdE = self.Jhat.derivative() return J, dJdE.vector().get_local()
[docs]class ClampedTimoshenkoProblem(AdjointTimoshenkoSolver):
[docs] _init_args = [ # Physical parameters 'q', 'thickness', 'width', 'length', 'kappa', 'poisson', # Discretization parameters 'nels' ]
@required_kwargs(*_init_args) def __init__(self, **kwargs): r""" Kwargs: q (:class:`ndarray<numpy.ndarray>`): spatially distributed load thickness (float): thickness of the beam width (float): width of the beam length (float): length of the beam kappa (float): Timoshenko shear adjustment coefficient nels (int): number of elements """ vars(self).update(kwargs) super(ClampedTimoshenkoProblem, self).__init__()
[docs] def __getstate__(self): state = super(ClampedTimoshenkoProblem, self).__getstate__() state.update( (arg, getattr(self, arg)) for arg in ClampedTimoshenkoProblem._init_args ) return state
[docs] def set_up(self): # Set up mesh and function spaces self.mesh = dol.IntervalMesh(self.scomm, self.nels, 0, self.length) self.UE = dol.FiniteElement("CG", self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 2) UEFS = dol.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.UE) self.PE = dol.FiniteElement("CG", self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) VEFS = dol.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.UE * self.PE) self.coord = VEFS.tabulate_dof_coordinates().flatten() self.ndofs = self.coord.shape[0] # Create function space where to define input functionals AUXFS = dol.FunctionSpace( self.mesh, dol.FiniteElement("CG", self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 1) ) self.aux_coord = AUXFS.tabulate_dof_coordinates().flatten() self.aux_ndofs = self.aux_coord.shape[0] # Set boundary conditions bcs = [ doladj.DirichletBC( VEFS.sub(0), dol.Constant(0.), lambda x: dol.near(x[0], 0)), doladj.DirichletBC( VEFS.sub(1), dol.Constant(0.), lambda x: dol.near(x[0], 0)) ] # Set up super classes super(ClampedTimoshenkoProblem, self).set_up( VEFS=VEFS, UEFS=UEFS, AUXFS=AUXFS, bcs=bcs)