Source code for TransportMaps.Distributions.Examples.Lorenz63.Lorenz63Distributions

# This file is part of TransportMaps.
# TransportMaps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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# TransportMaps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# Transport Maps Library
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# Uncertainty Quantification group
# Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
# Authors: Transport Map Team
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import numpy as np
from TransportMaps.Maps.ODEs import AutonomousForwardEulerMap

from TransportMaps.Misc import counted
from TransportMaps.Distributions.Decomposable.SequentialInferenceDistributions import \
    AR1TransitionDistribution, \
from TransportMaps.Maps import \
    Map, \

from TransportMaps.Likelihoods.LikelihoodBase import AdditiveLogLikelihood

__all__ = [

[docs]class Lorenz63DynamicsMap(Map): r""" Defines the evolution of the dynamics. Evaluates the right hand side of the Lorenz-63 system: .. math:: \begin{cases} \dot{x} = \sigma ( y - x ) & \\ \dot{y} = x (\rho - z) - y & \\ \dot{z} = xy - \beta z & \end{cases} .. document private functions .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__( self, sigma = 10., beta = 8./3., rho = 28. ): r""" Args: sigma (foat): :math:`\sigma` beta(foat): :math:`\beta` rho (foat): :math:`\rho` """ self._sigma = sigma self._beta = beta self._rho = rho super(Lorenz63DynamicsMap, self).__init__( dim_in = 3, dim_out = 3, )
[docs] def sigma(self): return self._sigma
[docs] def beta(self): return self._beta
[docs] def rho(self): return self._rho
[docs] def _extract_state(u): return (u[:,0], u[:,1], u[:,2])
[docs] def evaluate( self, u, *args, **kwargs ): x, y, z = Lorenz63DynamicsMap._extract_state( u ) out = np.zeros( (u.shape[0], self.dim_out) ) out[:,0] = self._sigma * (y - x) out[:,1] = x * (self._rho - z) - y out[:,2] = x * y - self._beta * z return out
[docs] def grad_x( self, u, *args, **kwargs ): x, y, z = Lorenz63DynamicsMap._extract_state( u ) out = np.zeros( (u.shape[0], self.dim_out, self.dim_in) ) # \dot{x} = \sigma ( y - x ) out[:,0,0] = -self._sigma out[:,0,1] = self._sigma # \dot{y} = x (\rho - z) - y rmz = self._rho - z out[:,1,0] = rmz out[:,1,1] = - 1. out[:,1,2] = - x # \dot{z} = xy - \beta z out[:,2,0] = y out[:,2,1] = x out[:,2,2] = - self._beta return out
[docs] def hess_x( self, u, *args, **kwargs ): x, y, z = Lorenz63DynamicsMap._extract_state( u ) out = np.zeros( ( u.shape[0], self.dim_out, self.dim_in, self.dim_in) ) # \dot{x} = \sigma ( y - x ) [all zeros] # \dot{y} = x (\rho - z) - y out[:,1,0,2] = - 1. out[:,1,2,0] = - 1. # \dot{z} = xy - \beta z out[:,2,0,1] = 1. out[:,2,1,0] = 1. return out
[docs] def action_hess_x( self, u, du, *args, **kwargs ): x, y, z = Lorenz63DynamicsMap._extract_state( u ) dx, dy, dz = Lorenz63DynamicsMap._extract_state( du ) out = np.zeros( ( u.shape[0], self.dim_out, self.dim_in) ) # \dot{x} = \sigma ( y - x ) [all zeros] # \dot{y} = x (\rho - z) - y out[:,1,0] = - dz out[:,1,2] = - dx # \dot{z} = xy - \beta z out[:,2,0] = dy out[:,2,1] = dx return out
[docs]class Lorenz63ForwardEulerMap( AutonomousForwardEulerMap ): r""" Defines the evolution of the Lorenz-63 dynamics for one forward Euler step. Evaluates the Euler step of the Lorenz-63 system: .. math:: \begin{cases} x_{n+1} = x_n + \Delta t \cdot \sigma ( y_n - x_n ) & \\ y_{n+1} = y_n + \Delta t \cdot x_n (\rho - z_n) - y_n & \\ z_{n+1} = z_n + \Delta t \cdot x_n y_n - \beta z_n & \end{cases} .. document private functions .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__( self, dt, sigma = 10., beta = 8./3., rho = 28. ): r""" Args: dt (float): step size :math:`\Delta t` sigma (foat): :math:`\sigma` beta(foat): :math:`\beta` rho (foat): :math:`\rho` """ super(Lorenz63ForwardEulerMap, self).__init__( dt, Lorenz63DynamicsMap(sigma, beta, rho) )
[docs] def sigma(self): return self._rhs.sigma
[docs] def beta(self): return self._rhs.beta
[docs] def rho(self): return self._rhs.rho
[docs]class Lorenz63MultipleStepsForwardEulerMap( ListCompositeMap ): r""" Defines the evolution of the dynamics for :math:`n` forward Euler steps. Evaluates :math:`n` times the Euler step of the Lorenz-63 system: .. math:: \begin{array}{c} x_{k} \\ y_{k} \\ z_{k} \end{array} \mapsto \begin{array}{c} x_k + \Delta t \cdot \sigma ( y_k - x_k ) \\ y_k + \Delta t \cdot x_k (\rho - z_k) - y_k \\ z_k + \Delta t \cdot x_k y_k - \beta z_k \end{array} .. document private functions .. automethod:: __init__ """
[docs] def __init__( self, n, dt, sigma = 10., beta = 8./3., rho = 28. ): r""" Args: n (int): number :math:`n` of Euler steps. dt (float): step size :math:`\Delta t` sigma (foat): :math:`\sigma` beta(foat): :math:`\beta` rho (foat): :math:`\rho` """ self._l63femap = Lorenz63ForwardEulerMap( dt, sigma=sigma, beta=beta, rho=rho) super(Lorenz63MultipleStepsForwardEulerMap, self).__init__( [self._l63femap] * n)
[docs] def n(self): return self.n_maps
[docs] def dt(self): return self._l63femap.dt
[docs] def sigma(self): return self._l63femap.sigma
[docs] def beta(self): return self._l63femap.beta
[docs] def rho(self): return self._l63femap.rho
[docs]class Lorenz63ForwardEulerDistribution( SequentialHiddenMarkovChainDistribution ): r""" Defines the Hidden Markov Chain distribution defined by the Lorenz-63 dynamics. For :math:`{\bf u} = [x, y, z]^\top` and the index sets :math:`\Lambda={in : i=0,\ldots}` and :math:`\Xi \subset \Lambda` the model is defined by .. math:: \begin{cases} {\bf u}_{k+n} = g({\bf u}_k) + \varepsilon_{\text{dyn}} & \text{for } k \in \Lambda \\ {\bf y}_{k+n} &= h({\bf u}_{k+n}) + \varepsilon_{\text{noise}} & \text{for } k+n \in \Xi \;, \end{cases} where :math:`g:{\bf u}_k \mapsto {\bf u}_{k+n}` is the map corresponding to :math:`n` Euler steps of the discretized dynamics with time step :math:`\Delta t`, :math:`h` is the observation operator, :math:`\varepsilon_{\text{dyn}} \sim \pi_{\text{dyn}}` is the dynamics noise, :math:`\varepsilon_{\text{noise}} \sim \pi_{\text{noise}}` is the observational noise and the initial conditions :math:`{\bf u}_0` are distributed according to :math:`\pi_{\text{init}}`. """ def __init__( self, # Lorenz parameters n, dt, sigma, beta, rho, # Initial conditions pi_init, # Transitions pi_dyn, # Observations obs_map, pi_noise, ): r""" Args: n (int): number :math:`n` of Euler steps defining the map :math:`g` dt (float): step size :math:`\Delta t` sigma (foat): :math:`\sigma` beta(foat): :math:`\beta` rho (foat): :math:`\rho` pi_init (:class:`Distribution<TransportMaps.Distributions.Distribution>`): distribution :math:`\pi_{\text{init}}` of the initial conditions pi_dyn (:class:`Distribution<TransportMaps.Distributions.Distribution>`): distribution :math:`\pi_{\text{dyn}}` of the dynamics noise obs_map (:class:`Map<TransportMaps.Maps.Map>`): observation operator :math:`h` pi_noise (:class:`Distribution<TransportMaps.Distributions.Distribution>`): distribution :math:`\pi_{\text{noise}}` of the observations noise """ # Set up the transition distribution self._l63map = Lorenz63MultipleStepsForwardEulerMap( n=n, dt=dt, sigma=sigma, beta=beta, rho=rho) self._pi_dyn = pi_dyn self._pi_trans = AR1TransitionDistribution( self._pi_dyn, self._l63map) # Set up the distribution of the initial conditions self._pi_init = pi_init # Set up the components of the likelihoods self._obs_map = obs_map self._pi_noise = pi_noise # Tracking time and states (optional) self._t = [] self._xs = [] # Call constructor super(Lorenz63ForwardEulerDistribution, self).__init__([], []) @property
[docs] def n(self): return self._l63map.n
[docs] def dt(self): return self._l63map.dt
[docs] def sigma(self): return self._l63map.sigma
[docs] def beta(self): return self._l63map.beta
[docs] def rho(self): return self._l63map.rho
[docs] def t(self): return self._t
[docs] def t_obs(self): return [ t for t, ll in zip(self.t, self.ll_list) if ll is not None ]
[docs] def xs(self): return self._xs
[docs] def ys(self): return [ ll.y for ll in self.ll_list if ll is not None ]
[docs] def step(self, y, x=None): r""" Add a step to the hidden Markov Chain. Args: y: observation. ``None`` if missing. x: state if known (for diagnostic) """ if self.nsteps == 0: pin = self._pi_init else: pin = self._pi_trans if y is not None: ll = AdditiveLogLikelihood( y, self._pi_noise, self._obs_map) else: ll = None # Update time and (optional) state self._t.append( self._t[-1] + self.n * self.dt if self.nsteps > 0 else 0. ) self._xs.append( x ) # Append self.append( pin, ll )