Source code for TransportMaps.Algorithms.SparsityIdentification.GeneralizedPrecision

'''This file computes the gradient with respect to map coefficients of the
hessian of the log target pdf. It also computes the variance of the generalized
precision matrix omega.'''
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['gen_precision','grad_a_omega','var_omega']

nax = np.newaxis
[docs]def gen_precision(pb_dist, data): # compute omega (expectation over samples) hess_samps = pb_dist.hess_x_log_pdf(data) gen_prec = np.mean(np.abs(hess_samps), axis=0) return gen_prec
[docs]def grad_a_omega(pb_dist, data): # compute gradient of generalized precision with respect to map coefficients grad_omega = pb_dist.grad_a_hess_x_log_pdf(data) # note: case where gradient of abs val isn't defined is not accounted for here omega_jac = np.mean(np.multiply(grad_omega, np.sign(grad_omega)), axis=0) return omega_jac
[docs]def var_omega(pb_dist, data): # compute gradient of generalized precision n = data.shape[0] dim = pb_dist.transport_map.dim omega_CI_jac = grad_a_omega(pb_dist, data) # compute Fisher information matrix to get variance of coefficients fisher_info_samps = pb_dist.hess_a_log_pdf(data) fisher_info = - np.mean(fisher_info_samps,axis=0) var_a = 1/n * np.linalg.inv(fisher_info) # compute variance of emtries in generalized precision var_omega = np.zeros([dim, dim]) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): temp =,omega_CI_jac[:,i,j]) var_omega[i,j] =[:,i,j].T,temp) return var_omega